Closed Bug 92071 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

HTMLSpanElement does not inherit from Core Objects


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: tfriesen, Assigned: jst)


(Whiteboard: [HAVE FIX])


(4 files)

This happens in recent builds (July 23) Example: <div onmouseup="alert(this.test)">DIV Tag</div> <span onmouseup="alert(this.test)">SPAN Tag</span> <script> Element.prototype.test="testing"; //HTMLSpanElement.prototype.test="testing"; </script>
reporter please attach a testcase
seeing this on linux build 2001-07-23-08 as well. Odd, since nsHTMLDivElement and nsHTMLSpanElement inherit from the same things...
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Windows ME → All
Odd, but accepting...
Hardware: PC → All
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.4
Moving to mozilla0.9.5
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.4 → mozilla0.9.5
/me would like to see the fix if you still have it, it'd be interesting :-)
Attached patch Proposed fixSplinter Review
The problem here is that the span class does not have a leaf interface as its primary interface, because of this the code that sets up the prototype chain on DOM objects ends up not setting the prototype of the span class' prototype so that the chain is linked togethere. Here's a image that shows the difference between div and span, note the lack of a nsIDOMHTMLSpanElement leaf interface: HTMLDivElement HTMLSpanElement | | nsIDOMHTMLDivElement nsIDOMHTMLElement | | nsIDOMHTMLElement nsIDOMElement | | nsIDOMElement nsIDOMNode | | nsIDOMNode nsISupports | nsISupports
Whiteboard: [HAVE FIX]
johnny, is this fix going to effect any other elements from the inheritance point of view.
Sivakiran, yes, this will affect other elements too, the elements should be: HEAD, SUB, SUP, SPAN, BDO, TT, I, B, U, S, STRIKE, BIG, SMALL, EM, STRONG, DFN, CODE, SAMP, KBD, VAR, CITE, ACRONYM, ABBR, DD, DT, NOFRAMES, NOSCRIPT, ADDRESS, CENTER But mozilla doesn't really support all of those correctly, so I'm not sure how much that list means here.
i knew it! it's class info's fault! it's always class info's fault! ;-)
thanks johnny, it helps me in knowing which area i need to concentrate more for testing.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.5 → mozilla0.9.6
So, er, why no nsIDOMHTMLSpanElement?
Now that I think of it... doesn't this happen to all DOM classes whose mProtoChainChainInterface interface is nsIDOMHTMLElement? namely HTMLDelElement, HTMLInsElement, HTMLSpacerElement, HTMLUnknownElement (not sure this one should), HTMLWBRElement. Is there a global solution to fix them all at once?
> So, er, why no nsIDOMHTMLSpanElement? Because it's not in DOM2 HTML. See and the table of contents of (which does not list HTMLSpanElement)
Fabian, yes, all those will be fixed.
Attached patch Better fix.Splinter Review
The attached patch fixes this problem. The patch adds a mHasClassInterface to nsDOMClassInfoData so every class knows if it's proto chain interface is specific to that class or not. For those classes where we don't have a class interface we need to use the name of the proto chain interface for setting up ctor.prototype.__proto__, whereas in the case of a class that *does* have a class interface we use the parent of the proto chain interface when setting up ctor.prototype.__proto__. So in the case where we wrap a span element, our proto chain interface is nsIDOMHTMLElement (since there is no nsIDOMHTMLSpanElement), nsDOMClassInfo::PostCreate() ends up resolving "HTMLSpanElement" (before the patch it incorrectly ended up resolving "HTMLElement" so the HTMLSpanElement ctor was never properly set up). When resolving "HTMLSpanElement" we'll see that the class doesn't have a class interface so we use the proto chain interface nsIDOMHTMLElement directly (in stead of using its parent nsIDOMElement) for figuring out what to set HTMLSpanElement.prototype.__proto__ to. Oh, and storing mScriptableFlags in 31 bits is ok, see nsIXPCScriptable::RESERVED.
Actually the patch doesn't add mHasClassInterface, that was added by mistake in a checkin unrelated to this bug. That's why you don't see the code that specifies what classes don't have a class interface in this patch. Here's the patch that was checked in earlier by mistake:
Comment on attachment 56702 [details] [diff] [review] Better fix. r=fabian after jst fixed iim->GetInfoForIID(sClassInfoData[mID].mProtoChainInterface to be iim->GetInfoForIID(ci_data.mProtoChainInterface
Attachment #56702 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 56702 [details] [diff] [review] Better fix. r=peterv
Comment on attachment 56702 [details] [diff] [review] Better fix. sr=jband
Attachment #56702 - Flags: superreview+
So I had to tweak this a bit before checking in since I found one more minor problem, I found more classes that had class interfaces (in theory, at least) but whose name (due to conflicts with other class names) didn't match the name of the proto chain interface. I also managed to eliminate a nsIID copy, so I did that while I was poking around in this code. With this patch, ComputedCSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.__proto__ === CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype, yay! That didn't work before this latest change. The latest patch is checked in, if someone feels the need to do a post-checkin review of the latest modifications, be my guest. Oh, the latest patch is missing what Fabian pointed out, but the checked in version did contain that fix. Marking FIXED.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Just wanted to let you know that there is now a warning that dbg_rv is not used. And I'm afraid the compiler is right ;-)
Ah, that is true (in debug builds), I'll take out the unused variable...
verified fixed
Component: DOM: Core → DOM: Core & HTML
QA Contact: stummala → general
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