Closed Bug 999089 Opened 11 years ago Closed 10 years ago

create firefox desktop dashboard


(Input Graveyard :: Dashboard, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: willkg, Assigned: willkg)



(Whiteboard: u=user c=dashboard p= s=)

This bug covers creating a dashboard specific to the Firefox Desktop product. I'm creating this as a stub for now and will fill it in later as we flesh things out. Sorry about that. This will be implemented in several iterations so that we have a minimal viable product as soon as possible.
First iteration: * generic product dashboard that shows total number of responses with lollipops for up/down deltas in sentiment * Firefox product dashboard that shows total number of responses with lollipops for up/down deltas in sentiment plus a breakdown in total number of responses by version and a breakdown in total number of responses by platform * specifiable date range PR: Landed in master in: Pushed to production just now.
What we have is a prototype just to get us started. Comments so far: 1. The totals graph is confusing in regards to the totals line and the lollipops and double-axes. Maybe it'd be less confusing if we split it into two graphs? Maybe there's another way to keep it in one graph but clearer? 2. The tooltips are hard to read and don't give enough information. One possibility is instead of doing tool tips near the point in question, we display the text below the graph or above the graph. Another possibility is to increase the tooltip block, increase the contrast and add the additional text there. 3. Lacks zing. Right now I'm using flot. Flot is ok, but definitely lacks zing. I think I want to continue prototyping with flot and then at some point, switch to d3 which will let us add zing.
Whiteboard: u=user c=dashboard p= s=input.2014q2
To me the totals graph isn't confusing, and after reading the legend, it makes perfect sense. One thing that is confusing to me is how sentiment is calculated, since I'm used to thinking about just happy and just sad. I don't think moving the lollipops to a second graph would help that. (I would guess it is happy / total). In the versions and platforms graph, I'm not sure that absolute numbers are useful. When I looked at it, the question that came to mind was "Is that dip in windows 7 the same relative magnitude as the corresponding dip in Windows XP right below it?" But because I was trying to ask a question about relative values and percentages, the graph didn't help me. Maybe there are other questions that the absolute values do help answer though.
Almost positive that we're not picking up data for the last day. That's fine, but it shouldn't show up as zero. So that's either a bug or I'm confused about what's going on.
Bumping this to 2014q3.
Whiteboard: u=user c=dashboard p= s=input.2014q2 → u=user c=dashboard p= s=input.2014q3
This needs a project plan before it goes any further. This is also getting bumped down the priority list for this quarter on account of other more important things in the queue.
Priority: P1 → P3
Taking this out of the sprint until it gets a project plan.
Whiteboard: u=user c=dashboard p= s=input.2014q3 → u=user c=dashboard p= s=
We talked about product dashboards and decided not to continue working on them. UA is developing and maintaining a series of internal dashboards that are better thought out. Marking this as WONTFIX.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Input → Input Graveyard
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