Closed Bug 64746 Opened 24 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Need editable directory names in file picker


(Core :: XUL, enhancement)

Not set





(Reporter: gtr, Unassigned)




(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.76 [en] (X11; U; SunOS 5.8 sun4u)
BuildID:    2000123121

The dialogues for loading and saving files have a text-entry box for the
file-name but only a pull-down menu for the directory name. I find this clunky
and extremely annoying: I frequently have to navigate "window-style up through
six or seven levels of directory and then down through as many levels to get
where I need to be. I'd much rather type in the directory name. It's
particularly painful in the file-load dialogues.  Here, I'd like to type in the
directory name, which I can usually remember, but not the file name, which I
usually forget; i.e. I'd like to quickly get a directory display and then pick a
file from the list. Yes, I know I can type the directory name with the file name
in the file-name box, but it's not quite the same thing.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Load any file!
jag: yours? and is this a dupe?
Keywords: qawanted
Whiteboard: DUPEME
This was already bugging me several times, too, so confirming.

This applies to Linux (any probably all UNIX systems), too, but unfortunately
there is no "all UNIX systems" in the OS selection.
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: qawanted
Summary: Need editable directory-names in file dialogue → Need editable directory names in file picker
Whiteboard: DUPEME
Chaning the qa contact on these bugs to me. MPT will be moving to the 
owner of this component shortly. I would like to thank him for all his hard 
work as he moves roles in, Yada, Yada...
QA Contact: mpt → zach
updating to new owner. sorry for the spam.
Assignee: hangas → mpt
add cc
*** Bug 94326 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 66199 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
As far as I can tell, this works:

1)  type in a path in the text box for file name
2)  hit enter or the "Open" button....

This is with linux build 2001-08-06-08
*** Bug 94326 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Changing to All/All since we have no general unix platform. This will also be
interesting for windows/mac.
OS: Solaris → All
Hardware: Sun → All
Back to where you came from. Sun Solaris or PC Linux are fine for general *nix. 
this bug applies to the xp filepicker which neither windows nor macos use.

Are you using a windowmanager unrelated to twm?
OS: All → Solaris
Hardware: All → Sun
A comment in this bug says that typing in the file picker
text box works as of linux build 2001-08-06-08.

Well, here in build 2001-12-21-08 it does NOT work.

Also, in sites with network filesystems, when you click on ".." to tree
up and down, if you hit a node like "/afs", mozilla hangs unkillable
until it successfully stats hosts around the world for all the /afs cells.

So for some of us, inability to set the text is a REAL NASTY BUG.

Could you please consider elevating this from an enhancement to a bug,
for those of us with distributed filesystem infrastructure?
William, what windowmanager are you using?  Standard Athena sawfish?

Yes, that's exactly right.  Totally vanilla Athena Sawfish.
Note also, that at home, on my Vanilla 7.1 system with Sawfish,
the ability to type into the URL picker became impaired with the
November Talkback release.  I wonder if that is related.

The impairment:  URL is highlit, but keyboard input is ignored.
If you click to unhighligh the URL, keyboard input works.

The file-picker behavior is different: No text change whatsoever is

Subtle config issue that might be relevant: At home I have all the completion
parameters set to OFF.  At Athena, I had the completely vanilla config enabled.
At home, in file pickers I do NOT get choices.  At Athena, I ONLY get choices.
Ok, so this is purely a UI issue.  There is no loss of functionality because you
can type a directory name in the file name box.  The hang on listing an AFS
directory is covered in bug 113785, unfortunately I don't think there's much we
can do about it (ls will hang as well).
Strictly speaking, yes this is a UI issue.
But much like a manhole in the street, it deserves a cover.
If you like I can have some folks here at MIT undertake a formal
usability test, but I expect the user thinks about the file picker like this:

Hmmm, change directory.
Well the filename is down there
The directory is up there
Hmmm I can't edit the directory
Oh look ".." changes the directory.
I'll go ".." up to "/"
Gee, why is Mozilla hung?

This is an EASY hole to fall into, and is neatly
covered if you can edit the directory.

I've asked folks more knowledgeable than I for suggestions
on remedies for the client.

It is strictly true that the same long pause happens in "ls".
But at that point, it's a pretty strong bet that actually stat'ing
all those files is what's intended, and ls is a program easily aborted.

I hear that Open AFS will soon evolve a filesystem-side remedy for this,
but that wont help SMB and NFS users.

What we can, and I think should do now, is make the directory field
directly editable for greater usability, and to put a fence around
the hole to limit the scope of the damage to users until the proper fix
makes its way through the filesystem community.
You can type the full path in the "filename" field, without the actual filename,
and press enter. This will take you to the correct directory, from where you
then can pick the file you want.

What seems to be needed is a better indication that (full) paths (but not
necessarily with filename) can be typed in the "filename" field.
It was an act of desperation on my part (and I have EXTENSIVE
experience) that caused me ever to try modifying the directory by
typing in the filename field.  I had no idea what it was going to do,
and was pleasantly surprised when "/tmp/" did the right thing.  My
expectation was that it would do any number of amalgamations of filename
and directory name.

I strongly suspect that formal usability testing will show that 
people will be extremely resistant to understanding that typing a directory
at the beginning of the filename will do the right thing.  The UI as currently
constructed gives LOTS of cues antagonistic to the understanding you want.

You may discover that making the directory field editable is the simplest
way to get users to do the right thing.  What sorts of additional indication
did you have in mind?
we'd love formal usability testing.

one note, the windows dialogs and even dos dialogs have pretty much always 
allowed this (tested:, workshop.exe), and i think for some reason 
advanced windows users know this, and basic users never run into a place where 
it matters.

Bryner: wrt the hang, can the directory lookups work on a thread so you could 
abort them?  something like that has to happen on windows because when i go 
into network neighborhood, i can leave it before the list finishes.

... back to the bug summary, there are advantages to an editable current 
directory.  I have directory structures like /home/timeless/mozilla/opt/js 
/home/timeless/comm/mozilla/opt/js /home/timeless/mozilla/js 
/home/timeless/comm/mozilla/js ... being able to manipulate the middle of the 
current directory path would actually be useful to me.  But i think my 
application is at least a bit unusual (although in unix there are lots of 
places where something like this applies, moving form /bin to /usr/bin, from 
/usr/bin to /usr/local/bin ... from ~foo/public_html to ~bar/public_html ...) 
so perhaps it isn't unusual.  usability studies are always welcome.
Attached image proposed UI (obsolete) —
The one problem I see with this UI is that the text in the textbox is always
left-aligned... it would be better if we could right-align it when it's longer
than the box width.
Fully functional, in case someone wants to test.  (Fixes a little problem we
had with the wait cursor as well.)
Boris: did you attach the correct image?
Oops.  Obviously I did not.  :)  This should be the correct one...
Attachment #65660 - Attachment is obsolete: true
The solution Boris supplied as a demonstration implementation is
PRECISELY the solution I had in mind.
Blocks: 123569
Keywords: patch, review
removing blocking of bug 123569.  That bug explicitly says that patches should 
apply to a recent tree to be and I know for a fact that this one does not (the 
code has moved around quite a bit).

Could we please just make a decision on this?

Reasons for needing an editable field at all:
1) Accessing AFS and other network filesystems that have a slow root dir (like
   multiple minutes slow)
2) Access to certain read-protected directories (a dir with -wx permissions
   cannot be read in the filepicker, but one can go to its children directly by
   typing their names.

Pros of having an editable menulist:
1) More discoverable than typing in the filename field

Cons of having an editable menulist:
1) More visual clutter, possibly

Can anyone think of other things in the pros/cons lists?
No longer blocks: 123569
Fine. --> XP Toolkit/Widgets
Assignee: mpt → jaggernaut
Component: User Interface Design → XP Toolkit/Widgets
QA Contact: zach → jrgm
*** Bug 343565 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Assignee: jag → nobody
QA Contact: jrgmorrison → xptoolkit.widgets
Our built-in file picker was remove in bug 1284391 (sadly).
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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