Closed Bug 8529 Opened 26 years ago Closed 25 years ago

New msgs are not placed correctly in the sort ordered msgs


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: momoi, Assigned: waterson)



(Whiteboard: [PR1])

** Observed with 6/18/99 Win32 build ** When I download new msgs from a server, I don't see the new ones placed correctly in the chosen sort category. For example, I have already selected the descending Subject sort and have my msgs sorted that way. When I then download new msgs, they are placed at the top (in one case I observed). I then had to place them correctly by clciking on the Subject title again.
Assignee: phil → putterman
I'll take a look at this.
QA Contact: lchiang → esther
I think Esther may have entered (or was going to enter) a similar bug on this. cc: Esther.
When I was investigating this, I found that the NEW message was being place correctly if you looked at the date of the message just before it. However, because of the bug with Sort by Date (in particular the time), the messages are sorted incorrectly originally, which makes the NEW message appear to be place wrong. For example on one of the platforms, (I think win32), a date of 4/19/99 10:22AM would sort after 4/19/99 04:22PM, because it's sorting the hour incorrectly. The other two platforms are sorting incorrectly too, one of them is sorting the minutes not the hour incorrectly. I will investigate in the morning to see if the Sort by Date bug has these scenarios. In the meantime, momoi, please check to see if this is what is happening to you.
I've tried to explain this in the past, but just to clear this up, currently sorting by date sorts alphabetically, not by date order. Because '0' comes before '1' alphabetically '04:30PM' will come before '10:30AM'. Likewise, because '1' comes before '4' alphabetically, '10:30PM' will come before '4:30PM, same with dates. It's a bug that needs to be fixed, but this is what is happening. This will be the same on ALL platforms. However, not all of the platforms' dates are getting printed out the same (this inconsistency is happening in intl code). Some of them do 4/22 and others do 04/22. This probably explains why it looks like some platforms are sorting better than others. But, in truth, they are all doing the same thing.
This bug was filed about the "Subject" sort and how newly downloaded msgs are not placed correctly under this sort option initially. Would it better not to bunch this bug with the date/alphabetic order sort probelm?
QA Contact: esther → fenella
Changing QA Contact to fenella since this is a Sort bug.
CC'ing marina.
Target Milestone: M10
Setting M10
OS: Windows NT → All
Hardware: PC → All
correcting platform to All per Esther's comments.
Whiteboard: [PR1]
Sounds like this needs to be fixed by PR1, so I added a note to the Status Whiteboard
Assignee: putterman → rjc
reassigning to rjc. It looks like the sort is not applied to content that's added dynamically.
Target Milestone: M10 → M11
I think that Chris (Waterson) is looking at this, so adding him to the CC list.
Assignee: rjc → waterson
Re-assigning to Chris as he's temporarily disabled the call to InsertContainerNode() which does the insertion sort. Chris, can we re-enable this?
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I can not verify this bug until bug 13811 is fixed.
Depends on: 13811
Add dependency to 13811
Linux (1999-11-08-08 M11) Win32 (1999-11-08-09 M11) Mac (1999-11-08-08 M11) POP/IMAP: The new message is now being placed correctly in the chosen sort order Bug 13811 has been fixed too.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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