Closed Bug 87040 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Leaks in creating new mail message


(MailNews Core :: Backend, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dprice, Assigned: dbaron)



(Keywords: memory-leak)


(7 files)

set XPCOM_MEM_LEAK_LOG=\filename start mozilla -mail Size = 39,312K ctrl-M to start a new mail message Size = 45,556K close mail message Size = 44,684K ctrl-M to start a new mail message Size = 45,860K close mail message Size = 45,304K ctrl-M to start a new mail message Size = 46,404K close mail message Size = 45,708K exit Our size keeps going up as we create and cancel new mail messages. Simply starting with -mail and exiting, the leaklog tells me it's leaking 48K After starting with -mail and canceling one new message it's leaking 1186K After starting with -mail and canceling three new messages it's leaking 1489K According to the leak log we leak 25 instances of nsDocument and the largest standouts by size are... nsCSSSelector 77K nsStr 77K CSSDeclarationImpl 93K nsXULAttribute 192K nsXULAttributes 122K nsXULElement 172K
keywords += mlk
Keywords: mlk
-> putterman I'm available to help/answer questions.
Assignee: dprice → putterman
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.3
reassigning to ducarroz.
Assignee: putterman → ducarroz
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.3 → mozilla0.9.4
boy it would be good if we could nail some of this mail leaks in the next week.
Blocks: 91387
waterson and I poked at this for a bit last night, and didn't get very far. We did manage to figure out what was needed to reproduce this. It requires focusing something in the mail compose window. Starting with "./mozilla -P <PROFILE> -compose" one must focus something in the mail compose window. (This seems to happen automatically for some people, but not for me.) If I don't focus anything, I don't see the leak. If I focus the from dropdown, the attachments widget, any of the address fields, the subject line, or the message body editor, I see the leak. It seems like the leak might be related to some ownership cycle that goes through XPConnect. There was a nsXULPrototypeAttribute::mEventHandler root that wasn't unrooted, but it didn't seem to be rooting much in the GC, although GC_MARK_DEBUG didn't seem too helpful. The other strange thing was that there were 2 leaked references but the imbalance in references that had cycles through XPConnect looked like it was an imbalance of 3.
Bug 93146 explains the leaked roots I was seeing, which may or may not be the cause of this leak.
The leaks are really from an nsEventStateManager - it's mDocument (I wish that were an nsCOMPtr) and its gLastFocusedDocument.
The nsEventStateManager is leaked by the nsPresContext. The nsPresContext is leaked by 3 different imgRequestProxy (why do they own it?). The nsEventStateManager, nsPresContext, and imgRequestProxy are among the 14K of leaks that I see when I don't focus anything. So it's a small leak that gets much bigger when the user focuses something.
cc'ing pavlov. could you vend us a clue here, sir?
And the imgRequestProxy are somehow leaked from an nsImageBoxFrame (there are 6 frames leaked). So some frame isn't destroying its children properly. (Or anonymous children, or something.)
I suspect this is related to the assertions: ###!!! ASSERTION: not a container: 'nsnull == aChildList', file /builds/seamonkey/mozilla/layout/html/base/src/nsFrame.cpp, line 365 ###!!! Break: at file /builds/seamonkey/mozilla/layout/html/base/src/nsFrame.cpp, line 365
This fixes it: Index: nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/layout/html/style/src/nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp,v retrieving revision 1.609 diff -u -d -r1.609 nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp --- nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp 2001/07/25 07:52:19 1.609 +++ nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp 2001/08/02 04:22:08 @@ -5479,7 +5479,6 @@ } // End of RESIZER CONSTRUCTION logic else if (aTag == nsXULAtoms::image) { - processChildren = PR_TRUE; isReplaced = PR_TRUE; rv = NS_NewImageBoxFrame(aPresShell, &newFrame); }
Righteous. r/sr=waterson
This is great. Thanks David. Did this fix all of the leak originally reported? Adding Varada. We should update the numbers we're keeping track of after this goes in.
Who is trying to add a child to an <image> tag. While I think this patch is correct, I'd also like to see the bad XUL corrected.
It was something related to bringing in editorOverlay.xul, but I didn't get beyond that.
hewitt's document inspector could presumably be used to find out the id and type of the element being placed under the <image> in the content model. lxr could find that element, and then we could fix this in the content model as well.
which probably explains why it only happens in the modern skin, varada?
r=pavlov to both patches
Assignee: ducarroz → dbaron
Fix checked in (nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp), 2001-08-02 19:41 PDT. Filed bug 93359 on getting the XBL fixed.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
*** Bug 93393 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
QA Contact: esther → stephend
Since I'm not leaking any |nsXULElement|s, |nsXULAttributes/nsXULAttribute|, |CSSDeclarationImpl| or |nsCSSSelector| classes, can I mark this verified? This was with a current debug trunk CVS build. I'm assuming the leakage of |nsStr| is either known, or can be filed seperately, since the patches were meant to address the XUL/CSS leaks. Thanks.
verified fixed, see my criteria, above.
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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