Closed Bug 86526 Opened 24 years ago Closed 22 years ago

chatzilla stores default prefs in prefs.js


(Other Applications :: ChatZilla, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jruderman, Assigned: rginda)



(2 files)

Chatzilla shouldn't store its default prefs in prefs.js, because if the defaults are later changed, anyone who happens to have run chatzilla before the change will have the old defaults. Here's what I see in my prefs.js file: user_pref("extensions.irc.debug.tracer", false); user_pref("extensions.irc.desc", "New Now Know How"); user_pref("extensions.irc.munger", true); user_pref("extensions.irc.munger.smileyText", false); user_pref("extensions.irc.nickCompleteStr", ": "); user_pref("extensions.irc.nickname", "Jesse"); user_pref("extensions.irc.notify.aggressive", true); user_pref("extensions.irc.stalkWords", ""); user_pref("extensions.irc.username", "chatzilla"); I think my nick is the only thing I entered.
This will go away when chatzilla finally gets a prefs panel.
Depends on: 23265
OS: Windows NT → All
Remove myself from QA of 33 open Chatzilla bugs and change to default QA contact, since I have no way to verify these easily. Still no working Mozilla on my primary platform and it doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon. :(
QA Contact: mozilla → samuel
No longer depends on: 23265
Chatzilla now has a pref panel. Is it gone in the latest releases?
The pref panel is not checked in yet.
Depends on: 23265
Hardware: PC → All
I don't know what my comment was all about, I don't see how the pref panel blocks this bug at all.
No longer depends on: 23265
I think I know - without the pref panel you just saved the prefs on exit (or if the user requested), but with the pref panels you can specify a default for each pref in the panel itself, which cuases the pref to only be stored if it's not set to the default. I don't know off-hand if my stuff included in bug 23265 has these defaults in them or not, but the current working version on my computer certainly does.
This is not fixed. The prefs are stored even if they are the defaults.
Attached patch patch v0.1Splinter Review
write prefs if they aren't default value. It's necessary to delete prefs if they are set to default value, but I couldn't find how to do that. client.prefBranch.clearUserPref() doesn't work.
I tried calling clearUserPref("nickname") and that did appear to clear the pref fine. Could you try again, with the clearUserPref enabled and see if you can get it to work? I'm happy to try the patch if you want.
client.prefBranch.clearUserPref() still doesn't work. Once that function is called, client.munger.entries is cleared.
This is based on the previous patch, and is basically the same except it catches exceptions generated when trying to clear a pref that's not there.
Attachment #125701 - Flags: review?(rginda)
Comment on attachment 125701 [details] [diff] [review] diff -U 6 of CVS tee included in next xpi
Attachment #125701 - Flags: review?(rginda) → review+
actually, isn't this going to keep the default values from showing up in the pref panel?
marking fixed, 0.8.34 checked in.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Core → Other Applications
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