Closed Bug 67963 Opened 24 years ago Closed 21 years ago

-ERR Unknown command: "xsender"


(MailNews Core :: Backend, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Erich.Iseli, Assigned: ch.ey)




(4 files)

My IHP asked me what E-mail client I am using, since he found lots of error messages in his logs. They read like: Feb 6 14:12:52 zeus popper[8765]: erich.iseli at pop-zh-9-1-dialup- ( -ERR Unknown command: "xsender". He adds: "every x i see in mail headers looks like X-something (with a hypen) and I also dont see a X-Mailer in your headers either." So what is all this about? An error in Mozilla's Mail back end?
see also bug 67779. Mozilla uses User-Agent instead of the the deprecated X-Mailer header
OS: other → All
Now we're supporting the CAPA command, shouldn't we use it's response to figure out whether the server knows XSENDER or not instead dump trying?
Attached patch proposed patchSplinter Review
This patch enables checking for XSENDER in the CAPA response. So we don't bother XSENDER unaware servers with our requests anymore. It also includes a few minor cleanups. This is a -pu patch, a -puw one is available for checkin.
Comment on attachment 137765 [details] [diff] [review] proposed patch Argh, the patch is a -puw one, -pu is available for checkin of course.
Attachment #137765 - Flags: review?(bienvenu)
Assignee: mscott → ch.ey
What about servers that support X-Sender but not CAPA? Do we care?
"We"? Don't know. But I don't care, resp. this patch doesn't. But I know that many users and admins are irritated by the request. Additionally as comment #0 in bug 67779 describes, we actually don't use the response (except saving the flag in the header).
This bug prevents me from using my Shanghai Online e-mail account. The server replies DELE, LIST, LAST, NOOP, RETR, RSET, STAT, TOP, UIDL or QUIT when it receives the XSENDER command. Then Mozilla Mail stopped there without skipping or doing something else. I just don't understand why. In the end, I could only end up with Outlook Express.
Fan, would you please create a POP log for us? Although my patch will prevend the server from giving this answer I'm interested in why the answer stops us from retrieving the messages. Please see how to create the log.
When there is no mails in the mailbox, there is nothing wrong. When there is a mail in the mailbox, the server didn't reply "-ERR unknown command" when receiving the "XSENDER" command, but replied " DELE, LIST, LAST, NOOP, RETR, RSET, STAT, TOP, UIDL or QUIT" (a list of available commands) instead, thus making Mozilla Mail don't know whether the XSENDER command is valid or not. From the log you can see that Mozilla no more recorded anything since the XSENDER 1 command was sent.
Hm, so the log stops after our XSENDER command, that's strange enough. But you get our alert with something like "Mail server responded: DELE, LIST, LAST, NOOP, RETR, RSET, STAT, TOP, UIDL or QUIT", or what's the full text? If the servers response doesn't start with "+" we asume it's a negative answer and handle it like it starts with "-ERR", so whatever response we get, there should be something more in the log (and Mozilla continuing because XSENDER isn't mandatory). Maybe the server hangs up without saying anything right after it's answer - I've to simulate this to see if we're writing the answer to the log in this case.
To Christian Eyrich: First I want to thank you for paying attention to my problem. To simulate the process... I used both TELNET and TCPDUMP to see what happens after the "XSENDER 1" command. Let's see TELNET 110 then: +OK InterMail POP3 server ready. USER robbiemosaic +OK please send PASS command PASS ************** +OK robbiemosaic is welcome here STAT +OK 1 880 LIST +OK 1 messages 1 880 . UIDL +OK 1 messages 1 <> . AAA DELE, LIST, LAST, NOOP, RETR, RSET, STAT, TOP, UIDL or QUIT XSENDER 1 DELE, LIST, LAST, NOOP, RETR, RSET, STAT, TOP, UIDL or QUIT In the TCPDUMP information, I also found " DELE, LIST, LAST ..." after "XSENDER 1". The server started the string with a space. "AAA" in the list is added by me to test the response of the server to unknown commands. BTW, is there anyway to turn off the XSENDER feature?
Fan, I now tested Mozilla with an perl script simulating your POP server and giving " DELE ..." in answer to XSENDER. But unfortunately I can't reproduce your problem - Mozilla just ignores (resp. tread it as negative answer) the answer line as it should. I've to ask again, do you get an alert and if yes, what does it say? And what Mozilla version are you using. Is it possible that you attach the tcpdump log here (or mail it to me) after anonymizing your password (w. hex editor)? And no, besides applying my patch there's not possibility to disable XSENDER.
Sorry I am no professional in this field. I didn't receive any alert. My Mozilla Version is 1.5. I didn't get any alert from Mozilla. The status bar of Mozilla Mail left as "Host contacted. Sending login information...", then nothing happenned, no mail was received. Is your patch for Mozilla Mail or for the server side? Let me try your patch, and later give you another answer.
Er, I didn't use my simulated POP server with the 1.5, only with a late 1.6b. Although I can't remember we changed something regarding the response handling since 1.5 i'll test this version later this day. And maybe you could try it with a current nightly or at least 1.6b? Thanks for the log, I'll have a look at it later.
David, can we go on with this bug? See my comment #6 about your concern from comment #5.
Attachment #137765 - Flags: review?(bienvenu) → review+
Attachment #137765 - Flags: superreview?(mscott)
Attachment #137765 - Flags: superreview?(mscott) → superreview+
fix checked in.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
fixed on the m4 branch
Blocks: 230700
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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