Closed Bug 23037 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Autofill cannot handle Double byte characters


(Toolkit :: Form Manager, defect, P3)






(Reporter: teruko, Unassigned)


When you type double byte characters in Enter your Wallet Information here page and captured the page, the double byte
characters are not displayed correctly in Safe Form Fill.

Steps of reproduce
1. Go to
2. Type Japanese characters in First Name and Last Name fields
3. Select menu Tasks|My Wallet->Capture Form
4. Enter password for database and enter password again to confirm
5. Select menu Tasks|Safe Form Fill to see the items pre-filed

Japanese characters in Name First and Name Last field of the dialog are displayed as "..."

Tested 1-3-08 Win32, Mac and Linux build.
QA Contact: paulmac → teruko
Target Milestone: M14
teruko will send me information on how I can reproduce this on my machine since
I don't know how to enter or display japanese characters.
Steve, I could not install Grobal IME from http://rocknroll/users/momoi/publish/activeIME/withlgpck/jamondo.exe
in my Winnt 4.0US Service pack 5.  Installer error occurred.

so, I found the workaround.
1. Go to http://jazz/users/teruko/publish/fonts/ie3lpkja.exe and save it to local directory
2. Click ie3lpkja.exe from the local directory you saved to install Japanese fonts and reboot the system
3. Run Communicator 4.x and open Preferences dialog
4. Look at the Appearance| Fonts in Preferences dialog and select For the Encoding to Japanese and Variable Width Font to
   MS Gothic and close the Preferences dialog
5. Open browser from 4.x and go to http://babel/testdata/double_byte/Selected_data_sjis.html
   Now, you can see the Japanese characters correctly.

6. Launch Seamonkey and go to
7. Copy Japanese characters from 4.x to the First Name and Last name field of this page in Seamonkey

You can see Japanese characters in this way.
One correction to the above set of steps (in case anybody else, such as QA,
needs to reproduce it).  The url at babel/testdata is incorrect -- it should
read ".htm" instead of ".html".
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Major surgery required but I believe that wallet and single-signon are now i18n
complient.  Involved changes to 19 files, mostly minor, but substantial changes
were made to two of them -- wallet.cpp and singsign.cpp.
Blocks: 24206
I verified this in 2000011308 Win32, 2000011808 Mac, and 2000011908 Linux build.
No longer blocks: 24206
Assignee: morse → nobody
Product: Core → Toolkit
QA Contact: teruko → form.manager
Target Milestone: M14 → ---
Version: Trunk → unspecified
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