Closed Bug 84896 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

The program must close to allow a previous installation atempt to complete. Please wait.


(SeaMonkey :: Installer, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dougkr, Assigned: slogan)



(Whiteboard: [pdt+][smartupdate]9/28 verified on branch, [correctness])


(6 files)

I had .9 installed & working. I installed 0.9.1 - there is some confusion here I may have tried to install twice. now I have reinstalled - I have deleted - I have rebooted (blush), I have cried but all I can get out of mozilla is the above comment! - there must be some file hanging around which tells Mozilla that the installation is still in progress. Try reformatting your hard drive. No, seriously - over to XPInstall to see if they can tell you what it is. Gerv
Severity: blocker → major
Component: Browser-General → Installer: XPInstall Engine
Assignee: asa → ssu
Component: Installer: XPInstall Engine → Installer
QA Contact: doronr → gemal
QA Contact: gemal → gbush
over to syd. That error generally means that the installer was not able to cleanup some files that are in use. Under windows, there is a file called xpicleanup.dat that will get created in such an occasion. Look for a file of the similar name under linux and try renaming it (make sure the browser is not running when you do this). then try starting the browser up again.
Assignee: ssu → syd
That's exactly what's going on. xpicleanup.dat must be in the main program directory (the one that contains mozilla). It's possible that this has been left around because a file xpicleanup is trying to delete is now read-only for some reason.
Since deleting the xpicleanup.dat could prossibly result in a non functional browser, I would suggest runing xpicleanup (under linux) before running the browser. This should take care of files not yet replaced properly. The browser should start right up afterwards.
*** Bug 84178 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Syd/Don, perhaps we should think about doing a couple of things to the xpicleanup app: * Show some kind of UI when it's actually cleaning up files. I know there are issues with knowing when it can actually cleanup files. Perhaps show the UI after the first successfull file delete/rename/cleanup? * decrease the time interval that xpicleanup waits before attempting again to clean up files in memory.
Confirming this bug; it is real, it is nasty. It just happened to me. I run xpicleanup, it hangs. I still can't run the browser. Suggestions: - Change the "The program must close to allow a previous installation atempt to complete. Please wait." message to something that the user can cope with and handle. Give me a clue what I'm supposed to do next! How long do I have to wait? How can I tell progress? How do I know that things haven't just busted? Because, in my case, I'm damned sure things have just busted, but that's only because I know how to run "ps" and see that there are no processes doing any installation work for me. - Rethink this whole thing. You obviously have no idea how frustrating it is to the end user.
Ever confirmed: true
I got things to work eventually by killing the hung xpicleanup process I started, and deleting xpicleanup.dat. (Well, I renamed it, so you can have a copy of it if that would be useful.)
Yes, the xpicleanup.dat file would be very useful to have. xpicleanup probably wasn't hung it just couldn't delete a file so it assumes that file is in use by the browser. It then waits and tries again. We need to see what that file is by looking inside xpicleanup.dat. The file shouldn't be very big. Can you post it to the bug?
Keywords: nsbeta1
Whiteboard: [smartupdate]
Ok, I opened the attached xpicleanup.dat and found: 386a0c16a4808 (B)=/tmp/\0x00 in the delete list. Terry: Is this file in your /tmp directory? If so, what are the attributes on the file? Can it be deleted?
I checked for /tmp/ and found the following: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 248 Nov 8 2000
I have no such file in my /tmp.
Terry, would it be possible to put the xpicleanup.dat that you posted to the bug in your "program" directory (same place as mozilla) and try running xpicleanup by itself? It should delete the xpicleanup.dat file almost immediately.
That's what I did originally! /usr/local/mozilla is the directory that contained both the mozilla executable and the xpicleanup.dat file. When I ran xpicleanup, it *hung*. Only renaming it to xpicleanup.dat.sillybuggers let me use mozilla at all.
I don't think xpicleanup actually hung. I think it couldn't delete in your /tmp directory at the time and so just kept on trying assuming it was in use. Now that you've verified that there is no in your /tmp directory I'd like to verify that xpicleanup just runs, deletes xpicleanup.dat and exits correctly.
I'd definitely call it a program "hung" if it is busy infinite looping waiting for some condition to happen that never does. Anyway, you're right; xpicleanup now returns immediately, and the xpicleanup.dat file disappears.
I encountered this after installing the java plugin on linux. Deleting the java stuff from plugins/ fixed the problem.
I'm thinking that the java installer is installing a file as read only for some reason. If that's the case it can't be deleted by the cleanup app. I'm looking at that right now.
Looks like it's all read only but that shouldn't matter as long as you are the same user running the "update" installation as the one who ran the original installation. If you're logged in as root when you install java the first time and then another user when you install it again you won't be able to clean up the initial installation. Eric: Is it possible something like this occured in your case?
It's possible that is what happened to *me*.
*** Bug 87191 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I've had this problem in Linux since 0.9.1 and with the nightly builds. It's always after I download the java plugin and exit mozilla. Then I get the window popup saying it's waiting for a previous installation attempt twice (start mozilla twice) and then the third time I start mozilla it's fine forever until I download the next nightly build. =) Occassionally it only gives the error message one time, but 90% of the time it's twice until mozilla starts up.
*** Bug 88492 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
How long are you waiting after you exit mozilla after installing the java plugin? Does waiting longer have any effect on the message at restart? Try waiting about 15 seconds. If you're still getting the message at start up then there's something that gets held open when the program exits.
So, Don, what do you suggest we do?
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.3
I suggest 2 things: 1. Shorten the sleep interval to 1 second instead of 15 seconds. 2. Put the try/sleep/try-again loops in the delete and replace routines rather than in the main loop. 3. Put a limit of 5 attempts per file then if it still can't delete the file it should print the name of that file to a log file, delete it from the registry and move on. If if can't delete any file, throw a dialog that tells the user to look at this log file. If all this can't be done in the time allotted, we should at least do step 1, 2 and the "move on" part of 3. We could skip the write-it-to-a-log-file part if we had to. This is my suggestion.
I don't know if this is known or not, but deleting the xpicleanup.dat file "fixes" this problem and I am able to get in to mozilla.
Yes, this is as designed. The xpicleanup utility is supposed to read that file and when all the entries have been processed it deletes it. The browser then uses the existance of the xpicleanup.dat file as a "flag" to determine if a previous installation cleaned up correctly. It's turning out that with some complex plugin installs like java some files are marked for replacement but are in use and stay in use even after the browser exits.
Oops. That was "3" things. No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
I made the changes to the Unix version of xpicleanup. These changes are: 1. Moved the loop to the delete and replace functions 2. Shortened the interval to 1 second and 5 retries 3. Always return DONE so that the entry in xpicleanup.dat gets deleted 4. Removed the loop from the main() function I didn't do all the logging stuff but I don't believe that's as necessary as the above changes. Posting patch.
Blocks: 89424
Forgot the removal of the main try/sleep/try loop. Posting new patch.
*** Bug 84639 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 91427 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Shortening the interval to 1 second does the trick for me. The problem with the long interval is that when we launch the cleanup there's still a lot of mozilla shutdown left to go. The utility finds mozilla files still in use and immediately goes into its 15 second wait cycle, but by the time that's up the user has already tried to launch Mozilla again. Finding the files in-use the utility goes into another wait, while the user shuts down mozilla and relaunches, repeating the cycle ad nauseum unless the user happens to get lucky or the user gives up. Moving the wait loop and giving up after a certain number of tries is just wrong and will surely lead to messed up installs. A better UI would be the ultimate solution (display the files being waited on? give the option to go ahead anyway?). But shortening the interval would be a good start.
PDT+. Please ensure there are no undesirable side-effects...
Whiteboard: [smartupdate] → PDT+ [smartupdate]
r=selmer to the extent that the transformations from 15 seconds to 1 second look correct on the face of it.
Checked in sleep cycle reduction on branch.
Adding vbranch keyword.
Keywords: vbranch
Whiteboard: PDT+ [smartupdate] → PDT+ [smartupdate] workaround fix on branch
OS: Linux → All
Hardware: PC → All
Checked in sleep cycle reduction on trunk. I'm leaving the bug open because we need to do something different with the UI as well, and figure out how users can deal with "cleanups" that can never complete. (release note?)
verified on branch 2001072504
Keywords: vbranch
Whiteboard: PDT+ [smartupdate] workaround fix on branch → PDT+ [smartupdate] workaround fix on branch/verified on branch
So - I have this bug too.. I have build id: 2001062815 (0.9.2) {Win2K) I click on the puzzle piece to install Java plug in, it downloads I get the "It worked" screen in netscape, Java setup program runs. Next time I start Mozilla I expect Java to work. Instead, I get this ".. previous installation..." message. And Java is *STILL* not installed. How do I install Java by hand? Are there but only a few files I have to twizzle by hand with? or is it a bit more complicated, and I'm just going to have to wait. I'd really like to have Java work in the browser. -Duane.
*** Bug 92631 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 89051 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Marking mostfreq at 11 dups.
Keywords: mostfreq
*** Bug 92880 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Missed 0.9.3.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.3 → mozilla0.9.4
*** Bug 93918 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 94005 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 94233 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I'm also seeing the problem Dwane Ellis is getting where Java doesn't get installed on Win2k (0.9.3). I'm familiar with the xpicleanup problem from Linux, so the "previous installation" message didn't faze me, but after running xpicleanup the plugins folder is empty of Java plugins. I guess this may be a separate W2k bug, but I'm not sure.
Err... sorry for the spam, but I want to be clear that I'm installing Java with administrator privledges, so that isn't the issue. Java is installed fine in it's own folder, but mozilla/plugins is empty.
*** Bug 95215 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 95884 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Grace, can I get an idea of what works, and where? Is there just a problem with Java installs? What exactly are the steps to fix this. I noticed that Dan's patch is on the trunk as well, although the status whiteboard comments indicate only the branch has been verified.
verify on mozilla 0.9.3 and trunk 2001090303 Dan, do you want to keep this open or should I mark verified?
*I* think it's fixed, but I'm a little concerned with all the complaints that came in after I checked in the fix. If you're not seeing it when installing the JRE (on Linux especially) then go ahead and verify. Maybe we need a new bug for a different underlying problem and starting fresh would probably help reduce confusion.
Marking fixed based on Dan's comments.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I'm still having the problem with the Sep 5, 2001 nightly build of mozilla, so IMO this should be left open, or closed and reopened as a new bug.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Dan (stromberg): can you give me some steps to reproduce? I'd like to try this myself. Grace: the majority of the bugs in here are Linux, but OS is set to ALL. Is this true?
mid air collision! Here are Dan's steps. I see a few cases noted on Win, but most are on Linux- I will put PC/all From Dan Stromberg's steps in email The buildid is 2001090508. I'm running mozilla, not netscape 6.x. I did the install as root, not as myself. I didn't use the installer, I just downloaded a .tar.gz, extracted, ran it as root, and attempted to download the plugin, exited mozilla, reran it, and got the error. I'll try to give you full detail of how I installed the plugin now: 1) run mozilla as root with HOME=/root and DISPLAY=seki.acs:5 (seki is my machine, :5 is for my mxconns X authorization) 2) I go to a java url (, "play go now" link) 3) I click "Ok" to download plugin 4) I select Java 2 linux plugin 5) In the "items to install" window, I click ok -without- highlighting an option 6) Wait for the download to complete 7) In the "install results Java 2 plug-in for linux: successful" window, I select "quit", to leave my root mozilla's. 8) I go back to my normal userid with DISPLAY=:0.0 and HOME=/Dcs/staff/strombrg, and run mozilla again (same version), and get the error in the subjectline. I tried these steps with minor revisions. did not have to change my display gunzipped and tarred the .gz file (did not use installer) as root went to downloaded java plugin (first time it was unsuccesful in downloading, second time it was ok) quit mozilla ran again as root/ got the 'please wait ' message and waited about 15 seconds and launched successfully after that- checked out java page etc ran again as gbush after fiddling with permissions and launched etc.
Hardware: All → PC
There are still two error in InstallCleanupUnix.cpp: 1. sleep(1000) will sleep for 1000 seconds (about 16 minutes), not 1 second :-) If you want to sleep for 1 second, you'll need sleep(1) 2. unlink() syscall returns 0 on success, so instead of if(!unlink(aFileToDelete)) return TRY_LATER; you need if(unlink(aFileToDelete) != 0) return TRY_LATER; See attached patch
Syd, are you happy with the patch from Denis? Can we get it reviewed etc now?
Comment on attachment 49204 [details] [diff] [review] Corrent use of sleep() and unlink() r=dveditz -- we should push to get this PDT+
Attachment #49204 - Flags: review+
Keywords: nsbranch
Ooops, this bug had a leftover PDT+ from 6.1. Removing that. Moving from nsbranch to nsbranch+, please correct me if I'm wrong.
Keywords: nsbranchnsbranch+
Whiteboard: PDT+ [smartupdate] workaround fix on branch/verified on branch → [smartupdate] workaround fix on branch/verified on branch
0.9.4 is out the door.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.4 → mozilla0.9.5
0.9.4 is out the door.
Pls get SR ASAP. We'd like to tak this one.
Still happens to me with 0.9.4.
Have a similar problem with java using build 20010917. I killed the xpicleanup process after installing the jre.xpi process manually restarted mozilla and still got the comment box "Waiting for installation process to complete" or whatever it says specifically. I exited mozilla as root and ran as a user, this time mozilla actually loaded without having to delete the plugin, however, when I went to the browser completely hung. I deleted the java2 directory and link from /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins and the browser no longer hangs at Incidentally I am able to get java working by downloading the java 2 sdk and manually creating a link in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins that points to /usr/java/jdk1.3.1/jre/plugin/i386/ns600/
Whiteboard: [smartupdate] workaround fix on branch/verified on branch → [pdt][smartupdate] workaround fix on branch/verified on branch
*** Bug 100898 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Adding correctness Status Whiteboard, correct/expected behavior does not occur.
Whiteboard: [pdt][smartupdate] workaround fix on branch/verified on branch → [pdt][smartupdate] workaround fix on branch/verified on branch, [correctness]
Mr. Syd - Tentative PDT+, pending your review. Pls Dan's review as sr =
Whiteboard: [pdt][smartupdate] workaround fix on branch/verified on branch, [correctness] → [pdt+][smartupdate] workaround fix on branch/verified on branch, [correctness]
Attachment #49204 - Flags: superreview+
Syd - Pls check this in today (if possible).
Fixes checked in branch and trunk
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
For the record, in case the world blows up as a result of this or anything, I didn't sr= the patch that was checked in...
Checked in whitespace change with comment indicating true contribution and review status of this fix.
Windows - updating doesn't result in the "please wait" dialog. Linux - I don't know how to do an update on Linux, so I did an install which deletes the existing installation. How do I do a Linux update? Mac - On the machine I have access to, it hangs, then crashes the machine while trying to update. After rebooting the machine, I see this dialog and need to run xpicleanup.
To try installing java on Linux (I've been able to reproduce this previously using these exact steps--haven't tried today): 1. Go to the plugins directory /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins using the rpm for RedHat. 2. delete the java2 directory rm -r java2 3. delete the link : rm 4. Open the browser and go to At this point it should be fairly straight-forward. You should get the plugin install dialog, just follow through and install the Linux Java2 plugin. Once you restart the browser you'll see if you get the xpiplugin error. A good thing to do if you don't get the xpiplugin bug, go back to and see if the java plugin actually works. Two weeks ago I was able to install plugin and get mozilla to run, but it didn't actually run--see my previous workaround post.
OK, I can verify that it does not show the "...previous installation..." dialog. But when I run the browser again, the newly installed java plugin does not work. It hangs the browser.
From my debug build, some console output on the plugin init. LoadPlugin() /builds/eddyk/daily/mozilla/modules/plugin/samples/default/unix/ returned 8339318 GetMIMEDescription() returned "*:.*:All types" IsPluginFile(/builds/eddyk/daily/mozilla/dist/bin/plugins/java2) LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /builds/eddyk/daily/mozilla/dist/bin/plugins/java2 [/builds/eddyk/daily/mozilla/dist/bin/plugins/java2: cannot read file data: Is a directory] LoadPlugin() /builds/eddyk/daily/mozilla/dist/bin/plugins/java2 returned 0 IsPluginFile(/builds/eddyk/daily/mozilla/dist/bin/plugins/java2/plugin/i386/ns600/ LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /builds/eddyk/daily/mozilla/dist/bin/plugins/java2/plugin/i386/ns600/ [/builds/eddyk/daily/mozilla/dist/bin/plugins/java2/plugin/i386/ns600/ undefined symbol: _._13nsCOMPtr_base] LoadPlugin() /builds/eddyk/daily/mozilla/dist/bin/plugins/java2/plugin/i386/ns600/ returned 0
Hanging the browser is something entirely different. The check for an existing xpicleanup.dat is the first thing, so you would get this warning long before it tries to load java and hang. Do you have a new kernel? AFAIK we're still using the 1.3.01 JRE which is known to hang on RedHat 7.1 and similar unless you set some magic environment variable. See the release notes. The test for this bug is simple: Install w/out Java visit a site that uses java ( works) click the puzzle piece to get Java, install it exit and restart Mozilla. If you get this message its still broken, if you don't it's fixed. Any other problems installing Java (and there are a few known ones) are different bugs. Mac is irrelevant to this bug's latest fixes, and even the original problem wasn't reported on Mac.
commercial build - branch 2001092804 (marking vtrunk to remind) mozilla build 2001092813 changed status whiteboard to reflect current branch verification
Keywords: vtrunk
Whiteboard: [pdt+][smartupdate] workaround fix on branch/verified on branch, [correctness] → [pdt+][smartupdate]9/28 verified on branch, [correctness]
verified on trunk 2001100206
Keywords: vtrunk
I received this error when trying to do a custom SmartUpdate from Nav,Mail,IM only installation of 20010726 (N6.1 RTM) ... and did a full (every check box clicked) installation of 20011002 update.html I didn't get the error unless I attempt to open mail (which fails) than I quit and restart. Restart failed (with the error) Second restart succeeded. win2k
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Reclosing... this bug was not fixed until well after 6.1, so the 6.1 builds still have the problem. When you update the install engine in the *existing* version is used. "SmartUpdate" in 6.1 is not supported and may or may not work (they killed the site so bugs in this upgrade path slipped to low priority). If you find problems please file new bugs. This message could come up in several cases and this bug covers the case where the sleep cycle was too long, resulting in problems when installing the JRE in mozilla.
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
This problem ("The program must close to allow a previous installation...") occurred on my Linux (RH 7.0) computer this week when running the Java plug-in installation ( I read through all of the comments in this bug and extracted a simple course of action that eventually worked for me. I moved the xpicleanup.dat file from /usr/lib/mozilla-0.9.3/ to /usr/local/mozilla/. I then ran xpicleanup that was located in /usr/local/mozilla/ and the dat file disappeared and I was able to launch Mozilla, finally. This seems like a flaw in the Java Plug-in installation program: placing the dat file in the wrong directory, or at least not making the clean-up program aware of where the dat file can be found. Anyway, I thought this tid-bit might be of interest. Thanks for all of the verbose discussions in the bug--it helped.
*** Bug 103647 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 105267 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
i've downloades today 10-24 the last mozilla from ximian mozilla-0.9.5-ximian.1.i386.rpm and it's still have the same can i fix it?..thank u
By "same problem" you mean installing the JRE and not being able to launch after? Or are you installing something else first? Run strings on xpicleanup.dat and see what path-like things you find in there. That will let us know if it's safe to simply delete xpicleanup.dat, or give clues to what install has left you in this state.
by "same problem" i mean installing the JRE and not being able to launch after I dont know what to do whe the xpicleanup.dat file...i'm gonna attach it...
Here's the output of running strings on Jorge's file: $ strings attachment.cgi ADdv //lib/mozilla/plugins/java2/lib/i386/client/ ameserv x32.gif Users Common Version Registry Private Arenas Mozilla XPInstall Delete List 3911594733db7 /tmp/
i was looking at the file /usr/lib/mozilla/install.log and at the end there is a " [160/160] Executing: /tmp/" and if u see the file /tmp/ it says #!/bin/sh #------------------------------------------------------- # Hack to allow symlinking (required for Sun's JRE) in # a zippy. # # usage: <srcfile> <newlink> # #------------------------------------------------------- ln -s $1 $2 so...if xpinstall it's right...when java is tries to symlink something...but xpinstall doesnt have arguments... Am i right?
The script passes arguments, the log is incomplete for execute commands. Delete the temp file and you should be fine. Would be nice to figure out why xpicleanup was not able to do so (permission problem?).
what temp file? xpinstall?...i did it...actually i just moved it...and nothing happens...i try to start mozilla and it doesnt...
*** Bug 102721 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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