Closed Bug 66177 Opened 24 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Auth dialog should be prefilled with username when using http://username@somehost.somedomain


(Core :: Networking: HTTP, enhancement)

Not set





(Reporter: M.Hankus, Unassigned)



(Keywords: helpwanted)

Netscape 4.x has a good feature which is missing in Mozilla. When you enter url 
like, and  host requires authentication
password dialog appears. In Netscape 4.x this dialog had already username filled
in, all yiou had to do was to enter password. This was very usefull when such
url was stored in bookmarks. But now you must reenter username and password.
must be networking, right?
Assignee: hangas → neeti
Component: User Interface: Design Feedback → Networking
Ever confirmed: true
OS: other → All
QA Contact: mpt → tever
Hardware: PC → All
Summary: Password dialog with prefilled username → RFE: Auth dialog should be prefilled with username when using http://username@somehost.somedomain
Changing component to HTTP
Assignee: neeti → darin
Blocks: 61681
Component: Networking → Networking: HTTP
Target Milestone: --- → Future
*** Bug 114254 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 139851 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
In the dup bug I filed, bug 139851, I suggested this should happen for FTP also.
 I notice this bug is under Networking::HTTP.  Would the work done in
Networking::HTTP get us FTP support too?
nope, this bug would have to be solved individually for FTP.
*** Bug 166649 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 196090 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 202544 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
QA Contact: tever → httpqa
Rather than open a new bug, and based on comments I've seen in other bugs, this
is the "base bug."

Usernames and Passwords are not properly transmitted by Mozilla if the URL
contains a cgi query. I have seen this in 1.4 (on Windows 2000 and Linux) and
now 1.5 (Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20031024
Debian/1.5-2). AFAICT, Mozilla is not remembering the username:password pair and


1. Go to site that requires authentication, and use username/password in URL:

2. The attempt to get some_page.html will be successful.

3. Attempt to click on link on some_page.html. This will work.

4. Attempt to click on a page with a CGI URL that ends in the form "cgi?data". I
get a dialogue box asking for the username/password.

I postulate some wacky interaction  between the CGI query form of the URL and
the "get username/password and send it again" section of the code.
Summary: RFE: Auth dialog should be prefilled with username when using http://username@somehost.somedomain → Auth dialog should be prefilled with username when using http://username@somehost.somedomain
There are two problematic areas here:
1. Necko doesn't remember the username. The code is at
It clears the authentry if it couldn't log on with it. By doing that, it forgets
the username. so it doesn't hand the username to the promt

2. wallet tries to get the username + password from the saved data. After doing
that, i copies over the username strings even if there was no stored username.
So, the username won't appear in the dialog.
Keywords: helpwanted
(In reply to comment #11)
> There are two problematic areas here:

isn't the main problem that nsIAuthPrompt has no way to pass in a username to
fill into the dialog?
Assignee: darin → nobody
I took a gander at the source for the Necko/Moz API a couple years back trying to figure out a solution... it indeed seemed to be an overwhelming task to figure it out -- this feature (pre-filling the username) (standard syntax and behavor in other agents) seems so simple after all..

The orginal authors would probably do 2-10 time better figuring this out than I (or most outsiders?)... have they moved on to other things, or?
bug 265780, which this bug depends on, will make this pretty easy, I believe.
Firefox no longer prompts for the user and password if you pass them on the URL, it just asks for confirmation, and has been like this for a while.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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