Closed Bug 97791 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

[deployment]Use system/desktop locale as default for langpack selection


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: tao, Assigned: tao)



Requests from SUN and Redhat follows.

Yes, I have prepared -UILocale and -contentLocale option to
switch the language at startup, and will provide own startup
script for Solaris to specify proper option by looking $LANG.
Because Solaris has to support multi-user and multi-locale
environment in one binary, multiple language packs need to be
installed into the same location, but Mozilla needs to be
invoked in proper UI locale for user desktop.

It would be better that Mozilla has the language selection
for UI and content by $LANG when the language pack is installed.
This should be the default behavior. When users want to ignore it,
users can use -UILocale and -contentLocale option, or setting
preference. How about adding "System" or "Desktop" item into
language selection in preferece and set this by default? The option
will check the locale of user's desktop and apply it to Mozilla
if the lang pack is available.


Yung-Fong Tang wrote:

Good question, Katakai from Sun request the something before.
I believe we have a command line work around now.
Do we remember why we don't listen to LANG to decide that value? I
remember there are some kind of Chicek-and-egg problem there.

Is that true the current behavior is depend on a pref value (as cross
platform behavior).

Christopher Blizzard wrote:

Why is it that Mozilla doesn't support using LANG on unix?  I would
expect that if I have LANG set to something other than en_US that it
would choose another locale if the lang pack is installed.

Blocks: 62177
Summary: Use system/desktop locale as default for langpack selection → [deployment]Use system/desktop locale as default for langpack selection
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.0
found the old bug: 44070. closing this one.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 44070 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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