Closed Bug 91804 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

problems with kde arts soundserver and Flash


(Core Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: till, Assigned: srgchrpv)


(Keywords: perf)

The browser as well as the mailer need a very long time to start (about 1
minute) when I install the flash plugin. Sometimes they don't start at all, when
it gets to that point, I have to reboot the machine in order to be able to start
Mozilla at all.

Steps to reproduce: Install Mozilla (I used the Debian archive of this version:
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux 2.4.6-k6 i686; en-US; rv:0.9.1) Gecko/20010620"),
download and install flash plugin according to readme, start Mozilla, wait.

Removing the flash plugin stops this behavior.

I'm using KDE 2.2beta with Debian.
I forgot to mention another odd behavior: usually the long startup time only
happens when the browser is started for the very first time. The 2nd, 3rd etc
launch is quite fast (I'd consider it normal, takes about 2-3 seconds).

However, it can happen that the effect occurs again, I think it was related to
not having used the browser for some time. Maybe it's related to a cached item.
Over to Plug-Ins.
Assignee: asa → av
Blocks: 7251
Component: Browser-General → Plug-ins
Keywords: perf
QA Contact: doronr → shrir
Reporter: Is your Audio device busy ?
(see bug 58339)
No, it is not, but sometimes reported as busy (this seems to be a strange bug relating to artsd from KDE). Anyway, the Flash plugin works fine in all cases (with sound).Also, the browser window does not appear at all and no messages are being printed to the terminal.The behavior remains the same if I actually use the device or not.The other thing with the browser completely locking up, I have tracked this down to xchat. Launching an URL from xchat sometimes does not work so I try it again (it has the methods open in existing, open in new, start new mozilla) with a different method.Using this once or twice will require reboot to actually see the browser again (behavior is not correct by killing the processes alone)
If you are using kde2.2beta you will notice that the arts sound server goes into
an idle mode after being inactive for one minute (check under options). This
would account for your problem, as mozilla will not start until artsd goes idle.
Try starting mozilla wrapped in the arts soundwrapper by invoking it thus:

artsdsp mozilla

or try disabling the kde soundserver and starting mozilla. I suspect it will go
away. See also bug 58339
No longer blocks: 7251
Blocks: 7251
Blocks: 58339
No longer blocks: 7251
Ever confirmed: true
Summary: Browser needs long time to start → problems with kde arts soundserver and Flash
--- Mass reassigning Unix bugs to serge ---
Assignee: av → serge

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 58339 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
No longer blocks: 58339
mass duplicate verifications . For filtering purposes, pls use keywd

Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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