Closed Bug 72440 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

"menulist menu > menupopup" does not use the same style as "menulist > menupopup"


(SeaMonkey :: Themes, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bzbarsky, Assigned: bzbarsky)




(6 files)

1) Open mailnews
2) Go to Preferences -> Account settings
3) Go to "Copies and Folders" for some account
4) Open the "Place a copy in:" menulist
5) Mouse over one of the options with an arrow next to it.

The second-level popup is a different background color from the top-level one.

The colors should be the same.
OK.  This can be solved by changing the style rule for "menulist > menupopup" to
also apply to "menulist > menupopup > menu menupopup" (that seems to be specific
enough not to incur much of a performance hit..).  Hewitt, what do you think?
Blocks: 46029
Keywords: mozilla0.9, patch, review
Confirming that this path indeed does the trick. Thanks Boris.
One thing.  It may be cleaner to just collapse 

menulist > menupopup, 
menulist > menupopup > menu menupopup

into just 

menulist menupopup

I'm not sure whether this entails a perf hit or not, however....
In general, we try to avoid using the descendant combinator (e.g. "menulist 
menu") because its not very efficient.  The presence of such a selector means 
that every time style is resolved on a menu, the style system will have to walk 
the tree all the way up to the root, or until it finds a menulist ancestor.  
This is sloooow.

While this patch is definitely a correct fix, I'd like to avoid it.  In those 
rare cases where menulists contain menus (like in mailnews), it's more 
efficient to slap some sort of class on there, like "menulist-popup" or 
something like that.
HJ, try this one?  use <menupopup class="menulist-menupopup"> in your XUL for
the useragent thing for the <menupopup>s in <menu>s....

Hewitt, how does that look?
Patch looks good.  Only two comments:

1. you can remove the class="push" from the menulists
2. on those comma-separated css selectors, put each item after the command on a
new line

do that and you have sr=hewitt
Hmm... as I was checking where all those menus/menulists were overlaid into (to
make sure that I did not change something that was just a menu into
menulist-look), I found that the new folder dialog _did_ use just a menu where a
menulist would be much more appropriate.  Attaching two versions of the patch.
Both implement items 1 and 2.  The first one also changes new folder to use
<menulist>, while the second does not.
Come to think of it, the new folder dialog should be a separate bug.  So
disregard version 1.  Timeless, version 2 has sr=.  care to r=?
r=timeless. feel free to aim for 80 col boundary
Assignee: hewitt → bzbarsky
Keywords: review
Ok... since I have to merge in Blake's changes anyway, should I go ahead and fix
all the whitespace in this file?  And wrap at 80 columns as I do it?
Blocks: 74508
these don't seem to line up...
@@ -265,7 +276,7 @@
@@ -281,7 +292,7 @@
r=timeless (you don't need an r= to change the whitespace for the previous 
Ok, and thanks Boris,
What do i need to change in the css file?
HJ, you should just make sure you put 'class="menulist-menupop"' on all the 
second-level menulists you have (the ones inside <menu> elements).  Then once 
this patch is checked in they will have the right color.

There is no need for you to edit CSS.

Hewitt, could you sr the last patch?
Checked in for Boris, marking fixed.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Thanks Boris, it seems to work!
Marking verified for all platforms (2001-04-16-04-Mtrunk)
Change the status to "verified".
Product: Core → SeaMonkey
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