Closed Bug 79554 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Offline: Offline&Disk Space pref: "compact folders when it will save over x kb" when checked is applied to all mail accounts


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Backend, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: grylchan, Assigned: dianesun)



(Whiteboard: [PDT+] Request R&SR)


(12 files)

2001050804 build on WinNT 4.0 Clicking on the Offline & Disk pref for different mail accounts results in the same 'Offline & Disk Gui' being displayed for each account. Steps to reproduce: 1) Bring up Mail&News account settings. 2) Have at least 2 mail accounts set up (if not, add an account) 3) Click on the 'Offline&Disk Space' pref for first account 4) Now Click on the 'Offline&Disk Space' pref for 2nd account 5) It doesn't refresh or give you impression its changed 6) Repeat steps 3 (but click on one of the checkboxes) 7) Repeat step 4 8) 'Offline&Disk Space' gui for 2nd account doesnt refresh. The checkmark still is displayed Actual results: GUI for 'Offline&Disk Space' doesn't change Expected results: GUI for 'Offline&Disk Space' to change or quickly 'refresh' so the user knows they have successfully switched
changing OS to all. See the same thing on MAC.
QA Contact: esther → gchan
Hardware: PC → All
Are these account using the same default settings and same type of server. What if the preferences are different?
Ok. this is tricky. Since we know the first 2 prefs for Offline&DiskSpace don't get saved : "When I create new folders select them for offline use" and "Remove messages older than X days" See bug 79651 for more info on that bug. This leaves only 2 prefs to test in order to see if 'refresh' works: "Do not download mesg bodies locally that are larger than x" and "compact folders when it will save x". And doing further analyis, I'm showing a problem with the 'compact folders' pref. So I don't believe it is a general "Offline&Disk Space" refresh problem anymore. Now if you check "Do not download mesg bodies locally that are larger than x" for one mail account and don't mark it for another mail account. When you click the "Offline&Disk Space" pref for the different mail accounts you will see it 'toggle/refresh' as the checkbox will be filled in for one account but not the other. I'll be changing the summary and putting in a new description
old summary was Offline: Offline&Disk Space pref doesn't refresh when toggling between different accounts problem: If you check the Offline&Disk Space pref: "compact folders when it will save over x kb" or change the kb size, it will be applied to all of your mail accounts. Steps to Reproduce: 1) Bring up Mail&News account settings. 2) Select one of your mail accounts 3) Click on the 'Offline&Disk Space' pref 4) Click the check box for the pref "compact folders when it will save over x kb" and/or change the kb size (though you may have to enter it twice: enter number, click ok, reenter the same number and then click ok to see it propogated) 5) Click on another mail account 6) Click on the 'Offline&Disk Space' pref 7) you will see same settings 8) you can click ok and revisit the 'Compact folders' pref and it will be saved to all mail accounts Actual result: a checkmark for the 'compact folders' pref is present in every mail account (including web mail). Expected result: to see the checkmark for 'compact folders' pref for only that one account. The other mail accounts shouldn't be affected. I had 3 different mail accounts set up (webmail, judge, and a test mail server). I apologize for the initial confusion.
OS: Windows NT → All
Summary: Offline: Offline&Disk Space pref doesn't refresh when toggling between different accounts → Offline: Offline&Disk Space pref: "compact folders when it will save over x kb" when checked is applied to all mail accounts
Keywords: nsbeta1
From my email discussion with David B. We have decided that this preference is for all account, universal value for all account. That is why it will not change when you toggle different accounts. So this is not a bug. "compact folders when it will save x".
If it's true that this is a universal value and we're going to keep it on a per account panel (?), I would think we need to make a mention in the descriptive text of the pref that it is global. cc jglick for additional opinion, spec info
A global preference shouldn't be on a per account panel. :-( If the pref remains here, it should be per account, if not, it should be moved. The global "Offline" preference could be changed to "Offline & Diskspace" and this pref could be added here.
yes, it should be moved to a global location, unless people strongly feel it should be a per account setting.
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.1
It is suggested to be put in global. Jennifer, could you define where we should put this pref. Preference / offline?
If the pref remains here, it should be per account, if not, it should be moved. The global "Offline" preference could be changed to "Offline & Diskspace" and this pref could be added here.
In Preference/Offline, there are 3 groups of choice for Startup Mode, When going Online, When Going Offline. Please specify WHERE you want to have "compact folders when it will save x" go, the top, the bottom? Please give a visual drawing.
Setting target milestone to 0.9.2 (check it in anytime, even before, when the tree is open for). Per PDT triage.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.1 → mozilla0.9.2
Diane, sorry, will provide screenshot shortly of suggested location. With new smaller size of pref panel, this dialog needs to be reworked.
Attached image How is this?
Please make "Disk Space" two words, initial cap, in Preferences category list on the left side, title of panel, and group box title.
Attached image "Disk Space" :-)
This one uses Offline and Disk Space. In Account Setting, it is Offline & Diskspace. Do you want them to be the same?
According to Robin, "Disk Space" is correct, so both should be using that (might need a bug on the other dialog).
Attached patch Modify the fixSplinter Review
Priority: -- → P2
*** Bug 82984 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Whiteboard: Request R&SR
Diane, Did we already delete per server representation from am-offline.xul/js. I only see additions to pref-offline & preftree files. I may be missing something here. Please let me know. Also, please post the screenshot after the changes. Looks like it is the new convention to have screenshots attached when UI related changes are implemented. thanks, bhuvan.
Yes, We removed the per-server preference from Account Panel. The screenshot is the same as the one Jennifer posted on 5/16/01.
Diane, Even if it is the same, please do post the screenshot. thanks. bhuvan
Attached image screenshot
I think Navin is working on some other bug which deals about "mail.purge_threshhold" pref per server level. Now, in this bug we moving this to be a global one. Adding Navin to the cc list, just to make sure that things are not done and undone. I noticed that screenshot posted (id:37977) is not matching with Jennifer's screenshot (id:34818). Text, UI arrangement and defaults are all different. If there is an updated spec to reflect the screenshot posted (id:37977), please update the bug report with that url. If your screenshot is the latest and agreed by everyone and if the spec need to be updated to that effect, I will leave the UI (if:37977) approval responsibility on Jennifer.
The screenshot shows not default value, but my preference at that time.
Attachment id=34818, is what I would like to see the panel look like, unless there are any objections. It uses less group boxes (2 instead of 4) and has less wording so the dialog takes up less room.
Mohan is making the Offline part changes according to Jennifer's new screenshot.
Diane, I think you have to do this : Apply this patch, modify to include "compact folders when it will save over x kb" change, and post the new patch; thanks, mohan.
PDT+ per 6/12 mtg.
Whiteboard: Request R&SR → [PDT+] Request R&SR
Changes look good to me. However, here are the things that I would like you to revisit if you are going to rework the patch for any super review comments. 1. Please do not pick names like radio01, radio02 and so on for radio item labels (for any widget for that matter). Make those names fit better with the context, even if it takes more number of characters. 2. Unless otherwise addressing a specific problem with the state of the widget, always make screenshot(s) posted in the bug report reflect the default state (create new profile if needed). This is just for future references. New screenshot is not requried if you already tested the default case. r=bhuvan.
Request SR again.
+<!ENTITY rHeader "Offline"> please pick something other than rHeader. as bhuvan writes: "1. Please do not pick names like radio01, radio02 and so on for radio item labels (for any widget for that matter). Make those names fit better with the context, even if it takes more number of characters." same goes for labels, titles, etc. +<!ENTITY textStart "When starting &brandShortName;:"> any place you have &brandShortName; you need a localization note telling the localizer not to localize "&brandShortName;" +<!ENTITY kb.label "kb"> I'm pretty sure this should be KB, not kb. please attach a final patch. but once you fix those minor issues, sr=sspitzer
a= for checkin to the trunk. (on behalf of drivers)
Blocks: 83989
Fix checked in
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Commercial builds 2001-06-21-09-trunk/ WinNT 4.0 2001-06-21-11-trunk/ Linux 2.2, red hat 7.0 2001-06-21-08-trunk/ MAC 9.0.4 Verified that the Compact folders pref was moved from an individual account basis to the global pref section: Edit|Preferences|Offline and Disk Space. Verified that the GUI looks like attach (id=38189) on 6/12 {with the slight change of KB in capital letters}. Marking as verified.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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