Closed Bug 665396 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

All vBulletin WYSIWYG form data is lost when Firefox is restarted


(Firefox :: Session Restore, defect)

Windows 7
Not set





(Reporter: twocables, Unassigned)




User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1

This is a resubmission of Bug 498546.  I am resubmitting it because I no longer have "" and also because it's still a problem.

So far, I've only been able to test this in vBulletin's WYSIWYG form.

I use (and have always used) the setting "Show my windows and tabs from last time".  Back before I upgraded from Firefox 3.0.4 to 3.0.5, I was able to restart Firefox without losing anything I had typed into's WYSIWYG editor.  I mean there are still times where I would greatly benefit from being able to restart Firefox while in the middle of typing something up.  All versions since 3.0.5 (including 3.0.5) have this problem.

I have since discovered that it's not just, but it seems to be any vBulletin WYSIWYG editor.  When I switch to a more basic, non-WYSIWYG editor, all text I have typed remains just as though it has become a part of the page.  For example, this behavior happens to me on's message board as well (

So again:  Firefox 3.0.4 is the last version that allows me to restart Firefox (and even reboot my computer if I wanted to) while in the middle of typing something into a WYSIWYG editor without losing anything.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1.  Enable the Firefox setting "Show my windows and tabs from last time"
2.  Create an account on
3.  Click "User CP" on the black bar at the top of any page
4.  Click "Edit Options" on the left
5.  Scroll all the way down to the section named "Message Editor Interface"
6.  Choose "Enhanced Interface - Full WYSIWYG Editing"
7.  Click "Save Changes" at the bottom of this page
8.  Go into any forum on the main page (except for "FAQs", " Site Technical Issues", and " Ticket System") and click "NEW THREAD"
9.  Type in a title
10.  Type anything into the body.  You don't have to use any text formatting (it doesn't effect the behavior of this bug)
11. Restart Firefox (do not submit the thread)

Although again, this isn't specific to just  Instead, it seems specific to any vBulletin message board where they have the WYSIWYG editor available.

Actual Results:  
Everything you've typed is lost.

Expected Results:  
Nothing should be lost.  Instead, it should be just like you didn't even restart Firefox at all.  I mean, everything you've typed and entered - including any special formatting, any inserted images, etc. - should not be lost; it should look precisely the same as it did before closing Firefox.

Try this with Firefox 3.0.4 to see the difference I'm talking about.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
This is still a problem in Firefox 21.0 on any vBulletin message board when using the WYSIWYG editor.

In addition, has since switched to Huddler and their copy of Huddler has a WYSIWYG editor and the same problem exists there too.
(In reply to twocables from comment #2)
> This is still a problem in Firefox 21.0 on any vBulletin message board when
> using the WYSIWYG editor.
> In addition, has since switched to Huddler and their copy of
> Huddler has a WYSIWYG editor and the same problem exists there too.

I see you also commented in the duplicate bug. Please refrain from double posting in the future.
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