Closed Bug 916204 (apis-in-workers) Opened 11 years ago Closed 8 years ago

[meta] Norway Worker Work


(Core :: DOM: Workers, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: dougt, Assigned: overholt)



(Keywords: meta)

      No description provided.
Component: DOM → DOM: Workers
Assignee: nobody → doug.turner
Depends on: 874502
[] mentions this bug under "Shared Workers". I'm a bit confused on what the relationship to Bug 643325 is. Is this a dependency, synonymous to or dupe of, or orthogonal to Bug 643325?
florian, this is my tracking bug so that we get everything done we promised to get done.  bug 643325 may be a dependency of this bug.
Assignee: doug.turner → overholt
More info including prioritized list of APIs to enable on workers:

- Game APIs
  - WebGL Canvas Bug 709490
  - WebAudio
- IndexedDB Bug 701634
- console.* Bug 620935
- Promises Bug 915233
- Data Store
- Device Storage
- TCPSocket
- Notifications Bug 916893
- WebSocket Bug 504553
- MessageChannel
- Sync message channel
- FormData
- File System
- doNotTrack
- Parts of WebRTC (ask ekr)
- DataChannel
- 2D Canvas for workers (spec unstable) Bug 801176
From this list:

* Web Audio will require spec work -- that's not something that we can do right now.
* DataStore and TCPSocket (at least) are implemented in JS, which complicates things.
* WorkerNavigator.onLine is needed for some of our offline use cases (bug 925437).
Depends on: 925437
Fwiw, not all of these APIs are required for end of year.  Ehsan - can you find out exactly what is needed for the gaia demos?
I meant to ask you what you intended this bug to be, Doug:  APIs required for MWC demos or APIs gaia needs on workers in general.  I guess the latter is silly.

AFAIK async IDB is #1 and gaia can probably work around the others for their MWC demos.
(In reply to comment #5)
> Fwiw, not all of these APIs are required for end of year.  Ehsan - can you find
> out exactly what is needed for the gaia demos?

Sure, will do!
Vivien told me that the two big things that Gaia needs for the MWC demos are IndexedDB and DataStore.  The latter can be difficult since it's implemented in JS...
Alias: apis-in-workers
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Summary: Norway Worker Work → [meta] Norway Worker Work
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