Open Bug 665024 Opened 13 years ago Updated 11 years ago

History window isn't updated when entry is deleted


(SeaMonkey :: Bookmarks & History, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: berndheinze69, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [2012 Fall Equinox])

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20110608 Firefox/4.0.1 SeaMonkey/2.1
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20110608 Firefox/4.0.1 SeaMonkey/2.1

If you delete an entry from the history, the list isn't updated

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Open history Ctrl+H
2. Type something into search-field e.g. google
3. Select one entry and hit Del-button

Actual Results:  
Entry remains in list, although it gets deleted. (Change text in search field to force an update)

Expected Results:  
List gets updated, deleted entry disappears
Version: unspecified → SeaMonkey 2.1 Branch
I can confirm this for SeaMonkey 2.4a1, but this bug exists for some time already.
Ever confirmed: true
Whiteboard: dupeme
This bug happens in the environment 'View->Group by->none'.
I finally just could no longer stand being stuck with v2.0.14 because of this problem, so I was going to write a bug report for this very problem. But since there is one already.....Seamonkey is up to version 2.8 and I first noticed this when I upgraded one of my installations of v2.0.14 to v2.2. I make heavy use of the history manager and it is really hindering me! I am REALLY surprised that after so many releases since 2.2 that this bug HAS NOT BEEN FIXED! Please patch this soon!

I can verify that this bug is present in every install of Seamonkey 2.2 - 2.8.
(In reply to FourthDr from comment #4)
> I finally just could no longer stand being stuck with v2.0.14 because of
> this problem, so I was going to write a bug report for this very problem.
> But since there is one already.....Seamonkey is up to version 2.8 and I
> first noticed this when I upgraded one of my installations of v2.0.14 to
> v2.2. I make heavy use of the history manager and it is really hindering me!
> I am REALLY surprised that after so many releases since 2.2 that this bug
> HAS NOT BEEN FIXED! Please patch this soon!
> I can verify that this bug is present in every install of Seamonkey 2.2 -
> 2.8.

You had better set 'View->Group by->"Day, Website or Day and Website"'.
Hi Mr. Okawa:

I don't use groups in my history. I prefer seeing a list. I use the following:

Columns: locations, last visited
sort: last visited, z>a
group: none

This has always work for me until v2.2+ was released. v2.9 was just released this week and it is still broken! :-( :-( :-(
I thought you wanted to know the workaround of this bug, but not so.
If you want to write your complaint, it's good that you join SeaMonkey-ML.

Bugzilla is NOT BBS on which you write your complaint.
Whiteboard: dupeme
FYI, this is happening in Linux (Debian) too.
I'd like to also point out that the workaround suggested by Mr. Okawa has a problem. When grouping history items, because of the non-updating it can appear that you have multiple entries for say because they show up in multiple groups and show up multiple times when not grouped. So If I where to for example delete all the instances of except for one, I would in fact be deleting them ALL....once I close and reopen the history manager. Not what I want to happen! I consider that a major flaw. Each time I visit a website a new entry in history should be created, not moved up in the list.
Appears on trunk, too. What's also affected is when you search for some string in history and then try to delete a entry.
Version: SeaMonkey 2.1 Branch → Trunk
Reproducible in current nightly
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:18.0) Gecko/18.0 Firefox/18.0 SeaMonkey/2.15a1
Build identifier: 20120921003032
OS: Windows XP → All
Hardware: x86 → All
Whiteboard: [2012 Fall Equinox]
Just to note, Firefox is not affected by this bug.
Bug is still present in 2.16 :-(

New history is added immediately.

Duplicate phantom entries are created/visible. Can't tell if you have two entries or one entry showing multiple times.

Deleted entries do not disappear when deleted. Doing a search of history or reopening the history is needed before change is seen.

Many other related issues make history broken and not usable. No practical work around. 

Fix the problem in the next release and I will send 1.5BTC to the person credited with the fix. Be sure your ID and BTC address is credited in the official code. :-) Hopefully a bounty will produce more interest in fixing this problem. I will increase the amount if not fixed in next few releases.

As you can tell I am anxious to get this fixed so I can upgrade from 2.0.14 to the current release. I can't do that without a properly working history manager.
2.16.1 is out, history still not working correctly. 

Bounty increased to 3BTC + $144US$
I think fixing this bug is actually not difficult at all. But I can't prove it, need to check...
FourthDr: I don't think anyone has fixed it. If you can program, you can fix it. ;) I can't code. :(
With out a properly working history manager Seamonkey is dead to me. And since my programming skillz are next to nil, I'm offering a small bounty in hopes of getting it fixed sooner.

Unless of course someone wants to take the time to teach me html/xml/xul/java/javascript and how to debug/compile etc. I don't think that's happening any time soon.

Anyway, it's more that just not updating. Dupe entries. Entries dated x are deleted, new entry added and moved to top (looks like first time you visited). Adds multiple entries when page refreshes(should not do that). History is totally messed up! History could also use a save feature and an undelete feature as well.

Some appropriate quotes:  :-D
    -Futurama Fry

If debugging is the process of removing bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in. 
    -Edsger W. Dijkstra

"The only good bug is a dead bug!"
    -Starship Troopers. General John Rico:
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