Closed Bug 74960 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Forward and back buttons go too far


(Core :: DOM: Navigation, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: mbialkowski, Assigned: jag+mozbugs)



(Keywords: regression, smoketest)


(1 file)

Using 2001040521 Linux, clicking the forward and back buttons moves two pages
away, not one.  Using the dropdown forward/back lists works correctly.
Ever confirmed: true
Correction: the dropdown menus *don't* work properly.  No matter which choice
you click on in them, it will always take you to the next page in the list.
Confirming on Win NT4, Service Pack 6, Mozilla build ID 2001040520. Confirming
both clicking back & forward buttons and dropdown-menu bug.
FYI: using alt+arrows gives the expected behaviour. (i.e. one step at a time
through history).
This worked correctly on WinNT 4.0 (sp5) on build 2001040304
linux build from today, i can see this - example open, go to, click on the "bugs filed today" on,
click one of the bugs, press back, you jump to
forgot to move to history:session
Assignee: alecf → radha
Component: URL Bar → History: Session
I am experiencing the same problem on Windows 98 SE running Build 2001040604. 
Using the back button always jumps two pages back instead of just one, and when
using the drop down box, no matter which item is selected, it always moves back
exactly one page, which is the functionality that the main button should have.
using the dropdown list attached to the back/forward buttons is _not_ jumping to 
the selected site.  Instead, it steps through the list on by one.

seeing that behaviour on windows98 commercial build 2001-04-06-06-trunk
and linux 2001-04-06-05-trunk
I'm seeing this on Win2000.  Changing OS to all.
OS: Linux → All
This is mine after all.
Assignee: radha → blakeross
Problem is existent on Mac OS 9.1 (build 2001040608) as well.  Perhaps platform
should be changed to All as well?
Sure.  Done.
Hardware: PC → All
Keywords: smoketest
*** Bug 75051 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I noticed this problem and added comments to bug 71500

one of these two bugs may very well be a duplicate.  I'll let someone else make
that decision, since I can't make that change anyway.

Bug 71500 looks similar, but it appears to only have applied to the first time a
user clicked back, according to the original report.  It's also almost a month old.

Close, but I'm pretty sure this one is at least slightly different from that one.
does to context menu back button work?
Context menus seem to work ok. This is a very bad regression usability-wise,
upping severity to Major.
Severity: normal → major
Verifying: I just upgraded from 0.8.1 to 2001040604 under Windows 2000 to avoid
a different bug, and am now seeing this bug.  Specifically:

-- Clicking the back and forward buttons always go back and forward
(respectively) exactly 2 documents, instead of 1.

-- Bringing down the back or forward dropdown menus and clicking on *any*
document in the list always goes back or forward exactly 1 document (i.e., the
expected behavior of the non-dropdown mode).
*** Bug 75118 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Now here's a twist...

Running moz from an xterm and watching the pretty lil' messages, I notice the

Document loaded successfully
Document loaded successfully
Document loaded
Error loading URL 804b0002 
Document loaded successfully

So, I moved two pages away from's main page, hit back...and moz
claimed it couldn't load the page in between.


Document loaded successfully
Document loaded successfully
Error loading URL 804b0002 
Document loaded successfully
Error loading URL 804b0002 
Document loaded successfully

Started from Slashdot, moved to Rantsylvania, to a random article, hit
back...and it failed to load the page in between.  Going forward from /.
produced the same Moz at least acknowledges the skipped page's

Oh, and using the dropdown produces no errors in the console, just the incorrect
back/forward-one-page behaviour.
*** Bug 75155 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 75168 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I've found on Mac build 2001040608 that if one holds down the triangle for the
popup menu below the Back button, a duplicate menu will appear on top of the
original one within seconds.  This second menu will load the proper page rather
than going back only one page as the original menu would.  The only problem is
that occasionally the first menu will not go away when the desired page loads.
I propose "nsdogfood" or "nsCatFood" keyword (I don't have the authority to add
it myself).
jag is going to check in the fix for this in light of my inability to pull, 
build, basically do anything :-)
Assignee: blakeross → disttsc
and r=blake. I'll checkin after I've okay'ed it given the current orange...
Fix checked in, marking fixed.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
*** Bug 75206 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 75209 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
With build 2001040904 on Windows 95, the fix works. Pressing the forward and
back buttons has the expected behavior of moving you only one page in either
direction. The little drop-down arrow thingamabob also behaves as expected.
There is still some forward/back button wierdness on framed pages, but that was
pre-existing before this bug was filed, and is covered in bug 66203 (and
probably some other bugs too)
I still see exactly this behavior on Linux Build 2001040821.
Yeah... I checked it in at 21:31, so yesterday's 21 build won't have the patch
yet :-)
Works on Win32 - 2001040904, Win2000

Since this is xp code, marking verified.
*** Bug 75282 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Component: History: Session → Document Navigation
QA Contact: claudius → docshell
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