Closed Bug 97450 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Context menu appears when tooltip displayed


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla-mozilla-20220926, Assigned: sspitzer)


I regularly get into a state where any time a tooltip is displayed, the "folder
tree" context menu appears.  It won't go away until an item has been highlighted
and the mouse clicked (either selecting a leaf--selecting a folder with
subfolders just displays a submenu--or clicking outside the menu entirely).

This always happens after I've filed messages using the context menu, but filing
a message doesn't always trigger the bug.
Linux build 2001082808, Red Hat 7.1, UW IMAP 2000c server.
I wonder if this was fixed by the fix for bug 96920.
I'm seeing this with aug29 commercial trunk build on win98. Hard to reproduce,
but I've seen it several times today. Indeed, it was after I'd been filing
messages. (Was using classic skin, filing news messages to imap account via File
button, then the folder hierarchy submenu appeared onscreen with various
movements after that.)
QA Contact: esther → laurel
OK, now I get it. Not hard to reproduce. All platforms, classic or modern skins.
Anytime after I file a message (news or mail),hovering over any of the  toolbar
buttons will cause the folder hierarchy pop-up to display.  Sometimes the
correct tooltip will display as well, but always will cause the folder fly-out
to appear. It's hard to get rid of and it seems mail behaves a bit weirdly from
then on. 

I'm not sure if it's tied to complexity of account/folders hierarchy, I've only
tried so far on profiles with several accounts, all having many folders/subfolders.
OS: Linux → All
Hardware: PC → All
This is pretty annoying when it hits you. Potentially anyone who files will get
this state. I'm adding nsbranch keyword.
Keywords: nsbranch
cc hyatt / hewitt.  I think this is an xptoolkit bug.
Can you try again with today's builds? There was a problem with getting more
than one popup attached to buttons; see bug 97544; fix went in last night.
That does seem to have fixed it--I haven't seen stray popups in a few hours.
Yes, this seems to be OK now with aug31 trunk build. Will keep an eye out, but
am marking this worksforme. Thanks.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Marking verified.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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