Closed Bug 9896 Opened 26 years ago Closed 26 years ago

[PP] Mac platform does not list the last newsgroup subscribed


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect, P3)

Mac System 8.5


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: pmock, Assigned: sspitzer)


Build Date & Platform Bug Found: Mac Seamonkey commercial build 1999-07-13-09 installed on PPC 9600/300 OS 8.5.1 Overview Description: The last newsgroup listed in the news configuration file (i.e. does not get listed in mozilla. If you have only one newsgroup subscribed then no newsgroup will be listed in mozilla. If you have more than 1 newsgroup subscribed, then the one listed last in the file will not be listed. Note: this problem does not occur on Win32 or Linux seamonkey. Steps to Reproduce: 0) In Nova subscribe to 1 or more newsgroup under 1) Configure your prefs50.js for the news server See preference instructions at 2) Launch Apprunner 3) Open Messenger through the Task menu or through the Task bar/component bar 4) Select the news server " 5) Double click on news server icon/name Notice that the last subscribed newsgroup is NOT listed. Actual Results: The last newsgroup is not listed. If you previously under Nova had only added one newsgroup, then no newsgroup would be listed. If you had more than more newsgroup subscribed then the last newsgroup would not be listed Expected Results: All newsgroups should be listed after you double click on the server icon/name. Additional Builds and Platforms Tested On: Win32 Seamonkey build 1999-07-13-10 installed on Gateway P200 Win98 Linux Seamonkey build 1999-07-13-08 installed on Compaq P200 RedHat 5.2 Problem does not occur on win32 or linux. Additional Information: If you have only 1 newsgroup subscribed then this gives the user the impression that their prefs50.js is wrong or the feature is broken. *This could be a release note candidate once engineering confirms this problem.
Assignee: ducarroz → sspitzer
Summary: [PP] Mac platform does not list the last newsgroup subscibedBuild Date & Platform Bug Found: Overview Description: Steps to Reproduce: 1) 2) 3) Actual Results: Expected Results: Additional Builds and Platforms Tested On: Additional Informat → [PP] Mac platform does not list the last newsgroup subscibedBuild Date & Platform Bug Found: Overview Description: Steps to Reproduce: 1) 2) 3) Actual Results: Expected Results: Additional Builds and Platforms Tested On: Additional Informat
reassign to sspitzer. Seth, let me know if you need help...
Summary: [PP] Mac platform does not list the last newsgroup subscibedBuild Date & Platform Bug Found: Overview Description: Steps to Reproduce: 1) 2) 3) Actual Results: Expected Results: Additional Builds and Platforms Tested On: Additional Informat → [PP] Mac platform does not list the last newsgroup subscribed
<Fixing the summary. It contained information for a bug template.>
accepting bug. marking m9.
Target Milestone: M9
<will update verah to release note this for M8>
yes, I'm seeing this too. I think I can squash this for m9.
Closed: 26 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
fixed. I checked in the fix over the weekend, so it will be in any of today's builds.
Verified in the Mac commercial seamonkey build 1999072615. All the newsgroups that I subscribed to were correctly displayed in todays build.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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