Closed Bug 91574 Opened 23 years ago Closed 18 years ago

[RFE] Add "Unread" option to existing "Mark" menus


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: tommybee99, Unassigned)


Under the "Mark" menus in various places throughout Mail / News, there are
options for marking the selected message read, the surrounding thread read, and
the entire newsgroup read, but there is no option to mark a message unread.  I
know that this action is possible through showing the "Read" column in the
messages view, but it would be more convenient to have the option in the "Mark"
menus themselves, as turning on the column, marking the one message unread, and
then turning it back off is not as elegant.
This is a dup of 66657.

Reporter: if bug 66657 isn't what you mean then reopen this bug.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 66657 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
I believe this is for the menus in the menu toolbar, whereas the duplicate is
for contextmenus.

They are closely related though.
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
My target is for ALL of the "Mark" menus to contain an unread option -- right
now that includes the submenu in the "Message" menu and the popup menu from the
"Mark" toolbar item.  Should a "Mark" submenu be added to the contextual menu, I
would appreciate the unread option to be there as well, but I'm not necessarily
pushing for that particular feature / bug.
Marking NEW though i think really there the same bug.
Ever confirmed: true
Again, I want "Unread" to be an option in ALL "Mark" menus, especially the
existing ones in the "Message" menu and the popup menu in the toolbar.  While I
think it would be nice to have the contextual menu item as well, I really only
care about the functionality be added to existing menus -- SOME way for me to
mark the messages unread without having to make the "Read" column visible.
Summary changed to reflect difference between this bug and bug 66657.
Summary: [RFE] Add "Unread" option to "Mark" menus → [RFE] Add "Unread" option to existing "Mark" menus
This can be done by choosing "Read".
I suggest either make the "Read" become Unread when the selected message is read
(removing the checkmark) or marking this bug WONTFIX
It's rather counterintuitive to not have some indication that selecting "Read"
on a read message marks a message as unread.  I would never have thought such to
be the case.
I have missed the 'mark as unread' option ever since it disappeared from
netscape quite a while ago. At no point did it occur to me that the 'mark as
read' item functioned as 'mark as unread' when the message was already read. I
suggest a change in wording is required.

Note that multiple messages may be selected, and their 'read' status may vary,
so 'toggle read flag' or some such label would not make sense either (since
that's not what it actually does). Automatically changing the menu item also
wouldn't make any more sense than the currently label, for the same reason (the
selected messages may not all be in the same 'read' state).

I suggest either a seperate menu item, or change the menu and behaviour when the
'alt' key is selected (as is done on other applications).

Product: Browser → Seamonkey
Assignee: sspitzer → mail
See bug 64326.
Closed: 23 years ago18 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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