Closed Bug 78209 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago - XML page does not render properly


(Tech Evangelism Graveyard :: English US, defect, P1)

Windows 98


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jay, Assigned: bc)




(Whiteboard: [aok])

Win98SE Latest Nightly Build

Site does not render properly in XML
ie5 seems to not like that page too...

Reason why it doesn't look ok is because there's no stylesheet attached to the
document so there's no way for Mozilla to know how to display it. Also, IE
chokes on localy defined entities (happened on both a Mac and a PC runnin 2000)
How come NONE of these work:
-> XML
Assignee: asa → heikki
Component: Browser-General → XML
QA Contact: doronr → petersen
I tried one of the rutgers testcases and did not notice anything immediately
wrong (XML doc had XSLT stylesheet which existed and was served with the correct
mime type). I'll let the XSLT people check this one out.

The W3C page is evangelism issue (they are serving us raw XML without stylesheet).
Assignee: heikki → kvisco
Component: XML → XSLT
QA Contact: petersen → kvisco
moving to evangelism.
the rutgers pages use a deprecated namespace, belonging to a proprietary 
implementation of a working draft. Hence the WD in the URL.
They should fix their files to conform to the w3c XSLT spec.
Assignee: kvisco → bclary
Component: XSLT → English: US
Product: Browser → Tech Evangelism
QA Contact: kvisco → zach
Whiteboard: [XSLT] deprecated namespace
Version: other → unspecified
I think the w3 issue is a dupe, the rutgers thing is a separate bug. File that
if you think it is needed.
Priority: -- → P1
Hardware: PC → All
Summary: XML page does not render properly → - XML page does not render properly
Whiteboard: [XSLT] deprecated namespace → [XSLT] deprecated namespace[dupeme]
cleaning up the whiteboard to make this w3 only
Whiteboard: [XSLT] deprecated namespace[dupeme] → [dupeme]
mac build id : 2001112011

this XML page doesn't render properly either
mac build id : 2001112011 (aka mozilla 0.9.6 release)

this XML page doesn't render is a separate issue. They send text/plain mime-type. (of course, 
the hoise page wouldn't have any styling as well, even sent as text/xml)
This one is about unstyled xml at
Fabian found a good one: sends just a XSLT stylesheet. Not even the xml source.

Any better way to get traction on this than to mail to ?
*** Bug 116611 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This page displays as plain text in Mozilla, will not display at all in IE5.5
due to IE's limitations. As far as I am concerned they present raw xml data and
we treat it as such. What is the evangelism issue with this particular page?

The overall issue of the configuration of w3's servers to appropriately serve
the appropriate content to Mozilla is a larger issue which I would rather
approach from a top down approach rather than deal with their site one document
at a time.

Who has contacts at the w3 so we can pursue the server configuration issue?
Whiteboard: [dupeme] → [aok]
> Who has contacts at the w3 so we can pursue the server configuration issue?

The last time we had this same issue with W3C server, I believe
Daniel Gladman and Heikki contacted them. 
Is there a way to get to that version of the XML spec through a link that
doesn't clearly say "XML"? As far as I'm concerned sending raw non-styled XML is
ok if it's clearly labeled as XML. I don't think the W3C needs to provide
stylesheets for the raw XML versions of their specs since those are only used to
produce the styled versions. People might find it useful to have these documents
so linking to them is still ok too imo.
For, they should be sending us an XML file that links
to the stylesheet. XSLT 2.0 says that "Implementors may provide a mechanism that
supplies a default document, containing just a document node with no children,
as the principal source document to be used in the absence of any other source
document." but this is a XSLT 1.0 stylesheet so sending us only the stylesheet
won't work. I'm sending mail to the W3C webmaster and will CC the Chair of the
Any progress on this ?

I am came across and serached for this bug. The last
post here is in April.

This page seems to be working ok in IE 5.5

Thanks now is a raw XML page referencing a non-existing
CSS stylesheet.
Ok. My position is this is XML without a style sheet and we are doing the right
thing and so is the W3. We have other issues where they can change to better
serve content but this isn't one of them. -> WFM
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Tech Evangelism → Tech Evangelism Graveyard
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