Closed Bug 63846 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

input type=image doesn't submit form (PowerPC, Macintosh)


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: stephend, Assigned: mikepinkerton)




(Keywords: helpwanted, Whiteboard: LinuxPPC and MacOS)

I'm sure there's a bug on this somewhere, but I couldn't find the exact one, so I filed. If you type text into any textarea and click on the submit button in the Search, you can't perform any ACTION and nothing gets submitted. This happens strictly on Mac, 2000122708.
I don't see this on win2k at all and I don't have a mac to test with, reassigning to the default owner of form submission, who also happens to have a mac to test on :-)
Assignee: jst → rods
Component: HTML Form Controls → Form Submission
QA Contact: bsharma → vladimire
Hmm, this was supposed to go to pollmann, reassigning. (Rod, if you have a mac feel free to take this back if you wanna look into it)
Assignee: rods → pollmann
Image submit buttons aren't working with 2000122805 Mac trunk build on Mac OS 9.0.4. Example: resource:///res/samples/test8.html Click on raptor submit button. Should submit the form, but nothing happens.
I confirm this, in my current tip builds, image-based form submission isn't working.
The last nightly build where image submit buttons worked was 2000-12-22-12. They don't work in 2000-12-26-08 Mac trunk builds and later builds up to and including 2001-01-02-09.
Keywords: mozilla0.8, nsbeta1
this blocks me from using the product.
Severity: major → blocker
Keywords: dogfood
*** Bug 64993 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 64127 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 65227 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I see the very same problem with the version Mozilla-0.7 that I built for my ppc-linux box, so I don't think it's a Mac-only thing (unless it's a very unlikely Mac-hardware-only thing). I _don't_ see it in the standard i386-linux version that I downloaded at home.
Actually, powerpc-only bugs are common. Usually they happen because of differences in the C/C++ implementation (e.g. char is unsigned by default; integer types are bigendian). These bugs would show up under MacOS and Linux on PPC hardware.
*** Bug 65306 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 64607 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 65339 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
this bug has not been getting any attention, and is a valid smoketest blocker (B.26).
Keywords: smoketest
sorry, did not notice that this is for image submit buttons only, so not technically a smoketest blocker.
suggest change of summary to "Cannot use image button to submit form on PowerPC".
OS: Mac System 9.x → All
Summary: Can't submit forms using Mac. → Can't submit forms using PowerPC (Macintosh)
Whiteboard: Linux PPC and MacOS
Updating summary to contain more keywords cuz this is a bitch to find in the queries.
Summary: Can't submit forms using PowerPC (Macintosh) → input type=image doesn't submit form PowerPC (Macintosh)
*** Bug 65495 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
According to and my opinion, this is not a blocker. It meets "Major" category right on the nose though. Anyone not agree?
removing smoketest keyword. not a smoketest blocker.
Keywords: smoketest
Keywords: helpwanted, qawanted
I disagree, a blocker is defined as blocking development and/or testing. Although it probably does not block much development, it certainly blocks me from testing some aspects of Mozilla.
I suggest adding the mostfreq keyword as this bug has many duplicates--all of the above plus bug 64113.
*** Bug 65645 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
jst - anyway you can take a whack at this or know someone who can? I know Eric's on vacation. This works fine on build 2000-12-22-12. The next build available for mac was 12-26-09, and it's broken there. I'll try to check bonsai for what broke this.
Here's the link to bonsai for all the "responsible" checkins: ranchtype=match&dir=&file=&filetype=match&who=&whotype=match&sortby=Date&hours=2 &date=explicit&mindate=12%2F22%2F2000&maxdate=12%2F26%2F00&cvsroot=%2Fcvsroot
stephend, this Eric is not on vacation (Eric Krock is on vacation) so IMO this bug is in the hands of the right person, pollmann, let me know if you want me to look at this one with you on your mac since I probably broke it in my huge content code checkin.
*** Bug 64113 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 65723 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
If this is a PPC-specific bug, maybe a LinuxPPC user could help find the offending code checkin by identifying which Linux builds worked between Dec 22 and Dec 26.
My guess is that there's some offending source code that the mac compiler doesn't like here and produces different code than other compilers and that causes the submit to fail. I doubt using gcc on LinuxPPC will reproduce this problem, but I could, of course, be wrong.
input type=image reportedly fails in NT and Linux if the image is not loaded and ALT text is displayed (bug 65747).
no one has mentioned that you CAN submit these problematic forms, as long as they happens to have exactly one text entry field ... using RETURN from said text entry field submits form as exepcted.
I pulled out older versions and rebuilt for linuxppc, hoping to find when the problem started, but I couldn't find a case where this bug didn't exist. I tried 22 Dec 2000 08:00 PST and 12 Dec 2000 08:00 PST and a couple in between. So if this bug didn't exist in the 22 Dec build for Mac, then the linuxppc version of the bug may be different. Does anyone know of a time when this worked for linuxppc (or am I the only person who's noticed this on linuxppc)?
It is truly unbelievable that this bug hasn't been fixed in almost a month... and just when the browser is actually becoming useable on a daily basis.
Why don't we have a smoketest for this?
This bug is the only thing preventing me from using Mozilla as my default browser. As long as this bug persists, I consider Mac Mozilla unusable.
Mozilla is my default browser, but I would like it to be my families default browser also. But it's hard to explain why they have to open another browser (maybe non-Netscape) to log into Netscape WebMail. Mozilla is great anyway, keep up the good work.
There are enough "advocacy" comments in this bug. Going forward can we please keep comments focused on the technical problem itself, possible solutions, etc. We have a voting mechanism for advocacy that doesn't spam and doesn't cloud the technical discussion that will hopefully lead to a fix. This bug has all the keywords it needs and it's assigned to the right person. If you'd like to discuss how this bug frustrates you, why it gives your grandmother migraines, how it plays into world hunger, why it will be the downfall of AOL or whatever, then take that to IRC please. Thank you.
bryner says he sees this on linux x86. it's not a ppc issue.
Hardware: Macintosh → All
Summary: input type=image doesn't submit form PowerPC (Macintosh) → input type=image doesn't submit form
Whiteboard: Linux PPC and MacOS
Just to clarify, I am able to submit the form on, but on, if I type in my ZIP code and click on the "Go" image next to the textfield, the form does not submit.
I tried building a debug version of Mozilla-0.7 on my YellowDogLinux (ppc) box. I find that the bug goes away for me if optimization is turned off. I'm using the version of gcc that came with my Linux installation (gcc-2.95.2). I just noticed the new report of a problem with the site: that problem still exists even with optimization off, but it could be a different version of the bug since it involves javascript stuff. (I think all the other references to this bug are plain image submit buttons.) should be a separate bug. (FWIW, the HTML there is bad enough that it *shouldn't* work, and it's likely to be a parser bug.) Other than that, this is PPC-only, so changing back to mac only since that's the closest indicator bugzilla has. If you can submit the forms on or on test8, then you don't see *this* bug.
Hardware: All → Macintosh
Summary: input type=image doesn't submit form → input type=image doesn't submit form (PowerPC, Macintosh)
Whiteboard: LinuxPPC and MacOS
in my 1/5 opt build from, this doesn't work. in my 1/19 tip debug build, this works and I can't find any problems! Maybe it's packaging? Maybe it's timing related?
the 1/19 optimized bits show this problem, yet as i said before, my debug build from later that afternoon doesn't.
it's an uninitalized variable. here's the patch: Index: mozilla/layout/html/forms/src/nsImageControlFrame.cpp =================================================================== RCS file: /m/pub/mozilla/layout/html/forms/src/nsImageControlFrame.cpp,v retrieving revision 3.59 diff -u -2 -r3.59 nsImageControlFrame.cpp --- nsImageControlFrame.cpp 2001/01/04 20:44:17 3.59 +++ nsImageControlFrame.cpp 2001/01/22 08:31:33 @@ -443,5 +443,5 @@ mFormFrame->GetContent(&formContent); - nsEventStatus status; + nsEventStatus status = nsEventStatus_eIgnore; nsEvent event; event.eventStructType = NS_EVENT;
Assignee: pollmann → pinkerton
fixed. *whew*
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified in 2001012204MTrunk. Great!
*** Bug 66211 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Thanks Mike, you rock! :) (Amazing Mac was the only one seeing problems...)
Keywords: qawanted
Component: HTML: Form Submission → DOM: Core & HTML
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