Bug 9816
Opened 26 years ago
Closed 25 years ago
Outlines should be disabled completely for FCS
(Core :: Layout, defect, P3)
(Reporter: alla, Assigned: pierre)
(Keywords: css2, Whiteboard: (py8ieh: outline))
David baron has written some code that does this.
It's bundled up with a fix for bug 2010 too.
peterl@netscape has this to say about it:
> All the Calc[Margin|Border|Padding]For methods in nsStyleContext are
> deprecated. We've been trying to move all that logic into frame land, so
> I'd rather not see CalcOutlineFor added (which is why I didn't add it).
> I haven't had the time to look through the rendering code diffs yet...
I can understand if this is not the best way to do it. But i needed it right
now, and it works. If i got time i can rewrite it if someone tells me how it
should be done.
To quote from peterl:
No. Don't put it in. The paradigm is that the style context will pre-compute and
cache the widths for all of those spacing values if it can
be determined by the context (ie: no percents). Otherwise it's the caller's
Since outline can't have percent values (today), the context should always have
a pre-cached value that you can get from
GetOutlineWidth. If the outline someday accepts percents, then GetOutlineWidth
will simply return PR_FALSE.
There is a bug in the style context currently (sigh) so that GetOutlineWidth
never returns PR_TRUE (probably what prompted the
creation of CalcOutlineWidth). This can easily be fixed by this diff (which I'm
sitting on until my next checkin, feel free to put it in now).
diff -r3.90 nsStyleContext.cpp
> mHasCachedOutline = PR_TRUE;
If GetOutlineWidth should ever really return PR_FALSE, computing the actual
width at the call site is trivial:
nscoord outWidth;
if (! spacing->GetOutlineWidth(outWidth)) {
if (eStyleUnit_Percent == spacing->mOutlineWidth.GetUnit()) {
outWidth = NSToCoordRound(float(frameWidth) *
else {
outWidth = 0;
There's also another bug in there regarding computing the change of the outline
style (David's patch is incomplete). Here's the real diff
for that.
> }
> if ((mOutlineWidth != aOther.mOutlineWidth) ||
> (mOutlineStyle != aOther.mOutlineStyle) ||
> (mOutlineColor != aOther.mOutlineColor)) {
There's also the issue that current invalidation code isn't taking the outline
area into account. Since the style system can't know where
the frame is going to draw the outline, I think the frame should take it into
Troy and I have been discussing an API on nsIFrame to compute the invalid area
for a frame (to include children that stick outside), that
API should add in outline area as needed.
Yes... I did try GetOutlineWidth first, but since it was always returning
false... I imitated the code that was already there (for borders). The patch
also needs more work on the rendering end if you actually want to use that part
(rounded borders, invert (if possible...), and table collapsing border model,
and ???). And it doesn't support outlines on inline elements correctly. That's
hard, and the spec doesn't define it well. See my latest rants on www-style.
It would probably be better to make a separate PaintOutline to do this, and find
all the calls to PaintBorder, and...
Outlines would probably be useful for GFX form widgets, too.
I guess I should stick to testing...
Updated•26 years ago
Summary: Outlines are not rendered → {css2} Outlines are not (always) rendered
Comment 3•26 years ago
The patch has now been applied, but as mentioned above, 'outline' is currently
not fully implemented. There is a comprehensive test page for this at:
Note that links are currently getting focus outlines -- I am not sure how, since
the outline property is currently not supported on inline elements. Whoever
implements outline on inlines may wish to leverage the focus outline code.
See bug 1859.
Comment 5•26 years ago
Moving non-beta 1 items to M15
Updated•25 years ago
QA Contact: petersen → chrisd
Assignee | ||
Comment 6•25 years ago
Reassigning peterl's bugs to myself.
Assignee | ||
Comment 7•25 years ago
Accepting peterl's bugs that have a Target Milestone
Assignee | ||
Comment 8•25 years ago
Pushing my M15 bugs to M16
Comment 9•25 years ago
Migrating from {css2} to css2 keyword. The {css1}, {css2}, {css3} and {css-moz}
radars should now be considered deprecated in favour of keywords.
I am *really* sorry about the spam...
Updated•25 years ago
Summary: {css2} Outlines are not (always) rendered → Outlines are not (always) rendered
Comment 10•25 years ago
This is a big issue for our widgets. Most of our widgets require an outline and
it is not working for html:input and xul:titledbutton. I am trying to land the
styles for widgets now and things are not working. These widgets will not look
right until we can use the outline style.
Keywords: polish
Assignee | ||
Comment 11•25 years ago
This is a layout & clipping issue. Reassigned to Rod Spears who was taking care
of all the outline bugs at some point. I noticed a few days ago that Karnaze had
marked Remind/M20 a bunch of outline bugs saying that they won't make it for this
Assignee: pierre → rods
Target Milestone: M16 → M20
Comment 13•25 years ago
hangas, I have been marking outline bugs as "remind". If this is a high priority
then we need to rethink our priorities for the first release. To do outlines
correctly is more than a few days worth of work and layout and rendering folks
need to sit down and discuss it. CCing rickg, ekrock, buster, kmcclusk.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → REMIND
Comment 14•25 years ago
We cannot ship FCS with this still buggy -- this makes the 'outline' property
unusable in many cases. We really should either remove support for 'outline'
altogether or fix this.
Resolution: REMIND → ---
Updated•25 years ago
Assignee: karnaze → py8ieh=bugzilla
Comment 15•25 years ago
Reassigning to me so that I can work out exactly what the current problem is
and make a minimal test case.
Comment 16•25 years ago
My current take: I think it would be an overreaction to desupport outlines in
FCS. However, I agree with Ian that there seem to be a bunch of bugs right now.
Ian, we need the following help to figure this out:
1) abstracting from the numerous tests on your test page, could you please list
for us what the key problems seem to be?
2) would you please note whether each problem is a CSS1 or CSS2 issue?
3) if you could list the related bug #s that would really help!
I think the best course would be to define a subset of all outline functionality
(preferably including all of the CSS1 features) that we think we can get to work
reliably, and support that.
Paul: Could you please specify in detail exactly which features of outlining
*must* work for our widgets to work--we want to minimize dependencies as much as
possible, so if you can drop the need for various things at the cost of a
slightly plainer UI, let's please do that.
Comment 17•25 years ago
Ok. Outline is a purely CSS2 feature, so there are no CSS1 issues here.
Listing the bugs is going to take somewhat longer:
1. It appears that we don't support 'dotted' and 'dashed' outline-styles at all.
This is wrong, IIRC we should treat them as 'solid' if we are not able to
actually treat them as dotted or dashed styles (BUT I MAY BE WRONG THIS NEEDS
2. We do not appear to support the 'invert' outline-color.
3. We have major drawing errors with inset and outset outline-styles.
4. We have some odd, annoying repaint problems (as I understand it, this is
quite a major problem code-wise). This is bug 9809, marked Future, mostfreq.
5. We interpret 'groove' and 'ridge' the wrong way round.
6. We do not support outline on inline elements (the main use of outline!!!)
7. We draw the outline in the wrong place (as far as I can tell?).
8. According to bug 22892, we don't do 'outline' on XUL -- which I would
guess is one of the major uses of outline as far as we are concerned.
Are we currently using it anywhere? A search of the entire Mozilla nightly build
indicates that the only places where we refer to 'outline' are in the DLLs where
we support it, the Test* utilities, and 3 stylesheets... but closer examination
shows that of the 3 stylesheets, 2 of them only refer to outlines to turn them
off (!) and the third is html.css, where it is used, once, to draw a dotted
outline around focussed links -- and that has no effect anyway.
Given the above bugs, several of which are rather major, the fact that we don't
(AFAICT) currently provide 'outline' for the two most important uses of it
(inline elements and XUL), and the fact that we don't use it anywhere, I would
suggest we *remove* support for 'outline' altogether, and Future support for it.
Comment 18•25 years ago
As per meeting with ChrisD yesterday, taking QA.
Reassigning to Pierre. As noted above, there are some remaining cases where
'outline' has *some* effect, albeit a rather buggy one. We should disable
outlines altogether for RTM.
Nominating for nsbeta3. This is a relatively low-risk change, since as far as
we can tell, nothing uses 'outline' anymore, and in any case 'outline' is
currently waaay too buggy to be shipped as is.
Assignee: py8ieh=bugzilla → pierre
QA Contact: chrisd → py8ieh=bugzilla
Summary: Outlines are not (always) rendered → Outlines should be disabled completely for FCS
Assignee | ||
Comment 19•25 years ago
That's an easy one: fix in hand / nsbeta3.
Summary: Outlines should be disabled completely for FCS → [fix in hand]Outlines should be disabled completely for FCS
Target Milestone: M20 → M18
Assignee | ||
Updated•25 years ago
Whiteboard: [fix in hand]
Updated•25 years ago
Whiteboard: [fix in hand] nsbeta3+ → [fix in hand] [nsbeta3+]
Assignee | ||
Comment 21•25 years ago
Fix checked in nsCSSParser.cpp
Closed: 25 years ago → 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment 22•25 years ago
No sign of outlines when using 'outline'.
(They are now in fact called '-moz-outline').
Updated•24 years ago
Summary: [fix in hand]Outlines should be disabled completely for FCS → Outlines should be disabled completely for FCS
Whiteboard: [fix in hand] [nsbeta3+] → (py8ieh: outline)
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