Closed Bug 74934 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

New View Manager2 causing full-page Acrobat to crash on Mac


(Core Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect, P1)

Mac System 9.x


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: peterlubczynski-bugs, Assigned: kmcclusk)





(3 files)

With the new ViewManager2 enabled, full-page Acrobat files on the Mac are 
crashing. To get them to work, add this line to your all.js for your profile:

user_pref("nglayout.debug.enable_scary_view_manager", false);

cc:ing View Manager people.

Robert, if you get a change [and a Mac], can you take a look at this?
Oops...I meant prefs.js in your profile directory.
Marking more important.
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9
I don't have a Mac dev. environment.

Kevin, could this be related to bug 73383?
Reassigning to kmcclusk.
Assignee: peterlubczynski → kmcclusk
The problem is in AddCoveringWidgetsToOpaqueRegion. As it walks the widget
hierarchy it gets the view associated with the widget to determine
visibility/bounds. The widget that is created for full-page plugins does not
have a view stored in the widget's clientdata, it has a pointer to the plugin
instance. So when it tries to access the widget's view it crashes because the 
widget's clientdata is not a view.

Robert: Can we change AddCoveringWidgetsToOpaqueRegion so it doesn't look at the
view hierarchy when calculating the OpaqueRegion? I recall you had problems
getting a reliable data for the widgets visibility.

This patch seems to fix the crash. Reviews?

Kevin, where do you want to go for lunch?
> Robert: Can we change AddCoveringWidgetsToOpaqueRegion so it doesn't look at
> the view hierarchy when calculating the OpaqueRegion? I recall you had
> problems getting a reliable data for the widgets visibility.

Yep. Also, converting from widget to view coordinates is a pain; any rounding 
errors really kill performance.

AddCoveringWidgetsToOpaqueRegion is dirty and fragile and should not be needed. 
The platform widget/gfx system should exclude covering widgets from the update 
region on all platforms --- but right now the platforms don't return a reliable 
update region at all (only an update rectangle; the update region is 
uninitialized garbage, on Windows at least). If this could be fixed on all 
platforms, then we could get rid of AddCoveringWidgetsToOpaqueRegion. Someone 
really ought to do that, but because it spans platforms, I think that's going to 
take a while.

Peter, instead of adding this new, overloaded GetViewFor, why not just fix the 
existing GetViewFor to return nsnull instead of failing the  
NS_ASSERTION((NS_SUCCEEDED(view->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIView) ... etc? 
Altogether that should be a two-line change.
Robert: sure, that's much simpler, I just didn't want to break anything. Patch 

Trying out your idea, I think it does break something else as I seem to crash 
sooner than without any changes. Also, looking through the code, it looks like 
it's being called several times. I'd feel safer just overloading the method.
Keywords: patch
The new patch takes in Robert's suggestion and does not crash.

Great. Just one more thing: I think it should look like this:

  nsISupports* data = (nsISupports*)clientData;
  if (nsnull != data) {
    if (NS_FAILED(data->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIView), (void 
**)&view))) {
      return nsnull;  // return null if client data isn't a view

In other words, we shouldn't cast clientData directly to nsIView* since we don't 
know it's a view yet.
I noticed that the original code doesn't release widget:
if (widgetView)
Doesn't the QI incr the refcnt?
Views aren't refcounted anyway.
Robert, can I get your sr=

BTW, if I read the patch correctly you have a line
"view = (nsIView*)clientData;" which is now unnecessary ... you can take it out 
before checking in.
Patch checked in, marking FIXED.

/cvsroot/mozilla/view/src/nsView.cpp,v  <--  nsView.cpp
new revision: 3.137; previous revision: 3.136
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
this crasher is gone now. Full page Acrobat works fine on mac (0416)
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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