Bug 71426
Opened 24 years ago
Closed 23 years ago
Editing in composer no longer works.
(Core :: DOM: Editor, defect, P2)
(Reporter: ajbu, Assigned: kinmoz)
(Keywords: regression, Whiteboard: [behavior])
Windows 2000 Installer build 2001030820
Editing in composer no longer works.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Start Mozilla
2) Choose "Open Web Location" (Ctrl-L or File/Open Web Location)
3) Type the URL and choose Open in: New Composer window
The composer opens with the website, but in what looks like
preview mode / normal browser
The context menu has blank entries, View/"Show All Tags" item doesn't work.
Choosing View/"HTML Source" only shows a single gray line:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
I closed Mozilla, and started build 2001030605, opening in this
build opening in the composer works as expected.
Comment 1•24 years ago
reassigning to the editor team.. marking major, regression keyw
Assignee: kmcclusk → beppe
Severity: normal → major
Component: Compositor → Editor
Keywords: regression
QA Contact: petersen → sujay
Comment 2•24 years ago
wfm 2001030820 win98
Weird. I just installed 2001030804, and trying to reproduce:
1) Deleted my profile
2) Open in the composer, it show up correctly.
3) Close the composer, but not the browser.
4) Start the composer again, shows up correctly.
5) Closed Composer and Brower (so a complete Mozilla shutdown)
6) Opened the browser and open in Composer
This time no longer works in Composer.
Can't get it working again..
After deleting my profile, shows up correctly in the composer
in the first session, but not after completely closing the browser and running
this test cycle again.
Comment 4•24 years ago
If I select File|Open Web Location and select that the file open in a new
Composer window, the following message is displayed in the console:
JavaScript error:
chrome://communicator/content/openLocation.js line 88: browser.getShortcutOrURI
is not a function
and the page is not displayed in the composer window, nor can I dismiss the
Charley -- any idea as to what might be happening? who should this go to?
Assignee: beppe → cmanske
Ever confirmed: true
Shrirang filed a separate bug for the Open Web Location bug.
What is the bug number Shri ?
Comment 6•24 years ago
Comment 7•24 years ago
Everything was working fine before I updated editor directory to get Kin and
Joe's changes. After that, just starting the debug editor fails because we
never hit nsEditorShell::Init(); as a result, I see the debug window message:
"###!!! ASSERTION: No string bundle!: 'mStringBundle', .... "
Does anyone else see this?
Looking at the other comments, this may be unrelated. I need to finish pulling
todays tree and will investigate after rebuilding.
Comment 9•24 years ago
I think the Open Location bug is completely separate problem, and it does make
it difficult to test this problem!
I worked around the Init() problem, and now I also see the "can't edit" problem, *before* updating my tree (except for rebuilding just
the editor). I also don't get an editable page using "Edit Page" for: and, but I can edit local files,,
and other remote URLs with simpler pages.
Definitely seems like an editor startup problem.
Comment 10•24 years ago
Akkana: Does the same "rebuilding after deleting .h files" described for bug
71463 also fix this problem for you?
I'm still rebuilding an will try this as well.
Comment 11•24 years ago
Weird. I think this works in classic skin, but not in modern. Can anyone verify?
If so, it might be another skin bug.
Reporter | ||
Comment 12•24 years ago
I also have this problem with modern theme.
But: It only seems to happen on the first open Composer window in a session.
So when I:
1) Start Mozilla
2) Open Composer with
-> Can't edit in composer (only happens second session after deleting profile)
3) Close Composer, do not close the browser window
4) Open Composer with
-> This time the Composer works.
Seen on Modern/Clasic, installer and .zip builds.
Comment 13•24 years ago
Opening in the editor, bringing up a context menu and doing View All
Tags all seem to work fine for me with Kin's build described in bug 71463. (I
don't have a build of my own from today yet.)
Comment 14•24 years ago
Please don't confuse this bug with descriptions about what partial updates etc
you have done. It happens in clean/release builds.
When we fail to edit the page, we're getting the MIME type "application/x-
unknown-content-type", which is obviously wrong. I don't believe the problem is
skin-related. It seems more like a cache issue or something.
Comment 15•24 years ago
Can someone get reliable steps to repro this? I can't, but I have seen it twice
Comment 16•24 years ago
to reproduce this, try this:
1. open the app
2. Tasks|Composer
3. File|Open Web Location
4. Select: Open in: New Composer window
5. Enter:
6. Select: Open
-- the dialog will not be dismissed
-- the page will not be displayed in a new Composer window
Can reproce every time on win98, I also get the same js error as reported above
Comment 18•24 years ago
oh, sorry I didn't know about the other bug
Comment 19•24 years ago
I can't reproduce this at all today!
I can open Browser, go to, and use EditPage ok.
I close editor, and retry Edit Page - it's ok.
I have a workaround to prevent bug 71234 from interferring, so using
Open Location dialog with that URL works ok.
Comment 20•24 years ago
Still can't reproduce this any more.
If noone else can, it's headed for the "WORKSFORME" bin.
Reporter | ||
Comment 21•24 years ago
I just installed build 2001031604 installer on Windows 2000 after deleting my
old profiles, and can still reproduce it. It doesn't happen the first time I
start mozilla though, have to open Composer with, completely
shutdown Mozilla and restart it to reproduce.
Comment 22•24 years ago
That's way to weird. Sounds like some kind of caching problem?
Comment 24•24 years ago
okay I see problems opening up this document, but no longer the ones
oringally described. I see:
1) context menu partially filled with items, missing other ones(Cut, Copy,
2) toolbar buttons completely greyed out. all of them.
To reproduce, simply launch browser, open the URL in web location into the
Then click around and you'll start seeing the above problems.
Comment 25•24 years ago
Also forgot to mention:
3) cannot access View | HTML Source. that is greyed out also.
Reporter | ||
Comment 26•24 years ago
That sounds more like bug 69389 I think?
Comment 27•24 years ago
Probably related, but this bug, including Sujay's recent comments, is *only* when
loading, right?
Assignee | ||
Comment 28•24 years ago
Sujay, if you are seeing problems different from what this bug originally
describes, please file other bugs. Morphing what the bug is about makes it hard
to close and verify sometimes.
Comment 29•24 years ago
ok, we can close this one out...I can file a new one...
Assignee | ||
Comment 30•24 years ago
ajbanck, we're having a bit of trouble reproducing this in-house. Do me a favor,
if you have time, download the latest bits off, install it, and then
run with the -console option. This will allow you to see all the
debug/errors/warnings that we spew out while running the app.
Then try to reproduce the problem. If you can get it to happen, check the
console for any error messages or warnings that might give us a clue to what's
From your description, it sounds like either we never got the message that the
document stopped loading in composer, or there was an error during the loading
of the document.
Reporter | ||
Comment 31•24 years ago
Just installed 2001032920 and removed my profile. Problem is still reproducable.
This is the output on console when editing fails:
stdout directed to dynamic console
stderr directed to dynamic console
has multiple monitor apis is 1
Registering plain text editor commands
Registering HTML editor commands
Have Find = true
Have SpellChecker = false
An error occurred updating the cmd_cut command
An error occurred updating the cmd_copy command
An error occurred updating the cmd_delete command
An error occurred updating the cmd_cut command
An error occurred updating the cmd_copy command
An error occurred updating the cmd_delete command
An error occurred updating the cmd_cut command
An error occurred updating the cmd_copy command
An error occurred updating the cmd_delete command
Comment 32•24 years ago
You still have not supplied a carefully-worded set of steps to reproduce.
I see something like this:
1. delete profile
2. launch editor (launch browser first? use "Edit Page"?, Open Web location?)
3. close app.
4. launch editor again (how?)
Please elaborate.
Reporter | ||
Comment 33•24 years ago
Trying to reproduce with today's build 2001033004 I get a javascript error. Not
sure if this a new bug, and should be posted here. But because I used the same
steps to reproduce, described here. I tried this 5 times, removing profiles and
try again, each time with the same results.
Build 2001033004, Windows 2000
Step 1.
Delete the profiles directory (Application Data\mozilla and higher), and delete
moz*.* from the Windows directory
Step 2
Open Command Prompt and go to the Mozilla\bin directory
Type ‘mozilla –console’
In the opened browser choose the menu File / Open Web Location...
In the ‘Open Web Location’ dialog type '' and set Open
in: to New Composer window.
Click Open
The ‘ – Composer’ window opens, and works -> (red dotted lines
around tablecells, editable, no errors on console)
Console output at this point:
stdout directed to dynamic console
stderr directed to dynamic console
ProfileManager : CreateNewProfile
Profile Name: default
Profile Dir: D:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.AJTHUIS\Application Data\Mo
has multiple monitor apis is 1
Document loaded successfully
Registering plain text editor commands
Registering HTML editor commands
Have Find = true
Have SpellChecker = false
Close the Composer window
Close the Browser window
-> The console window is closed and mozilla no longer in memory
Step 3
go back to the Command Prompt window and start Mozilla again with 'Mozilla -
In the opened browser window again choose File/Open Web Location…
-> The ‘Open Web Location’ dialog has '' and 'Open in New
Composer windows' restored.
Click OK to start Composer.
è The ‘Composer’ window opens (no url in windowtitle), but is completely
blank. On previous build I got the page in what looked like preview
mode, and the console output reported on 2001-03-30 03:21 .
Clicking on the tab '<HTML> source' gives the error:
JavaScript error:
line 0: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x8
0004002 (NS_NOINTERFACE) [nsIEditorShell.editorDocument]" nsresult: "0x80004002
(NS_NOINTERFACE)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://editor/content/editor.js ::
SetEditMode :: line 1042" data: no]
Closing the composer windows, shows a new error on the console:
JavaScript error:
line 0: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x8
0004002 (NS_NOINTERFACE) [nsIEditorShell.editorDocument]" nsresult: "0x80004002
(NS_NOINTERFACE)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://editor/content/editor.js ::
CheckAndSaveDocument :: line 379" data: no]
trying these steps (cleaning profiles, and step 2/3) 5 times, always with the
same results.
Comment 34•24 years ago
In my opinion, if you have to delete a profile to make this happen, it's a
rare enough bug to future.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9 → mozilla0.9.1
Comment 35•24 years ago
No way.
I think this is a cache problem. After the first time, the page will be in the
cache. If loading it from the cache fails to send the correct doc load
notifications, then you'll see the symptoms described.
cc necko/cache folks.
Comment 36•24 years ago
FWIW: i'm not seeing this in my linux build today... though i see that this is
reported only on Win2000.
Comment 37•24 years ago
ok, I have totally removed the profile and moz*.* files, did a clean install
from today's build (2001033004)
When the initial Open Web Location is selected, this is what I got in the
Net2Phone.js has been interpreted...
Document loaded successfully
weird status return -2142109690
Net2Phone.js has been interpreted...
Registering plain text editor commands
Registering HTML editor commands
Have Find = true
Have SpellChecker = true
JavaScript error:
line 0: uncaught exception: Scrollbars in this skin are not properly supporting
mac smart-scrolling prefs!
and see the page displayed in the editor, but over in the browser window the
throbber never stopped
Closed out the app
Reopened the app, did the same steps and it works fine, in the console I got
weird status return -2142109690
Net2Phone.js has been interpreted...
Registering plain text editor commands
Registering HTML editor commands
Have Find = true
Have SpellChecker = true
JavaScript error:
line 0: uncaught exception: Scrollbars in this skin are not properly supporting
mac smart-scrolling prefs!
When I closed Composer, I got this:
weird status return -2142109690
has multiple monitor apis is 1
weird status return -2142109690
But, none of this prevents me from editing the page
tested on win98, testing on win2000 next
Comment 38•24 years ago
on win2000:
stdout directed to dynamic console
stderr directed to dynamic console
has multiple monitor apis is 1
New location for profile registry and user pr
s and Settings\beppe\Application Data\Mozilla
on startup
after open web location:
weird status return -2142109690
Net2Phone.js has been interpreted...
Registering plain text editor commands
Registering HTML editor commands
Have Find = true
Have SpellChecker = true
JavaScript error:
line 0: uncaught exception: Scrollbars in this skin are not properly supporting
mac smart-scrolling prefs!
and it opend in Composer fine, closed Composer and got:
weird status return -2142109690
weird status return -2142109690
closed app and reopened, and got:
weird status return -2142109690
Net2Phone.js has been interpreted...
Registering plain text editor commands
Registering HTML editor commands
Have Find = true
Have SpellChecker = true
JavaScript error:
line 0: uncaught exception: Scrollbars in this skin are not properly supporting
mac smart-scrolling prefs!
JavaScript error:
line 0: uncaught exception: Scrollbars in this skin are not properly supporting
mac smart-scrolling prefs!
however, in the Composer window everything worked fine
Comment 39•24 years ago
that last entry and this entry was submitted by not Terri.
Comment 40•24 years ago
Like I said before, this is likely a disk cache problem, which means that it
probably won't show up reliably.
Comment 41•24 years ago
we should be able to verify simon's idea by switching off the disk cache.
Comment 42•24 years ago
I'd appreciate it if anyone else could take this from me!
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.1 → mozilla0.9.2
Comment 44•24 years ago
reproducable on win98 with moz 0.9 build 20010505
from the main browser window:
1. File -> Open Web Location
2. enter "" or ""
3. Select in "New Composer Window"
results in nothing happening at all
tried again with disabled cache (0kb set for mem & disk) same thing.
tried same steps again opening html file stored on local hard disk.
same thing happens - nothing
blocking major tasks.
Comment 45•24 years ago
I can still reproduce this bug using a current build. If I select the File|Open
Web Location and choose Composer - nothing happens.
Keywords: correctness
Whiteboard: [behavior]
Comment 46•24 years ago
Beppe, that's a different bug (bug 81038). This bug is about editing explicitly; the best way to test it is with 'Edit Page'.
Comment 47•24 years ago
*** Bug 84191 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 48•24 years ago
*** Bug 84700 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 49•24 years ago
well, if this has to do with explicitly editing page -- then off to 1.0
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.2 → mozilla1.0
Comment 50•24 years ago
Marking as nsbeta1.
We have received feedback from distributors, that they'd like this one fixed.
Isn't this the way, you'd open a published file to edit it? Is there a
workaround (i.e. Saving the file, the using File | Open file)?
Keywords: nsbeta1
Assignee | ||
Comment 51•24 years ago
Jaime, are you sure your distributors weren't talking about bug 84191 which is a
totally different bug?
Comment 52•24 years ago
Yup. I id want bug 84191 . . . sorry.
Assignee | ||
Comment 54•23 years ago
Bulk move of mozilla1.0 bugs to mozilla.1.0.1. I will try to pull some of these
back in if I can.
Target Milestone: mozilla1.0 → mozilla1.0.1
Comment 55•23 years ago
this seems to be 'working for me' 2-05-12 w2k build after composer blocker bug
checkin's yesterday.
Comment 56•23 years ago
oops, spoke too soon, I didn't use 'open in new composer window' option in Open
web location. I really should sleep. scratch that last comment. Still doesn't
work using that open method.
Updated•23 years ago
Comment 57•23 years ago
ok, now this works for me in build 2-6-03 w2k.
I guess someone did fix this somehow.. :)
Comment 58•23 years ago
ok, I'm an idiot, this *doesn't work if you are in composer* (magic words here),
but works fine in the browser doing this.. I got thrown off by the status page
note that this was fixed, but only works in the browser and not thinking again..
Comment 59•23 years ago
removing myself from the cc list
WFM trunk nightly 07-may-2002
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Comment 61•23 years ago
Verified worksforme on the 05-07 trunk and 1.0.0 branch builds.
My steps:
1. Launch browser
2. Click file - open web location
3. Type in, and choose new composer window and click open
4. Verify that I can edit page
If I missed the steps somehow, or if anyone is still able to reproduce this
problem, feel free to reopen this bug.
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