Bug 63640
Opened 24 years ago
Closed 23 years ago
Mouse cursor are not working under BeOS
(Core :: XUL, defect, P2)
(Reporter: ykoehler, Assigned: beos)
(1 file, 13 obsolete files)
27.59 KB,
Details | Diff | Splinter Review |
need to implement nsWindow::SetCursor. Should be fairly easy. Logging a bug to remind.
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Updated•24 years ago
Priority: -- → P5
Looks like there are only two, B_HAND_CURSOR (B_CURSOR_SYSTEM_DEFAULT) and
I guess any other cursors will have to be drawn by hand...?
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Comment 3•24 years ago
There is a other, I had implemented it some time ago... I will check it back
but I know there's more than the I BEAM. Check the header files.
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Comment 4•24 years ago
the patch is also wrong, it should keep the switch structure not put it in
comment. Also the lock/unlock should be done after the switch. A bool should
be used to see if the cursor changed and if so then call lock/setcursor/unlock.
The switch was commented out because I didn't want to bother setting all of
those entries to SYSTEM_DEFAULT. I checked the header files and all I saw was
SYSTEM_DEFAULT & I_BEAM. I checked BeBook and it only had those listed as well.
There's another variation in the attachment to bug 65246.
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Comment 8•24 years ago
Comment 9•24 years ago
Comment 10•24 years ago
thanks for nice cursors!!
But the 22638 patch forgot to set the mCursor.
So sometimes cursor was not changed to default.
Other changes from 22638 might be a problem of a taste.
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Comment 11•24 years ago
True, I'm not an artist and not aspiring to become one. That patch is not in
the tree yet, if you have better cursor please do send them. I'll fix the
thing you're mentioning.
And don't forget that 16x16 one color is Small...
Comment 12•24 years ago
I'm sorry Yannick.
I'm afraid of that my poor expression cause a misunderstanding...
Nice cursors, it's not sarcasm.
Main change of 22638 is the following additional line only.
>mCursor = aCursor;
But there are other changes in 22638.
I change BCursor constructions style from
>static const BCursor *B_CURSOR_HYPERLINK = new BCursor(cursorHyperlink);
>#define B_CURSOR_HYPERLINK &bCursorHyperlink
>static const BCursor bCursorHyperlink(cursorHyperlink);
But I dont't know which style is better.
This is the point I wanted to mean with the word 'taste'.
It never mean the problem of design.
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Comment 13•24 years ago
Ha ;-) Well you still have the right to dislike my pointer ;-)
I think your way is better as I don't have to do if(...) {}
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Comment 14•24 years ago
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Comment 15•24 years ago
Marking as resolved. patch commited. missing cursor would be treated in other
bug if they are needed. All essentials cursors implemented
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment 16•24 years ago
This checkin has stopped the app from working for me. Still trying to track
down why.
Severity: enhancement → blocker
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Comment 17•24 years ago
I heard that BApplication should be initialized before
the excution of BCursor's constructor.
(I heard this from toyoshima..)
In current patch, cursors are created like this.
>static const BCursor bCursorAlias(cursorAlias);
So, the BCursor's constructor will be executed before
initialization of BApplication.
Isn't it the cause of error?
Comment 18•24 years ago
That sounds like it. For now, I've backed out the changes to nsWindow.cpp and you guys can hash out the proper method for fixing this problem.
Severity: blocker → critical
Priority: P5 → P2
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Comment 19•24 years ago
Does it crash or just doesn't start?
To my memory when I had created the cursor before the BApp it actually crash...
That's also why I had put them in the function in the first place. Will change
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Comment 20•24 years ago
Is this last patch ok?
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Comment 21•24 years ago
Comment 22•24 years ago
Before it was just crashing and printing 'Kill thread' in the terminal window.
With the latest patch (attach 23130), it crashes and brings up the debugger.
Here's the trace:
loading symbols
You need a valid BApplication object before interacting with the app_server
+0007 ec084853: * c3 retn
frame retaddr
fcfff194 ec16256d _BAppServerLink_::_BAppServerLink_(void) + 0000005d
fcfff1a8 ec163640 BCursor::BCursor(void const *) + 00000048
fcfff1c4 ec901081 global constructors keyed to nsWindow::nsWindow(void) +
fcfff1d8 ec907b66 __do_global_ctors_aux + 00000026
fcfff1e8 ec8ee341 ._init + 0000001c
fcfff1f4 ec083eae call_routine_in_order + 0000012e
fd00065c ec083feb load_add_on + 000000eb
fd000ab0 ed96698a #File text + 0000e98a
fd001320 ed96684a #File text + 0000e84a
fd001334 ed966882 #File text + 0000e882
fd00135c ed905b80 nsDll::Load(void) + 000000c0
fd001384 ed8fe56c nsNativeComponentLoader::GetFactory(nsID const &, char
const *, char const *, nsIFactory **) + 000000d4
fd0017b4 ed8fb243 nsComponentManagerImpl::FindFactory(nsID const &,
nsIFactory **) + 000000f3
fd001800 ed8fb601 nsComponentManagerImpl::CreateInstance(nsID const &,
nsISupports *, nsID const &, void **) + 00000061
fd001828 ed902ee9 nsComponentManager::CreateInstance(nsID const &,
nsISupports *, nsID const &, void **) + 00000045
fd00184c edb06309 nsAppShellService::Initialize(nsICmdLineService *,
nsISupports *) + 000001a5
fd0018b0 8000916a main1(int, char **, nsISupports *) + 00000792
fd001a08 8000991b main + 0000011b
fd001a34 80006695 _start + 00000061
Comment 23•24 years ago
I suggest the move of implementation of BApplication.
It's required by splash window too.
(please see )
With this patch, 23130 seem to work certainly.
The trace of chris say we should create BApplication instance
previous to constructors of BCursor.
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Comment 24•24 years ago
I still don't get it... If it was the case I would have get the same crash on
my machine... how can the BApplication be created in different order based on 2
nsAppShell is the first thing to get created (disregard splash screen)... why
is it that it fail...
Comment 25•24 years ago
maybe you shold provide revised version of nsBeOSCursors.h ?
It seems that your revised nsWindows.cpp has local BCursor's but
also current nsBeOSCursors.h has its own definition of global BCursor's .
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Comment 26•24 years ago
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Comment 27•24 years ago
Can you retry with attachment 23130 [details] [diff] [review] and 23239.
Comment 28•24 years ago
Ok, the changes from 23130 & 23239 work for me. Nice cursors. ;-)
Assignee | ||
Comment 29•24 years ago
I have created a new patch for this bug. There were some comments about some of
the cursors by the BeOS community
and I thought this would be an easy project for me to start with. But, instead
of just chaning the icons, I also animated
the spinning cursor icon I created. The code I wrote to do this should really
be reviewed, as this is the first work that I have
done for mozilla. I attached the AnimateBeOSCursor class I created to nsWindow,
but it seems that multiple nsWindows are
created for one "physical" BWindow. From what I can tell, the nsWindow
represents both BWindows and BViews. So, for each
window/view, it is possible that a spinningCursor thread may be started, even if
it is not active very long. The thread remains
until the nsWindow object is deleted. There is probably a better way to
implement this, I just did not see it at my first look at
the code. Though, this implementation is better than me trying to attach the
AnimateBeOSCursor object to the nsViewBeOS!
Anyway, that patch is below. It is a zip file containing the patch to nsWindow,
a new nsBeOSCursors.h, and a new class,
Also, if you email me about this, I might not get back to you right away, as I'm
going away for a week.
Assignee | ||
Comment 30•24 years ago
Comment 31•24 years ago
Comment 32•24 years ago
Timeless asked me to attach that image, I guess as a reference to how custom
cursors look on a platform with a similar visual cursor style?
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Comment 33•24 years ago
No more working on Bezilla
Assignee: koehler → nobody
Assignee | ||
Comment 34•24 years ago
The cursors I submitted are close to those on the mac. The main difference is
that the default beos cursor
is a hand, where on a mac it is an arrow. So, from the picture posted, the only
cursor that I don't have something
"beos" like for is 146, which I'm guessing is to indicate a drop down list
(eCursor_context_menu), which I will add and
update the patche for. Also, I don't see a difference between 142 and 147. I
will also make an eCursor_grab cursor,
which will be an open hand, while I already have an eCursor_grabbing, but I
think I'm currently rendering as the
eCursor_grab. I'll fix that also.
On another note, someone mentioned putting the cursors into a resource file.
There currently is a resource file, but
it is also changed in another patch that has not been submitted yet. Also,
that patch registers mozilla as a bappl.ication
at a different point in the startup process, IIRC, to be able to get to the
resources in the file. If this is true, I don't want to
move the cursors to the resource file, until that patch is comitted. If I'm
wrong on this, let me know.
Comment 35•24 years ago
146 is needed for mac because macs have one button so people press a key
(option?) which changes the behavior of clicking (popup menu). Given BeOS
doesn't really behave like this i don't think it's necessary.
Yannick decided to use .h instead of a resource file because it allows for
cvsblame. Unless there's a real need to use a resource file I think I like the
benefits of cvsblame.
Thanks for volunteering to work on this.
Assignee: nobody → arougthopher
Assignee | ||
Comment 36•24 years ago
Comment 37•24 years ago
some quick comments:
please use |if {| consistently (you have at least one instance of |if(|).
please don't use tabs in code files (I think 2 spaces is correct, not sure...
-- see modeline at top of file).
generally, if (cond) return ...; should be split across two lines to aid
+// commented code doesn't make sense.
probably use one of
+#if 0
+#ifdef DEBUG_baron
(whatever whoami returns)
live code+=which-wont*get/executed;
for the final patch, don't #include <stdio.h> or fprintf...
this just doesn't look right
if (&view && view->LockLooper())
bool is a native type, the correct values are true and false. please be
consistent when using non NSPR types.
this looks like a for loop
int32 i = 0;
while( i < qty )
contributed code should reference MPL not NPL. The fact that Yannick or someone
else was careless when they wrote other pieces of the BeZilla code doesn't
justify perpetuating the problem.
Keywords: patch
Assignee | ||
Comment 38•24 years ago
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Comment 39•24 years ago
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Comment 40•23 years ago
Same icons in previous patch, just no animation. The animation code created
multiple threads, and could use some work, so it's been removed.
I need an r= on this to get it into the tree and closed.
Comment 41•23 years ago
Your patch removes the triple license in nsBeOSCursors.h. Any reason?
Assignee | ||
Comment 42•23 years ago
Oops, sorry about that. I had just saved the file from before, and ran the diff
against that. I would definitely put the new triple license in. If need be, I
can do this, and post a new patch.
Assignee | ||
Comment 43•23 years ago
This is a non-animate cursor patch. Thought the novelty of an animated
spinninig cursor is nice, it used native beos threads, with a new thread
created for every view, which was not ideal. This just gives mozilla under
BeOS the different cursors it needs. I left the extra cursor definitions used
for the spinning cursor in the nsBeOSCursors.h file, for possible future use.
Attachment #58295 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Assignee | ||
Comment 45•23 years ago
Can I get an r= on this? Or, do I not need one, since this is BeOS specific?
Attachment #21975 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #22638 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #22875 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #23075 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #23130 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #23239 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #40590 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #40598 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #42681 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #43328 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #45341 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #61034 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Assignee | ||
Comment 46•23 years ago
Adding Daniel to CC list, since he will be working on the widget code.
Comment 47•23 years ago
The last patch looks good, let's get it checked in.
Assignee | ||
Comment 48•23 years ago
The last patch has been checked in.
Closed: 24 years ago → 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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