Closed Bug 135840 Opened 23 years ago Closed 12 years ago

[META] Need to write protocol handlers that delegate http, https to Mozilla


(Core Graveyard :: Java: OJI, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: beard, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: confirm?)

There are a number of bugs that would be fixed if we used the browser's 
networking layers to implement http and https protocols for Java content 
to use. This is a meta-bug to track the progress of this task.
Blocks: 113499
Blocks: 113500
This will require java plugin to provide it's own implementation of java
protocol handlers which will support java security model and then call
into mozilla's protocol handlers, isn't it? You'll need sun people here :-)
correct me if I am wrong here: the solution of this bug will also fix the
problem of 60304 (on the browser side). After the fix of this bug, the browser's
authentication results will be available to Java plugin, so that the Java plugin
can make changes to utilize it to avoid double authentication, the problem of
60304 then will be resolved.

Making 60304 depends on the fix of this bug, and change platform from Mac to
Blocks: 60304
OS: MacOS X → All
Hardware: Macintosh → All
Cc to some OJI folks (including myself).

I think this would a good issue we can talk about in our next OJI
*** Bug 136856 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Joe, you are correct, unfortunately we may have to develop independent solutions
for each of the Java plugins, so it may be inappropriate to set the platform of
this bug to all.
Severity: normal → major
Keywords: mozilla1.1
Since Patrick originally conceived this to be a meta bug... Trying to straighten
out some dependencies.
No longer blocks: 113499, 113500
Depends on: 57491
*** Bug 142526 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 123452 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Chris Petersen is a new QA contact for oji component. His email is:
Assignee: beard → petersen
fixing small error for (filter with : SPAMMAILSUCKS)
Assignee: petersen → joe.chou
QA Contact: pmac → petersen
reassign to me
Assignee: joe.chou → joshua.xia
Blocks: 126535
Blocks: 142362
Whiteboard: redesign?
Whiteboard: redesign? → confirm?
Assignee: joshua.xia → kyle.yuan
Assignee: kyle.yuan → nobody
Summary: Need to write protocol handlers that delegate http, https to Mozilla → [META] Need to write protocol handlers that delegate http, https to Mozilla
*** Bug 299123 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
Mass-closing bugs in the "OJI" component: OJI plugin integration was replaced with npruntime long ago, and these bugs appear to be irrelevant now. If there is in fact a real bug that remains, please file it new in the "Core" product, component "Plug-ins".
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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