Closed Bug 77009 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Tabs are too long for default size of Certificate Manager


(Core Graveyard :: Security: UI, defect)

1.0 Branch
Mac System 9.x
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mpt, Assigned: bugz)



(Keywords: regression)


(1 file)

Build: 2001041908, Mac OS 9.1 To reproduce: * Start Mozilla. * Open the Preferences dialog. * Choose the `Privacy' category. * Click `Manage Certificates...'. What you see: +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |/My Certificates\/Other People's Certificates\/Web Site Certificates\/Ca C| || `""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""| What you should see: +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |/My Certificates\/Other People's\/Web Sites\/Authorities\________________ | || `"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""|| Changing the default size of the window is not a good fix for this bug. The Certificate Manager is quite large enough already.
Blocks: 77006
90% of the entries are in Moz Help.
Component: Security: Crypto → Client Library
Product: Browser → PSM
Version: other → 2.0
I agree with mpt's suggestion re tab naming, and also his suggestion re the first tab in bug #77012. I disagree with mpt's suggestion in #77012 that the text under the tabs should be removed completely. However, I also disagree with timeless' suggestions for making the text under the tabs longer. I think some minimal text is appropriate here to help naive users understand what they're looking at. But anything more than a single line is overkill. Context-sensitive help will be available that goes into more details. Help will be landing, in pieces, over the next few weeks. A skeleton is available now in the daily builds. (I am the writer for PSM 2.0 help.) We should not assume that when people click the "Web Sites" in the Certificate Manager (for example) they will understand that having a certificate for a web site helps them identify it. This is the most important fact they need to understand, even if they don't have a clue how it works and don't click Help. My recommendations follow. Since these recommendations now cover bug #77012, I'll mark that bug as a dupe of this one. New tab name / Text below tab ------------------------------- Your Certificates / You have certificates from these organizations that identify you: Other People's / You have certificates on file that identify these people: Web Sites / You have certificates on file that identify these web sites: Authorities / You have certificates on file that identify these certificate authorities: -------------------------------- Re the first tab, note that the UI will eventually group one's own certs by issuer.
excuse me. but there was not a single instance where I increased the length of a string. It's true that I did not aggressively attack the help texts but that was mostly for lack of will, direction, and time. I was merely aiming for consistency between tab titles and text. that asside, i'm glad more help will be landing and that the people working on it are concerned w/ usability.
Target Milestone: --- → 2.0
Random suggestion, tangential to this bug: Why not make the certificate manager resizable? In Linux and Windows, the Cert Mgr GUI is inflexible in size although the window itself is resizable. Looks ugly, and the default fixed size abbreviates the text inside. Any particular reason for making the GUI fixed and unresizable?
It wasn't like that when I filed this bug. That looks like a regression.
Keywords: regression
Assignee: ddrinan → mcgreer
Depends on: 64128
marking fixed cert manager should also be resizable now.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified fixed.
Product: PSM → Core
Version: psm2.0 → 1.0 Branch
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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