Closed Bug 65727 Opened 24 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Change from XP_PC to XP_WIN


(Core :: XPCOM, defect)

Windows 98
Not set





(Reporter: jonsmirl, Assigned: dveditz)


(Keywords: helpwanted)


(2 files)

Could nscom.h be changed to generate a compiler error if XP_PC is used? I recompiled an older standalone XPCOM project that had XP_PC defined. It took me two days of debugging to figure out what happen. Having XP_PC defined instead of XP_WIN causes __stdcall to be dropped from Add/Release calls. So everything compiles and links just fine but the app will give stack imbalance errors when run. In the user app the calls to Add/Release () have been compiled as __thiscall instead of __stdcall since XP_WIN was not defined. This is very difficult to find since all of the souce code looks correct when viewed in the debugger. Only after looking at the disassembled code could I see the missing push of the this pointer and finally figure out what happened.
Looking for an appropriate owner for this bug. We'll start the hunt with Kandrot, though this may not be right. Let's discuss and figure out who best serves this fix.
Assignee: scc → kandrot
David, this is the bug we discussed. If it's in your power to resolve this bug, you should do it ... else you should reassign it to dveditz (now cc'd). There is some relation to bug #56767, currently assigned to leaf, I think. cc'ing him as well.
Assignee: kandrot → dprice
if no one minds, i'm sure i could put an error generator in nscom.h
Keywords: helpwanted
fyi XP_PC is usedin lots of places in the code. Removing it will require changing XP_PC to XP_WIN
Could the test be requiring XP_PC and XP_WIN|XP_OS2? XP_PC without one of those two would generate an error.
handing this to dveditz, I'm not the right man for the job. Dave
Assignee: dprice → dveditz
We keep seeing newsgroup postings from people who don't know why their VC project built binaries either don't build or don't run. Invariably they've failed to define XP_WIN so the xpcom method calls are declared w/o _stdcall and they're screwed. I propose that we simply detect that condition and make it an #error for those people to fix on their own rather than them being baffled and *maybe* asking for unspecified help. I think it is better to #error than to #define XP_WIN for them because we don't know if #defining it in the code in one place rather than in the build system (as the mozilla system does) won't cause some subtle and obscured error. Let's force them to do things right. I'll attach a patch.
Looking for r= and sr= Let's just check this in and stop seeing all the postings from confused folks.
I (finally) checked in my patch. This should deal with the immediate problem of helping people not stumble into this hole. So, is someone really going to go through and do the Right Thing here or should this be marked WONTFIX or futured or what?
It turns out XP_WIN32 is needed alongside XP_WIN. news:// I'll add a new patch for nsCom.h to help people find that error - with a comment to help them figure out what the #error means.
I checked in that last patch.
Of course my patch broke the NS commercial tree where XP_WIN32 was not #define'd. I talked it over with vidur and decided to add it to ns/config/WIN32 (XP_WIN32 does not show up anywhere in the NS commercial tree, so this should not matter otherwise). Fixing this bug ought to include consolidating XP_WIN and XP_WIN32. I think we've lost the reason for this distinction (though I see we still uses of XP_WIN16!).
Except for NSPR & NSS, XP_PC has been removed from the mozilla tree (bug 56767).
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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