Closed Bug 97914 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Classic: Navigation buttons and Personal toolbar folder title should not go blue on hover


(SeaMonkey :: Themes, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: wleese, Assigned: hewitt)


(Keywords: polish)

in the days when all the elements on the personal toolbar were handled exactly
like hyperlinks this was fine, now however this looks very out odd.

to reproduce: simply put the cursor on either a folder on the personal toolbar
or over a navigation button.

result: button/folder is raised and it's title goes blue.

another argument against it's current behavior is that Netscape 4.x, IE and just
about every other app does not do this.
adding keyword polish
Keywords: polish
Correction: this only happens with Folders.

Personally I prefered the way it was done in earlier versions of modern: the 
cursor turns into a hand and the name of the folder is underlined.
no longer going "red on press", updating summary
Summary: Classic: Navigation buttons and Personal toolbar folder title should not go blue on hover or red on press → Classic: Navigation buttons and Personal toolbar folder title should not go blue on hover
Marking these all WORKSFORME sorry about lack of response but were very
overloaded here. Only reopen the bug if you can reproduce with the following steps:

1) Download the latest nightly (or 0.9.6 which should be out RSN)
2) Create a new profile
3) test the bug again

If it still occurs go ahead and reopen the bug. Again sorry about no response
were quite overloaded here and understaffed.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
WFM, verifying. Reopen if you still see a problem.
Product: Core → SeaMonkey
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