Open Bug 814342 Opened 12 years ago Updated 3 months ago

[MAC-only] Drag & Drop of address book cards to mailing list properties dialogue was broken *before* bug 128124 made the dialogue window modal


(MailNews Core :: Address Book, defect)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: thomas8, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug)


(Keywords: platform-parity, regression, Whiteboard: [revisit after landing of bug 135126])


(1 obsolete file)

+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #58485 +++

As explained in Bug 58485 Comment 70, this bug covers a *MAC-only* problem originally filed as bug 58485 which over time had lost focus and became too messy to maintain.

* For the current problem that on *all* OS, the Mailing List Properties dialogue is currently modal, so that dragging cards into the dialogue is entirely impossible, see Mailnews Core bug 135126, which is equivalent to TB bug 282841 (currently kept open as a duplicate collector). We also have similar bug 115904 for making contact properties non-modal and enable drag & drop there, too. All of those issues are NOT covered in this bug here.

This bug is strictly about a MAC-only problem that was observed *before* bug bug 128124 made the mailing list properties dialogue modal. Iow, this bug effectively cannot currently be tested or fixed until fix for bug 135126 will have landed to re-enable dragging into the dialogue on all OS by making it non-modal.

After landing of bug 135126, please revisit this bug to see if everything works as expected on MAC.


1) create new Mailing list "List1"
2) double-click to open "List1" properties dialogue
3) drag & drop one or multiple contacts/cards from an address book into the open "List1" properties dialogue window
4) repeat step 3)

Actual result (before bug 128124 landed)

3) sometimes doesn't work at all, not even a single address gets added to "List1" properties
4) subsequent drag & drop always fails, addresses not added to "List1" properties

Expected result (only after landing of bug 135126!)

3) & 4) drag & drop of AB cards into "List1" properties should add all respective addresses
- regardless if one or multiple addresses were dragged
- for first and any subsequent drag & drop operation

FTR, here's the original report of Bug 58485:

Using 2000-10-30-08 mn6 commercial branch build Mac OS 9.0
mac only, works with Win32 build and linux build

I can only drag once from address book name/card list to a mailing list window, sometimes can't drag any.

1.  From mail window, Tasks|Address Book.
2.  Click New List, give list a name.
3.  Drag a name/card from the address book to the mail list window.
    Note:  this first address drag & drop sometimes works, sometimes doesn't
4.  Drag another name from the address book to the mail list window.
    Result:  Doesn't work.

Note:  typing names in the mail list window works and you can add several.

Actual result:  can only us Drag&Drop from address book maximum of once,
sometimes none.

Expected:  can drag&drop as many names as I want from address book to mail list.

This is a regression.
No longer depends on: 58485
Summary: [MAC-only] Drag & Drop of address book cards to mailing list properties dialogue was broken at the time when the dialogue was not yet modal → [MAC-only] Drag & Drop of address book cards to mailing list properties dialogue was broken at the time when the dialogue window was not yet modal
Whiteboard: [revisit after landing of bug 135126]
Summary: [MAC-only] Drag & Drop of address book cards to mailing list properties dialogue was broken at the time when the dialogue window was not yet modal → [MAC-only] Drag & Drop of address book cards to mailing list properties dialogue was broken *before* bug 128124 made the dialogue window modal
Old Seamonkey Bug 45064 claims that this worked on MAC, but I'm not sure if that can be trusted as the wfm confirmations don't have sufficient comments.
Severity: normal → S3
Attachment #9383709 - Attachment is obsolete: true
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