Closed Bug 949101 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

"more like this" section for response detail view


(Input Graveyard :: Dashboard, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: willkg, Assigned: willkg)


(Whiteboard: u=user c=dashboard p=1 s=input.2014q2)

ElasticSearch has a "more like this" feature which will pull up all the documents that are similar to a specified document. I was thinking it might be interesting to use this on the response details screen and show a count of documents like the response with the same locale and product and show the top 20 (more like this is scored). Something like this: %<---------------------------------------------------------- Description: Blah blah blah Created: 4 hours ago Platform: OSX Locale: en-US Similar responses: There are 53 similar responses with the same locale and product in the last week. audio plays here but I don't see video. I do have vlc installed 6 hours ago * Android * English (US) * Permalink audio has problems 6 hours ago * Android * English (US) * Permalink ... %<---------------------------------------------------------- Variations on this could involve the following: 1. allow the user to change the version 2. allow the user to apply a date range to see responses like this one in a specified date range 3. tune to the "nearest week" based on traffic for that locale/product For now those variations are out of scope for this bug, but things we can think about in future bugs.
Moving this to 2014q2.
Priority: -- → P3
Whiteboard: u=user c=dashboard p=2 s=input.2014q1 → u=user c=dashboard p=2 s=input.2014q2
I actually LOVE this. It will not only help in our own investigations, but will make the dashboard more useful for other interested parties in the org to chase issues. Let me know what you need from me!
In a PR: The "more like this" section is interesting. I spent some time trying to tune it so it wasn't egregiously ridiculous. I'm pretty sure this would benefit greatly from synonyms (we don't have this, yet) and also moving the ceo-related responses out of the Firefox product. In some cases, it provided some really interesting and relevant responses, so I think it has some value even if it's only helpful some of the time. Making this a 1 pointer since it only took me a couple of hours.
Assignee: nobody → willkg
Whiteboard: u=user c=dashboard p=2 s=input.2014q2 → u=user c=dashboard p=1 s=input.2014q2
Landed in master: Waiting to push out until the end of today when it's quieter.
Pushed to prod just now. Responses now have an MLT section.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Input → Input Graveyard
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