Closed Bug 97235 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Extended Arabic letters do not join


(Core :: Layout: Text and Fonts, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: roozbeh, Assigned: mkaply)



(3 files, 1 obsolete file)

Extended Arabic letters (in the range U+0670..U+06FF) do not join properly. For those of these who have contextual shapes in the U+FB50..U+FBFF range, the support could be added with minor changes. This is important which languages like Persian.
QA Contact: zach → mahar
Attached patch Suggested Patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Michael, would you review this?
Keywords: patch, review
marking NEW...this has a patch in it.
Ever confirmed: true
Maha, Could you look at this one? I don't know enough about this.
I reviewed the patch, I had only one change to it and that is for the x0649 character (alef maksoura). I changed its joining class back to eRj instead of the suggested eDj, and changed the check for other shapes for the character in PresentationFormB because for Arabic it can only be final (isolated or joined from right). The x06CC in the Extended Arabic letters is equivelent to x0649.
Attached patch Modified patchSplinter Review
Maha, Please note that U+0649 (Alef Maksura) is considered "dual-joining" in the Unicode Standard. You can see that yourself at: <> where it is listed as: 0649; ALEF MAKSURA; D; YEH ^^^ Please note that I, as a Persian speaker, am not interested in this character, since it is not used in Persian. The Yeh character used in Persian is U+06CC. But I am interested in proper Unicode support. U+0649 is used in the "Initial" and "Medial" forms also, in some of the countries formerly in USSR. If you think Unicode is wrong, ask them to fix it; if it is not wrong, please let Mozilla have bugless Unicode support. Note: I don't have any problem with any patch, if that solves the Persian problem. So I think I agree with Maha's patch. I can open a new bug for U+0649 Arabic Letter Alef Maksura.
Oops, found a typo in the patches. '0x06D3' was listed as '0x0D3'. Will attach a new patch based on Maha's patch.
Roozbeh, appreciate the info. x0649 was defined as R in Unicode version 3.0, I'm contacting Unicode org. to check why it got changed later. I agree we should seperate this issue from this bug. Opened a new bug for it # 99256 Mike, Would that be considered a review, should I mark it as such?
Yep, that's a review and I'll consider it such. I'll look for a super refviewer. We should open a separate bug on the other issue.
Michael, any news from a super reviewer?
Michael, would you please give me an "r="? I will find a super reviewer myself.
Actually, I had r=, I'll put it in the bug, and I had asked a super reviewer. I'll ask another one.
The third patch (id 48855) could not be applied on Linux, because the filename cases were changed. Created a new attachment with no change but the filenames and line numbers that it can now be applied on Linux systems. It is made against 0.9.5 and is tested to work.
Attachment #47320 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 55522 [details] [diff] [review] Cleaned up patch, against 0.9.5 r=mkaply
Attachment #55522 - Flags: review+
Attachment #55522 - Flags: superreview+
Comment on attachment 55522 [details] [diff] [review] Cleaned up patch, against 0.9.5 sr=blizzard
Fix finally checked in
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Layout: BiDi Hebrew & Arabic → Layout: Text
QA Contact: mahar → layout.fonts-and-text
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