Closed Bug 93186 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

[HAVE FIX] mozbot may not connect on dual-homed boxes


(Webtools Graveyard :: Mozbot, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kiko, Assigned: ian)



(1 file, 2 obsolete files)

When doing the initial run of mozbot, boxes with two network cards may be unable to connect to an IRC server. This is caused by Net::IRC trying to connect with the address of the internal interface when the correct address would be the external one. mozbot hangs for a while and then complains:2001-08-02 02:23:54 UTC (27334) Subject: Help! I can't talk to! 2001-08-02 02:23:54 UTC (27334) Hello Sir or Madam! I'm afraid I could not connect to the IRC server. I tried, and will try and try again (unless you kill me...) but it was fruitless. Could you kick the IRC server for me? Give it a right ol' booting. And hit the network connection while you are at it, would you please? Thanks.
Jake has provided me with a workable patch from justdave, which I have in turn changed a bit. There are two patches, actually: one to Net::IRC's, and the other to itself. I guess the patch to could be distributed with mozbot since it's a common problem AFAICS. mozbot's patch might be considered intrusive, but what's the big deal with specifying an IP address :)
fwiw Net::IRC was deprecated in favor of a much more complicated module which i vowed never to use in mozbot. and then mozbot was rewritten for 2.0. other than that the patches look ok (Net::IRC is modifable under Perl's Artistic License - no known license problems :-). the only other question is what the checkin rules are for mozbot. I think we're going w/ module owner + strong perl hacker. but i'm not sure.
Keywords: approval, patch, review
Version: Bugzilla 2.10 → other
Since the patches are interconnected, I don't know what to do. I don't think we can require everyone who uses mozbot to patch their Net::IRC, for one some of them (including me in one case) haven't got write access to the relevant files. Is Net::IRC still being maintained at all?
you can install a local copy of Net::IRC it should override the non local copy, that's what i do on windows. as for maintenance i don't understand that stuff ask zach the resident cpan expert.
you SHOULD be able to install a local copy and add it to @INC, but many CPAN modules don't understand how to do this. The README has more info on this topic. Zach Resident CPAN Guru
Removing 'review' keyword since the comments from the last review haven't yet been addressed.
Keywords: review
We should bother Net::FTP maintainers, if they exist, to apply the patch, and fix mozbot to ask for an IP address, I guess. I really have no idea for another solution.
I was just pointed at this bug by an email from Hixie... This is already fixed in Net::IRC as of version 0.71. If you require Net::IRC 0.71 as a minimum version you only need the mozbot half of this patch.
Oh, cool, I had no idea anything had changed. Ok, I'll investigate the mozbot part of the patch further.
Attachment #44334 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached patch Patch version 2Splinter Review
An alternative approach (doesn't have a UI for changing the localAddr setting). What do people think?
Attachment #44333 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 69057 [details] [diff] [review] Patch version 2 looks fine to me r=kiko
Attachment #69057 - Flags: review+
cool, thanks
Summary: mozbot may not connect on dual-homed boxes → [HAVE FIX] mozbot may not connect on dual-homed boxes
checked in
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
QA Contact: timeless → kerz
QA Contact: kerz → mozbot
Target Milestone: --- → 2.2
Product: Webtools → Webtools Graveyard
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