Closed Bug 89270 Opened 24 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Mozilla destroys the stream when NPP_WriteReady() return 0


(Core Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: alain, Assigned: peterl-bugs)



(Keywords: embed, topembed-, Whiteboard: [PL2:P2][NPAPI backwards compatibility])

According to the Plugin documentation, flow control can be achieve : "If the plug-in receives a value of zero, the data flow temporarily stops. Communicator checks to see if the plug-in can receive data again by resending the data at regular intervals. " Excerpt form NPP_WriteReady() description in the plugin ref. But instead Mozilla destroy the stream when 0 is return and no longer call NPP_Write at regular interval
See bug 86473 to suspend a HTTP channel.
Assignee: av → peterlubczynski
Depends on: 86473
Ever confirmed: true
Priority: -- → P3
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.0
alain: do you have a testcase or tester plugin for this?
I think Darin put in the ability to pause a stream a while ago and this should be done before mozilla1.0
Keywords: mozilla1.0
Whiteboard: [NPAPI backwards compatibility]
nominating nsbeta1
Keywords: nsbeta1
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1+, topembed
nsbeta1+ per ADT Triage.
Where is the test case? Or where is a site that demonstrates this issue? Seting to nsbeta1- until either a valid test case is attached or a URL pointer is attached. Also moving to moz1.1
Keywords: nsbeta1+nsbeta1-
Target Milestone: mozilla1.0 → mozilla1.1
Assignee: peterlubczynski → serge
topembed- until we get a testcase. Nice to fix category
Keywords: topembedembed, topembed-
removing myself from cc:
Keywords: 4xp
Priority: P3 → P2
Whiteboard: [NPAPI backwards compatibility] → [NPAPI backwards compatibility][PL2:P2]
Whiteboard: [NPAPI backwards compatibility][PL2:P2] → [PL2:P2][NPAPI backwards compatibility]
Target Milestone: mozilla1.1alpha → mozilla1.2beta
Target Milestone: mozilla1.2beta → mozilla1.3beta
This appears to be the reason Plugger does not work in streaming mode. As soon as the buffer is filled and a write fails with EAGAIN, Mozilla stops sending data to the plugger. In netscape, NPP_Writeready is called periodically, even when it returns 0, and eventually the write's will succeed, WriteReady will return a value > 0, and the streaming resumes.
*** Bug 195638 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Assignee: serge → peterl
QA Contact: shrir → ashishbhatt
Target Milestone: mozilla1.3beta → Future
Blocks: 55959
I'm seeing this problem with Mozilla 1.6 and plugger 4.0, although I suspect it may be a plugger problem. Please see bug 235641 for details. It looks as though plugger may be trying to stream mp3's, and from reading this, it looks as though mozilla is failing to negotiate properly with the plugin, so this may be a two headed problem. My understanding is that because play rates may exceed transfer rates on a slow Internet connection, a browser and/or plugin fed an explicit link to an mp3 file should not try to stream it, but should download it in its entirity and then play it. Streaming (actually pseudo-streaming) is the job of the processing chain attached to the m3u file format, which does work propoerly in mozilla (on my system, XMMS gets invoked to handle the m3u indirect reference).
Fixed by the change in bug 216218 (which should really have been a dupe of this bug).
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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