Closed Bug 276412 Opened 20 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Wallet information bar (browsermessage) for login, current credentials and logout


(Toolkit :: Password Manager, enhancement)

Not set





(Reporter: vhaarr+bmo, Unassigned)




I think we should consider the idea given in the above URL.
Please read bug 260839 comment #5 to comment #11 (and perhaps more) for further
This would depend on bug 260839, would it not?
3 words: View > Sidebar > Logins
(And don't forget the toolbar button!)
... Which both, I think, have the lack of discoverability that encourages 
sites to use other login schemes (i.e. cookies) instead.

In bug 260839 the main concern seems to be how to show the bar again once it 
is hidden, on the assumption that it must be hidable to preserve screen real 
estate. But that's a false assumption. I suggest, instead of making it 
hidable, make it scroll as part of the page (just like manually authored 
"log out" links normally do).
(In reply to comment #1)
Not necessarily, but probably :)

(In reply to comment #3)
> ... Which both, I think, have the lack of discoverability that encourages 
> sites to use other login schemes (i.e. cookies) instead.

I agree; but putting an icon in the statusbar seems to be the best solution up
till now. I won't even consider the sidebar proposal.

> hidable, make it scroll as part of the page (just like manually authored 
> "log out" links normally do).

I don't like that. I've yet to see any chrome elements that follow the scrolling
of a page (and scrolling, as we all know, is inherently evil anyway), although
I'm sure some exist.
I thought the problem here was: What UI might we use to allow a user to log out
of a single site considering the user is authenticated at several? The sidebar
seems a logical choice - it's good at showing lists and is always available (the
last trait being handy when you're not staring at a site's "Log Out" button).

If, however, the problem involves logging in, logging out, and having a
symmetrical UI for both, then I suppose the sidebar won't suffice.

At any rate, since I like mpt's idea in general, here's a blue-sky mockup. The
major difference, I suppose, is that the bar "rolls up" instead of using a
straight show/hide approach. Have fun - (hopefully it gets more than "I won't
even consider..." since most input is at least good as a springboard to
something else).
|////////////////// Login Available: Committee Members' Area ///////////// |v||
|////////////////// Login Available: Committee Members' Area ///////////// |^||
|\!/ Site +- Username ----------+ +- Password ----------+ +------+ +-------+-+|
| v  Auth |[gregk            :v]| |[                   ]| |Log In| |Log Out|v||
+---------+|gregorino          |+-+=====================+-+======+-+=======+=++
|///////////////// Logged In: gregk - Committee Members' Area //////////// |^||
|\!/ Site +- Username ----------+ +- Duration ----------+ +------+ +-------+-+|
| v  Auth |[gregk            :v]| |[Browser close    :v]| |Log In| |Log Out|v||
+---------+=====================+-+|Warn on close      |+-+======+-+=======+=++
                                    |1 hour             |
                                    |1 day              |
                                    |1 week             |
                                    | - - - - - - - - - |
                                    |Configure...       | <- Opens pref window?
|///// Logged In: gregk - Committee Members' Area - 7 days remaining ///// |v||
|///// Logged In: gregk - Committee Members' Area - 7 days remaining ///// |^||
|\!/ Site +- Username ----------+ +- Duration ----------+ +------+ +-------+-+|
| v  Auth |[gregk            :v]| |[Browser close    :v]| |Log In| |Log Out|v||
+---------+=====================+-+========================================+ |+
                                                         |This Tab/Window    |
                                    Opens the sidebar -> |Other Login        |
                                                         | - - - - - - - - - |
                                                         |All Logins         |
|LOGINS           (Log Out All)  |
|[-]Currently Viewed Tab/Window: |
|               |
|   Committee Members' Area      |
|   gregk [Log Out]              |
|                                |
|[-]Other Tabs/Windows:          |
|   [-]            |
|      [-]Committee Members' ... |
|         gregorino [Log Out]    |
|      [+]       |
|                                |
|[+]Not Shown In Browser:        |
|   [+]             |
|   [+]more.****.com             |
Sidebar seems to be to hidden for me, also it makes the window much smaller. I
like the status bar way like with pop-ups where you have a menu to choose the
various suppressed windows, here we could list the sites and highlight the
current one.

To refresh this, here are a few ideas for logout button placement. This is for a "permanently" visible item, not a pop-up, sidebar or menu thing.

 - a new button in the PREV/NEXT/STOP/HOME group
It becomes enabled when the user is logged in.

 - status bar
There is plenty of space. The icon can be double width to improve discoverability. Also some kind ob animation or blinking, right after the user logins. Maybe a tooltip baloon for the first time "Click here to logout".
In details :
 - user visits page
 - login dialog appears (BTW, can this be changed to "inline" content, like the new error reports are ? A login dialog popping up for a background tab can be annoying. Also the dialog preventing to switch tabs can too be a problem.)
 - after entering the credentials and clickin OK, the dialog minimizes (animated) into the icon on the status bar. The icon flashes and the mentioned tooltip/baloon appears. With a clickable link to HELP for further information.

 - URL bar
Why cant there be another icon in case of HTTPS ?
Altough I don't think icons belong in the URL bar ...

Another thing: What should happens, when the user closes all instances of the authenticated web site ? Automatically forget the credentials (==log out) ?

Hoping this will make it into v2.0 :-)
Mass edit: Changing QA to default QA Contact
QA Contact: davidpjames → password.manager
Assignee: bryner → nobody
Version: unspecified → Trunk
Part of this is fixed in Firefox 3, which uses a notification bar for saving and changing passwords. The rest of this bug covers ideas similar to the doorhanger UI being considered for the next release, so duping to that.
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
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