Closed Bug 80296 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

"GetAllNewMessages" checks on default/selected account only


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Account Configuration, defect, P1)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: datta77, Assigned: racham)



(Keywords: regression)


(2 files, 11 obsolete files)

3.90 KB, patch
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
4.93 KB, patch
: review+
: superreview+
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
When using "Get All New Messages" option, it just checks the accounts that have been already checked. Maybe it's only checking accouns with known passwords.
Yes. The idea is to fetch mail for those accounts which have already been authenticated (password entered in that session OR entered and stored by password manager in it's database). If you see problems with the above, please file a bug. Thanks. Closing this as invalid.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
change->from esther to sheela
QA Contact: esther → sheelar
I have my passwords stored in the password manager for the 3 POP accounts and the IMAP account that I have, and once I open a new session, it doesn't check any accounts with the "Get All New Messages" option until I manually go to each account and check it. Then after that is checks the mail using the "Get All New Messages" option. I thought if my passwords were stored, and I clicked the option on startup of a new session, it should check all the accounts? Is this wrong, or am I missing the point? Adding myself CC
OK..if you stored the passwords already and clicked on GetAllNewMessages in a new session, messages should be fetched for all those accounts without having you to manullay get messages for each account first. Reopening this bug then. Sheela, please verify if this is happening. I will start investigating on my end. thanks. bhuvan
Resolution: FIXED → ---
buildid: 2001051406 win98 confirming this bug. Get all new messages was working before but not now. -Created multiple acconts in a profile-3pop, 1webmail(imap) -Having multiple accounts in a profile the first account gets checked and the message is downloaded because both biff is on, check mail at startup is on and auto download is checked. -The remaining accounts when I first logged in clicked on get all new messages had no effect on the remaining 3 accounts. -clicked on the second account inbox and had the below error in the console mailbox://3qatest07@nsmail-2/Inbox Error loading with many headers to download: [Exception... "Component returned f ailure code: 0xc1f30001 (NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED) [nsIMsgFolder.updateFolder]" nsresult: "0xc1f30001 (NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED)" location: "JS frame :: chrom e://messenger/content/commandglue.js :: ChangeFolderByURI :: line 221" data: no ] -Then when clicked on the third account and did get message for that account retrieved the message -same for the 4th account. -same session I composed another mail message and sent to all the above accounts and did get all new messages -retrieved message for 3 pop accounts and not for the web mail account There was a problem with get all new messages and it was fixed. I guess this is a regression. adding keyword and nominating this for nsbeta1 As reporter mentions I had to click on each account to get the new message.
Severity: normal → major
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: nsbeta1, regression
marking nsbeta1+
Priority: -- → P2
Whiteboard: [nsbeta1+]
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.1
Sheela, I just wanted to verify that in the scenario you wrote about, all of your accounts had remember password on.
moving to 0.9.2. If we get some time, I'd like to see this in 0.9.1
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.1 → mozilla0.9.2
adding PDT+
Whiteboard: [nsbeta1+] → [nsbeta1+][PDT+]
Depends on: 84834
Changing the summary of the bug. Get all new messages checks on the default account only the first time you start the mail application. Or checks any account selected in the folder pane at the start up of app. When there are multiple accounts with password saved for all still checks on the first account only. So after manually logging into each one of them will make get all new messages work for that session. OR with password saved have to do get mssg on each account to make Get all new messages work. After that Get all new messages will work for all the accounts in the same session. If you close and come back in again then you have to log into each account again to make it work.
Summary: "Get All New Messages" only checks some accounts → "GetAllNewMessages" checks on default/selected account only
Sorry..the attachment posted above (id:37911) is meant for bug 84834. I do have a patch which fixed the problem in mailnews (that's certainly more code). Will post that just as backup. But as I mentioned earlier, the beter approach is to make nsIPasswordMgr to provide this service (of getting password). bhuvan
Attached patch latest patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
When tested with encrypted scenario, I was asked for master password 3 times (1 account or 2 accounts). I asked Steve Morse about when I can expect such a thing as it doesn't look right to me. bhuvan
Posting my email session with Steve Morse : [My query] Bhuvan Racham wrote: > > Hi Steve, > > Here is scenario that is kind of puzzling for me. > > I built mozilla with the flag (BULD_PSM2) you suggested. > > When I tried to enyumerate thru the password manager to find out the > password for given server, I have been master password being asked 3 > times (all 3 standard modal dialogs which come up when we ned to enter > master password dialog). When can I expect these multiple dialogs. I > think something is wrong here. I am attaching the code that I have which > is called for every mail account you have. Surprisingly, I got the > master password dialog 3 times both for 1 and 2 account cases. > > bhuvan [Steve Morse's response] What you are describing sounds like a psm/modal-dialog problem. You should only get that dialog once and it should be modal. But from what you are saying, I presume that you are getting three dialogs all at the same time, before you even had a chance to respond to any of them. Is that correct? There are known problem with modal dialogs not being modal (which is why I copied danm on this), and also there are things that the caller of a modal dialog is supposed to do to make sure his dialog is modal (that's why I copied thayes on this). These are the people you need to be addressing your question to. As a work-around, is there something that you can do before calling the password enumerator that will force the master-password dialog to come up? In that case it should come up only once. Then when you go to the enumerator, the database has already been unlocked and you should get no further dialogs. -- Steve
Steve, 2 dialogs come up immediately overalpped. Once I fill one after another, I see the third (last) one coming up. I have to fill that to have gates opened for password database. By the dialogs are first shown when the enumerator's GetNext() is first called (see latest patch ID : 38362). Your work around seemed reasonable. But, I will have to see whether I can create such an opportunity here. Because we don't want to throw any dialog up there unless otherwise required, it might be little trickier to identify and bring up the dialog. That's an API to trigger masterpassword, without taking enumeration path, would have been good. thanks. bhuvan
moving to 0.9.3
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.2 → mozilla0.9.3
Keywords: nsBranch
Whiteboard: [nsbeta1+][PDT+] → [nsbeta1+]
removing the nsbranch
Keywords: nsBranch
moving to 0.9.4
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.3 → mozilla0.9.4
Mail news triage meeting --> .9.5
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.4 → mozilla0.9.5
Nominating this for the next release. There in no point of having GetAllNewMessages if it does not work for all accounts.
Keywords: nsBranch
Blocks: 99230
not an eMojo stopper. nsBranch-. Triaging for the next release.
Keywords: nsbranchnsbranch-
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.5 → mozilla0.9.6
No longer blocks: 99230
*** Bug 92374 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
moving to 0.9.7
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.6 → mozilla0.9.7
Blocks: 104166
Adding dependency on 60150 [Modal dialogs (alert, confirm, prompt) do not halt code execution].
Depends on: 60150
No longer depends on: 84834
Blocks: 107067
Keywords: nsbranch-
Keywords: nsbeta1+
Whiteboard: [nsbeta1+]
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.7 → mozilla0.9.8
Priority: P2 → P1
Fix to 60150 might solve this problem rightway. But I want to ask to Steve if it is possible for him to do the enumeration (& subsequent checks) I am doing on mailnews end, on his end i.e., password manager component. I have requested so keeping fact that PasswordManager seem to be running on thread that does not suffer from this modal dialog problems, example being the viewStored Passwords menu item which enumerates thru passwords list. thanks.
I tried moving the enumeration code into PasswordManager itself. That didn' help either. So, the only real way to fix this is to fix the modal dialog problem (bug 60150).
Attachment #37911 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #38014 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #38362 - Attachment is obsolete: true
The latest patch posted (id=65186) fixes all the problems that we faced in the past. So, the original problem was that when user clicked on GetAllNewMessages, it got messagse only for those accounts which have been explicitely authenticated/accessed (in case of accounts whose passwords are already remembered) in that session. The ideal situation is that it should just get messages for all those accounts whose passwords are stored (without having the need of them being accessed in that session) plus those accounts which have been explicitely authenticated (i.e., via password dialog). Current patch, when asked to get messages for all authenticated accounts, enumerates through password manager database and extracts the passwords of accounts which have been remembered and enables the process of getting new messages for all those accounts. Also, it keeps the original behavior of getting new messages for all those accounts which have been explicitely authenticated. Incase user has a master password, the password willbe asked just once, unlike several times as seen in the past. A small fix that removed a redundant call enabled the proper behior. However, the core bug where the dialogs does not stop of code execution still exists (as it can be reproduced by adding back that redundant call). But, it is not a blocker of this bug anymore. Thanks to Steve Morse for implementing the interfaces needed for this patch. Thanks to DanM and Scott Putterman for their insights. Now onto the review-seeking process...
No longer depends on: 60150
Comment on attachment 65186 [details] [diff] [review] Fresh patch, v 1.0 - Gets messages for all authenticated accounts (in both 'master password' and 'no master password' cases) r=mscott Code looks good Bhuvan. Couple comments: 1) can we rename enumerateForPassword to something more generic like....well actually i can't think of a good name for that routine now that I think about it. You don't want to say enumerateWalletForPassword since that implies a certain implementation. Hmmm.... 2) can we optimize the while loop which iterates over the password entries by pulling the following variable declaration up out of the loop? nsCOMPtr<nsIPassword> passwordElem;
Attachment #65186 - Flags: review+
Scott, thanks for review and your comments. Will post a patch with comments incorporated soon. For now, moving the milestone to 099. Adding patch keyword.
Keywords: patch
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.8 → mozilla0.9.9
How about changing the routine to say GetPasswordWithoutUI which will return the password (empty or filled) -> [interface : string GetPasswordWithoutUI()] OR GetPasswordIfAuthenticated() similarly returning a password string ? If GetPasswordWithoutUI ever existed in the past (Scott remembers such a routine being there..), does anyone know why it was taken out..? thanks.
Scott, I have changed the routine name to getPasswordIfAuthenticated(). Let me know if you thought of any better name later..If you want, you can go through the patch again. The only major difference is the signature of the routine that gives us the password. thanks.
the nsIPasswordManager interface is not frozen, and it seems like your code to find a nsIPassword is generic, and would be wanted by other people. see what morse says about doing this: nsIPassword find(string host, wstring username, wstring password); The implemenation will allow for null (or empty strings), and treat them like wild cards, like we do with FindServer() in the mailnews code. Then, the implemenation can enumerate all the nsIPasswords looking for the first "match" and return it. this would allow the mailnews code to pass in a host, but no username or password, to see if there was a nsIPassword object, and from it we would see if there was a password. this would be generic enough to allow other people to lookup give just username, or just password, to find the nsIPassword, in order to find the other fields.
There is a problem with the attached patch in that it does an include of nsIPassword.h. That will create a dependency on a module in the extensions directory. See bug 113540, as well as brendan's recent e-mail on being able to build without the extensions directory. That said, it seems like seth's suggestion of putting this routine into password manager is not only a possible solution, it is the only solution. If you'll generate the patch for doing so, I'll gladly review it. And seth, while we're at it, I'm still waiting for your review on bug 113540.
another issue with this patch - you're using AssignWithConversion to convert UCS2 to ASCII - the GetPassword() routine is clearly designed to deal with unicode, so you need to figure out what charset (likely utf8) the password is in, and do the conversion there. If you can guarantee that no conversion is actually required, you should be using NS_LossyConvertASCIItoUCS2(). AssignWithConversion() is going away (there will be a more formal announcement coming up)
Attachment #65186 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #65677 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comments on patch v1.2 for password mgr diffs 1. Why are these three lines not consistent? PRBool checkHostname = !(nsCRT::strcmp(*hostname, "")); PRBool checkUsername = !(nsCRT::strcmp(*username,NS_LITERAL_STRING("").get())); PRBool checkPassword = !(nsCRT::strcmp(*password,NS_LITERAL_STRING("").get())); 2. Your code is confusing because you call the variable checkHostname whereas it really means that you don't need to check the hostname because it is a wildcard. I would suggest restructuring it as follows to make it easier to understand: PRBool hostnameOK = !(nsCRT::strcmp(*hostname, "")) || !(nsCRT::strcasecmp(*hostname, thisHostname.get()); PRBool usernameOK = ... PRBool passwordOK = ... if (hostnameOK && usernameOK && passwordOK) { 3. The following code looks wrong to me + if (!(nsCRT::strlen(*hostname))) { + nsMemory::Free(*hostname); + *hostname = nsCRT::strdup(thisHostname.get()); + } You are freeing the string if it has a length of 0. If so, why do you need to free it?
> You are freeing the string if it has a length of 0. If so, why do you need to > free it? A string with a length of zero[*] still represents an allocation of at least one byte, for the NUL terminator. [*] But we don't need to compute the length of the string in order to determine that it's empty: if (!*hostname) tests emptiness without walking the whole string. This is probably a better system than calling through nsCRT to explicitly compare against an empty string (possibly runtime-allocated, if NS_LITERAL_STRING doesn't expand elegantly), for the checkHostname/Username/Password. (I expect they're inconsistent because hostname is char * while username and password are PRUnichar *, but I haven't read the code in detail.)
Shaver is right. Those strings were released as they came as input params with some memory allocated. Releasing the memory before assigning new value. Inconsistency in the usage of NS_LITERAL_STRING as hostname is char* and username and password are PRUnichar*. I will polish the code per Steve's second comment to make it more readable and clear. Also, regd Shaver's point about making check for emptyness using if (!*hostname) is fine for char* (i.e., for hostname). But for PRUnichar*, I needed to check length as check on say *username [like if (!*username)] will not fail if the string is allocated but empty and hence will not get a chance to extract that attribute of password element.
OK, just make the change suggested in my second item and remove the strlen ass suggested by shaver. With that, r=morse
Clarification: remove the strlen only for hostname as per shaver's suggestion.
I don't understand this at all: > if (!*hostname) > > is fine for char* (i.e., for hostname). But for PRUnichar*, I needed to check > length as check on say *username [like if (!*username)] will not fail if the > string is allocated but empty and hence will not get a chance to extract that > attribute of password element. *username will be false iff the first character (PRUnichar) of username is 0. That will be the case iff the string is allocated but empty. Why would |PRUnichar *| behave differently than |char *| in this regard? But the code I'm asking about isn't checking the length, just comparing it to the empty string: PRBool checkUsername = !(nsCRT::strcmp(*username,NS_LITERAL_STRING("").get())); PRBool checkPassword = !(nsCRT::strcmp(*password,NS_LITERAL_STRING("").get())); Maybe I need to read the whole patch to find the case you're talking about (another free-if-allocated-but-empty stanza), but that one is pretty clear. I'll review the whole patch now.
Comment on attachment 66617 [details] [diff] [review] patch, v1.2 - password mgr diffs - Added an interface that allows any caller to get a passowrd object attributes by passing either some or none input parameters. Empty string "" is treated as a match. >+// Take hostname/username/password as input parameter(s) and return Why "parameter(s)"? C++ requires us to pass all of them for every call. But why would you ever need to call FindPassword if you have a password to pass in? Shouldn't |password| be the IDL return value, while |hostname| and |username| are |inout| params? >+ PRBool hasMoreElements = PR_FALSE; >+ enumerator->HasMoreElements(&hasMoreElements); >+ // Emumerate through password elements >+ while (hasMoreElements) { Are you intentionally ignoring the return value of |HasMoreElements| here? (Or does nsISimpleEnumerator::HasMoreElements guarantee that the boolean out param won't be mutated in case of failure?) >+ // Check if any of the params match wild card entry, i.e., "" >+ PRBool checkHostname = !(nsCRT::strcmp(*hostname, "")); >+ PRBool checkUsername = !(nsCRT::strcmp(*username, NS_LITERAL_STRING("").get())); >+ PRBool checkPassword = !(nsCRT::strcmp(*password, NS_LITERAL_STRING("").get())); As I said in my previous comment: it's better to check emptiness via a cheap test of hostname[0]/username[0]/password[0] than to potentially allocate an empty wise string at runtime and then perform a string comparison. And a check of hostname[0] etc. will allow you to merge that logic with the below: >+ // Check to see if there is much either with wild card entry or >+ // with the actual value passed in. >+ if ((checkHostname || !(nsCRT::strcasecmp(*hostname, thisHostname.get()))) && >+ (checkUsername || !(nsCRT::strcmp(*username, thisUsername.get()))) && >+ (checkPassword || !(nsCRT::strcmp(*password, thisPassword.get())))) if ((!hostname[0] || !nsCRT::strcasecmp(*hostname, thisHostname.get()) &&& (...)) Alternatively, since you never mutate the input parameters until a match is found, hoist the invariant emptiness checks out of the loop, and set check{Hostname,Username,Password} only once each. (I agree with Steven about the backwards naming of |checkHostname| etc., though: either rename them to |emptyHostname| or some such, or invert the value they store. Renaming will make for cleaner logic in the match stanza, I think.) >+ { >+ if (!(nsCRT::strlen(*hostname))) { >+ nsMemory::Free(*hostname); >+ *hostname = nsCRT::strdup(thisHostname.get()); >+ } >+ if (!(nsCRT::strlen(*username))) { >+ nsMemory::Free(*username); >+ *username = nsCRT::strdup(thisUsername.get()); >+ } >+ if (!(nsCRT::strlen(*password))) { >+ nsMemory::Free(*password); >+ *password = nsCRT::strdup(thisPassword.get()); >+ } Again: don't compute string length just to test emptiness: if (!hostname[0]) if (!username[0]) if (!password[0]) But see question above about why we might have an initial value for password in any case. >Index: nsIPasswordManager.idl >=================================================================== >RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/netwerk/base/public/nsIPasswordManager.idl,v >retrieving revision 1.3 >diff -u -w -r1.3 nsIPasswordManager.idl >--- nsIPasswordManager.idl 30 Oct 2001 22:06:54 -0000 1.3 >+++ nsIPasswordManager.idl 26 Jan 2002 21:22:29 -0000 >@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ > void addUser(in string host, in wstring user, in wstring pwd); > void removeUser(in string host, in wstring user); > void removeReject(in string host); >+ void findPassword(inout string hostname, inout wstring username, inout wstring password); Better, if we never need to pass in a password: wstring findPassword(inout string hostname, inout wstring username); But what of encoding? The necko interfaces claim their hostname |strings| to be UTF-8, IIRC, so is this UTF-8 as well? If so, nsCRT::strcasecmp is the wrong thing for comparing the caller-provided hostname with the stored one; you'll need to inflate both to UCS2 and then compare. Steven: does the password manager store its hostnames in UTF8 or ASCII?
Attachment #66617 - Flags: needs-work+
Comment on attachment 66616 [details] [diff] [review] patch, v1.2 - mailnews diffs - removed compile dependencies on extensions and password is obtained querying passwordmanager via generic findPassword interface suggested >+ /* if the password is avialable, get it */ >+ string getPasswordIfAuthenticated(); Spelling: "available". >+// If the password for the server is avialable either via authentication in the current (Spelling again.) >+ // Get the current server URI >+ nsXPIDLCString currServerUri; >+ rv = GetServerURI(getter_Copies(currServerUri)); >+ NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); >+ >+ char* hostName; >+ hostName = nsCRT::strdup(currServerUri.get()); Is the server URI just the hostname? I'd have thought it included protocol and other information. If that's really what the password manager expects, both the parameters and argument should be renamed.
I missed something important before (glad I came back to double check!): why do findPassword and the password manager use |wstring| for passwords, while getPasswordIfAuthenticated uses |string|?
to help answer shaver's question, see: 30 interface nsIPassword : nsISupports { 31 readonly attribute string host; 32 readonly attribute wstring user; 33 readonly attribute wstring password; 34 }; As for why that's a wstring, I haven't unwound it all yet.
Using wstring for username and password allows you to have foreign characters in those items.
I think the real question is, why is the OTHER code using "string" instead of "wstring" - everyone should be using wstring for both username and password
Yes, that was my question. =)
*** Bug 123082 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
also broken on Mac Os 9.2.2
OS: Windows NT → All
Hardware: PC → All
Morse & Shaver, Thanks for reviews. Here is an updated patch. * Restructured hostURI, username and password check logic * Input params are checked with if (!*hostURI), if (!*username), etc., syntax * Modified comments * Enumerator obtained from PasswordMgr always returns NS_OK and the boolean value that gets filled in represents the correct status. No need to check for rv there. * Changed routine name to findPasswordEntry to indicate that one can obtain the whole password object interms of attributes by passing in known attribute values
Attachment #66617 - Attachment is obsolete: true
* Fixed spelling mistakes * Parameter and argument are renamed from hostname to hostURI to reflect the data it represents * Password Manager uses wstring for password. But IMAP and POP3 protocol services on our code base use char* for password when transact with servers LOGIN command incase of IMAP and PASS in case of POP3. So, as a caller, I am getting the wstring value and converting it to string as needed for protocols.
Attachment #66616 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 68276 [details] [diff] [review] patch, v1.3 - password manager diffs - updated with feedback from Morse and Shaver >+ >+ // Takes hostname, username and password as input parameters and returns >+ // set of filled-in hostname, username and password for the first >+ // password element match. Empty string is treated as a wild >+ // card entry and will be considered as a match for any of the input >+ // parameters. >+ void findPasswordEntry(inout string hostURI, inout wstring username, inout wstring password); >+ good documentation! :) > } >+ >+NS_IMETHODIMP >+nsPasswordManager::FindPasswordEntry(char **hostURI, PRUnichar **username, PRUnichar **password) >+{ >+ NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(hostURI); >+ NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(username); >+ NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(password); >+ >+ nsresult rv; >+ nsCOMPtr<nsIPassword> passwordElem; >+ // Emumerate through password elements >+ while (hasMoreElements) { >+ rv = enumerator->GetNext(getter_AddRefs(passwordElem)); This compiles? Does this do an implicit QueryInterface()? I'm really curious! If this compiles but doesn't do an implicit QI, I think nsCOMPtr is broken. anyone? shaver? >+ >+ // Check if any of the params are empty and treat them as matches or if they match >+ // with current password element attribute values. >+ PRBool hostURIOK = !(*hostURI && nsCRT::strcasecmp(*hostURI, thisHostURI.get())); >+ PRBool usernameOK = !(*username && nsCRT::strcmp(*username, thisUsername.get())); >+ PRBool passwordOK = !(*password && nsCRT::strcmp(*password, thisPassword.get())); >+ Huh? did you mean PRBool usernameOK = (*username && !nsCRT::strcasecmp(*username, thisHostURI.get())); Otherwise this logic is just wierd. Does this code even work? you could really make this more readable by going through the standard string methods: PRBool usernameOK = (*username && thisUsername.Equals(*username)); For Equals() with case-insensitivity, you should use nsCaseInsensitive[C]StringComparator() as the 2nd parameter to Equals. >+ // If a password match is found based on given input params, >+ // fill in those params which are passed in as empty strings. >+ if (hostURIOK && usernameOK && passwordOK) >+ { >+ if (!*hostURI) { >+ nsMemory::Free(*hostURI); >+ *hostURI = nsCRT::strdup(thisHostURI.get()); >+ } Once again, has this even been tested? You only want to free null pointers? Did you mean: if (*hostURI) nsMemory::Free(*hostURI); *hostUri = nsCRT::strdup(thisHostURI.get());? once again, you should use the standard string routines: if (*hostURI) nsMemory::Free(*hostURI); *hostURI = ToNewCString(thisHostURI);
Attachment #68276 - Flags: needs-work+
Comment on attachment 68282 [details] [diff] [review] patch, 1.3 - mailnews diffs - updated patch >Index: base/public/nsIMsgIncomingServer.idl >=================================================================== >RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/mailnews/base/public/nsIMsgIncomingServer.idl,v >retrieving revision 1.74 >diff -u -w -r1.74 nsIMsgIncomingServer.idl >--- base/public/nsIMsgIncomingServer.idl 5 Feb 2002 01:34:20 -0000 1.74 >+++ base/public/nsIMsgIncomingServer.idl 7 Feb 2002 06:53:02 -0000 >@@ -324,6 +324,9 @@ > > long getIntAttribute(in string name); > void setIntAttribute(in string name, in long value); >+ >+ /* if the password is available, get it */ >+ string getPasswordIfAuthenticated(); this function returns an allocated string, but the only time you ever use it is to check if ANY string is returned: > currentServer.type].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIMsgProtocolInfo); >- if (protocolinfo.canGetMessages && currentServer.password) { >+ if (protocolinfo.canGetMessages && currentServer.getPasswordIfAuthenticated()) { > // Get new messages now > GetMessagesForInboxOnServer(currentServer); instead, you should create a "readonly attribute boolean authenticated;" >+ // Obtain the server URI which is in the format <protocol>://<userid>@<hostname>. >+ // Password manager uses the same format when it stores the password on user's request. >+ char* hostURI; >+ hostURI = nsCRT::strdup(currServerUri.get()); >+ >+ nsXPIDLString userName; >+ nsXPIDLString password; >+ >+ // Get password entry corresponding to the host URI we are passing in. >+ rv = passwordMgr->FindPasswordEntry(&hostURI, getter_Copies(userName), getter_Copies(password)); I think there's a better way to use hostURI... try this: nsXPIDLString hostURI; hostURI.Adopt(ToNewCString(currServerUri)); then I think you can use getter_Copies and the string will be freed appropriately. >+ NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); >+ >+ // If a match is found, password element is filled in. Convert the >+ // obtained password and store it for the session. >+ if (!password.IsEmpty()) { >+ SetPassword(NS_LossyConvertUCS2toASCII(password).get()); "Lossy" throws a big red flag to me, and it should have thrown one to you too... you're clearly mangling a value that is UCS2. You need to figure out what charset this string is in and convert it appropriately. My first guess would be that it's in UTF8. I happen to know that this is simply a bad conversion, but in the future when you MUST write code that uses NS_LossyConvertUCS2toASCII(), you MUST document why it is safe to do a Lossy conversion.
Attachment #68282 - Flags: needs-work+
I did compile and test all these patches (each version). Thanks for your suggestions. Here is an updated version of password manager diffs incorporating your suggestions. + // Check if any of the params are null (set by getter_Copies as + // preparation for output parameters) and treat them wild card + // entry matches or if they match with current password element + // attribute values. + PRBool hostURIOK = !*hostURI || thisHostURI.Equals(*hostURI); + PRBool usernameOK = !*username || thisUsername.Equals(*username); + PRBool passwordOK = !*password || thisPassword.Equals(*password); When caller needs to get one of the values, say password, it does getter_Copies for password in it's code which will come in with value null. So, we treat that as a match and then try to match the actual for the other 2 variables viz., hostURI and username. password will be treated as match via !*password and the other two have to match via Equal() routine. Once all these values are matched, we just fill in those variables which need to be filled in the following block. + // If a password match is found based on given input params, + // fill in those params which are passed in as empty strings. + if (hostURIOK && usernameOK && passwordOK) + { + if (!*hostURI) { + *hostURI = ToNewCString(thisHostURI); + } + if (!*username) { + *username = ToNewUnicode(thisUsername); + } + if (!*password) { + *password = ToNewUnicode(thisPassword); + } + break; + } This interface is designed to allow caller to pass any of the known attribute values of password entry and get the rest.
Attachment #68276 - Attachment is obsolete: true
1. Changed interface to an attribute as suggested i.e., readonly attribute boolean isAuthenticated. 2. hostURI needed to be char* as we need to pass the value of hostURI we are looking for. getter_Copies can't be used on this one as the value will be null by the it reaches the password manager routine. 3. password is stored in UTF8. So, using NS_ConvertUCS2toUTF8 for conversion. Please continue to add your feedback and comments. Will modify these patches as needed. Thanks.
Attachment #68282 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 68482 [details] [diff] [review] patch, v1.4 - password mgr diffs - please ignore the last attachment, comments added there are still applicable an excellent patch - ample comments, well laid out, easy to read and understand :) Just wanted to point that out! sr=alecf
Attachment #68482 - Flags: superreview+
Comment on attachment 68483 [details] [diff] [review] patch, v1.4 - mailnews diffs - updated patch with Alec's suggestions what happened to using Adopt()? If Adopt() didn't work for some reason (explain that here) you should at least move the nsMemory::Free() before the if (!password.IsEmpty()) so that if SetPassword() fails, you still free the string. close.. :)
Attachment #68483 - Flags: needs-work+
From one of the previous upadtes : --- nsXPIDLString hostURI; hostURI.Adopt(ToNewCString(currServerUri)); then I think you can use getter_Copies and the string will be freed appropriately. --- There is no problem with Adopt(). But the problem is with getter_Copies(). I can't use getter_Copies due to the fact that the variable associated with it will be prepared as output param and any data in there will be wiped out by the time it reaches PasswordMgr's FindPasswordEntry routine. In the inout context, hostURI is serving as an input param and it's value shall not be disturbed. I will move the code Free() up as you suggested. Thanks for all your reviews and comments.
Comment on attachment 68483 [details] [diff] [review] patch, v1.4 - mailnews diffs - updated patch with Alec's suggestions great, thanks for the info. I'll just sr=alecf this patch, with the Free() moved earlier.
Attachment #68483 - Flags: needs-work+ → superreview+
Alec, thanks for a great review and your continuous feedback. Also, thanks to Morse and Shaver. Poting a new mailnews patch after moving Free() call as suggested.
Attachment #68483 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 68629 [details] [diff] [review] patch, v1.5 - mailnews diffs - updated patch (moving nsMemory::Free call up) sr=alecf (per his update)
Attachment #68629 - Flags: superreview+
Comment on attachment 68629 [details] [diff] [review] patch, v1.5 - mailnews diffs - updated patch (moving nsMemory::Free call up) we already have a method on the incoming server called: GetServerRequiresPasswordForBiff which I believe biff uses to determine whether it can run biff on that server or not. Instead of adding this new method, why don't we add your code for that method to GetServerRequiresPasswordForBiff. That is, if the server (or the password manager) already has a password then return false for this routine. This is how imap already uses this method (i.e. it just checks to see if the user has been authenticated already and returns false if we are already authenticated)
Comment on attachment 68482 [details] [diff] [review] patch, v1.4 - password mgr diffs - please ignore the last attachment, comments added there are still applicable r=mscott however my r= doesn't mean anything here since we still need module owner approval for this change. You'll want to get the real r= from morse since he's the module owner.
I thought I gave a review on the password manager part in comment #43. Anyhow, r=morse.
Combining with GetServerRequiresPasswordForBiff will work out well except in one case. It the case where user starts with account central page and has biff set up to happen after 'x' minutes && stays wihtout logging in for 'x' minutes. After 'x' minutes, the master password dialog will pop up for performing biff as the current patch enumerates through password manager database in search of a password. In such a situation, today (with current builds on sweetlou), biff simply doesn't happen until user takes some action that lets the app to get password for the given server.
Comment on attachment 68629 [details] [diff] [review] patch, v1.5 - mailnews diffs - updated patch (moving nsMemory::Free call up) r=mscott we decided to leave 2 separate methods on the class because of the undesired side effects of merging them together.
Attachment #68629 - Flags: review+
Thankd everyone for great reviews and feedback. This is finally done ! Fix checked in. Marking Fixed.
Closed: 24 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
removed the item for this bug from the release notes for 0.9.9 and beyond, because the bug is fixed now. Let me know if you think the item should be re-added.
*** Bug 129403 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
changing qa to esther, I will be verifying this
QA Contact: sheelar → esther
Using build 20020326 on winxp and running these tests: Created a new profile with 2 pop, 1 imap and 1 Netscape Web Mail account. Account settings= Check for new mail at startup = on Biff = on at 10 minute intervals POP preference Automatically Download any new messages = on First test: PW not saved Logged into all accounts Get All new msgs = OK Second test: PW saved = obscure Launch app, open mail, check for new mail pref worked on all, I saw the new mail icon but did not open any messages. Then I sent sent a message to all accounts from another system waited 30 seconds and did a Get All new messages = OK Third test: PW saved = encrypted Launch app, open mail, check for new mail pref worked since it prompted for master password. Gave master password and new messages arrived. I then sent a message to all accounts from another system waited 30 seconds and did a Get All new mail=OK Forth test: PW saved = encrypted for mail but also for browser page Launch app, log into browser page which is saved encrypted, gave master password Opened mail, check for new mail perf workded first. Did not open any msgs, lever mail accounts collapsed then selected Get All new mail = OK So far, verified for Windows, still need to test linux and mac.
Note: another test I ran: Fifth test: PW saved = check for new mail at start up =OFF, launch app Opened mail with folders collapsed,clicked Get All new messages =OK
Using build 20020327 on linux and the same scenario above all 5 tests passed. Verified for linux, now testing Mac
Using build 20020327 on mac 9.1 and 10.1 running the 5 tests mentioned above this is fixed. Verified.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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