Closed Bug 747171 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

wiki: Export documents to a directory of files, import in migration script


( Graveyard :: Editing, enhancement, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: lorchard, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: u=admin c=wiki s= p=2)

A nice-to-have enhancement:

* Take a bunch of documents, say those whose slugs match the pattern Template:DekiScript:*

* Export each document as a separate file

* Check those files into git

* Import those files as documents in the migration script

If the above were working, then we could edit templates on a dev machine, export and check into git.

Then, assuming an incremental migration cronjob is working on staging, those templates checked into git would be auto-imported. 

Later, a full migration on production could pull those templates in as well.
Blocks: 75626
Priority: -- → P2
Blocks: 756263
No longer blocks: 75626
Need discussion to figure out the best way to implement this (export/offline)
Blocks: 756266
No longer blocks: 756263
Priority: P2 → P3
FWIW, we need this pre-July launch for migration, not very useful afterward. This is about migration from MindTouch, not offline export of content.
Blocks: 756263
No longer blocks: 756266
Whiteboard: u=admin c=wiki s=2012-06-05 p=2
Taking back out of sprint - is a purely nice-to-have, can be done by hand with an export and an import via web UI
Whiteboard: u=admin c=wiki s=2012-06-05 p=2 → u=admin c=wiki s= p=2
In fact, since this can be done by hand, and is a nice to have, I'll eject it again from pre-July altogether
No longer blocks: 756263
Blocks: 756266
Version: Kuma → unspecified
Component: Docs Platform → Editing
No longer blocks: 756266
Marking as invalid as per comment 2.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Product: → Graveyard
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