Closed Bug 76223 Opened 24 years ago Closed 21 years ago

The mozilla installer script should be runnable from absolute/relative path


(SeaMonkey :: Installer, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: girish.manwani, Assigned: dprice)



(Whiteboard: alecf to checkin)


(4 files)

Currently the mozilla-installer is run by doing the foloowing .. cd /directory/of/installer ./mozilla-installer the user should be able to do the following /directory/of/installer/mozilla-installer to install the application
Reassiginging to Girish. I'd like to review the patch. Thanks.
Assignee: ssu → girish.manwani
Ever confirmed: true
QA Contact: gemal → gbush
sr= needed for mozilla-installer patch to be runnable from amywhere and also check for DISPLAY environment variable before launching. patch fixes 76223 and 76224.
OS: Solaris → Linux
adding patch keyword
Keywords: patch
I don't think we should be checking for DISPLAY - the toolkit already does the check, why should we do our own check?
why should you load the binary/libraries etc. at all ?? This is an environment setting and i think the correct behaviour is to check for this setting before loading the binary itself and if the test fails inform the user. Since it is an enhancement & relatively trivial i thought might as well put it in(actual bug no. 76224) with the bug fix for 76223. thanks
because the binary already checks for it, and outputs an error. Why put it in the script? we don't check to make sure the profile directory exists either, because the binary checks for us.. it simply adds unnecessary complexity to this startup script
Alec if thats how you feel .. i can't really do much :)... In my opinion this is really a no brainer, it does not seem that the script gets really a lot more complicated it is just an additional env. variable check. More so i believe it is always better to be as self-sufficient as possible(especially in case of installers).
Girish, I think what Alec is saying here is that the DISPLAY check really adds no value since the user will see a GDK error, anyways, if the display can't be opened. Now, if on the other hand you found DISPLAY was not set and tried some sensible default (don't know what would be considered senseible: maybe DISPLAY=:0.0) then this check may be worth it. What does the 'mozilla' shell script do? I concur with Alec: please change the script to either set DISPLAY to a sensible default or to not check it at all. Thanks.
if DISPLAY is not set, then no X applications will work, and no other X applications that I know of will try :0.0 either, so we should do NOTHING with the DISPLAY environment variable. Why this obsession over DISPLAY? We don't check for HOME in the script, and the binary will barf if that's not set, or is set incorrectly..
Thanx for clarifying samir. Even the 'mozilla' shell script does not check for it .. relies on the toolkit. If alec/samir you think it is worth checking display and then setting to a default we can do that or i am happy to remove the check. sorry for the misunderstanding.
Remove the check and r=sgehani.
Hi samir, could you please check this in. Also, go ahead and close 76224 as "not a bug" or "will not fix" either ways. thanks a lot.
samir/alecf can one of you please check this in. thanks.
sr=alecf on that too.. I'll try to check in today.
Whiteboard: alecf to checkin
Thanks a lot alec !! could you please check-in 66688 too.. sr= was by you again :)
alecf: will you be able to check in soon? Girish is young, looking for bug fix credits anywhere he can get them. :-)
a= for checkin to the trunk. (on behalf of drivers)
Blocks: 83989
Fix checked in. Thanks Asa for your auick qpproval.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Fix checked in. Thanks Asa for your quick approval.
I can verify this for mozilla build 2001072004 using command /u/gbush/path/mozilla-installer I cannot get it to work for Netscape 6 Installer. using the command /u/gbush/path/netscape-installer error message is ./netscape-installer-bin: No such file or directory
Resolution: FIXED → ---
I have reverified this on trunk build from today 07/26/2001 and it works just fine. i could run it with a complete absolute path ... could you please re-verify this grace ? thanx
No longer working on Mozilla.
Assignee: girish.manwani → ssu
QA Contact: gbush → gemal
QA Contact: gemal → ktrina
over to dprice.
Assignee: ssu → dprice
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.8
dprice is on sabitcal. moving to next milestone.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.8 → mozilla0.9.9
only nsbeta1+ bugs can have milestones, resetting to ---
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.9 → ---
this was FIXED a long time ago. resolving as such.
Closed: 24 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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