Closed Bug 75783 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Page with two passwords runs into password caching problems during Form Submission


(Core :: Networking: HTTP, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: arun, Assigned: darin.moz)




The above URL is where the Nevada Media Directory makes its homepage.  It offers
a service accessible after authenticating with two different passwords.  The
2001041104 build of Mozilla exhibits problems submitting both of them correctly.
 Here are specific details:

1. Go to above URL
2. Click on the 'Produce Fax List' link in the right hand area (with a red
"Subscribers Log In" sign).
3. This takes you to OwlNetworks Nevada Media Directory Page.
4. Please fill in all fields of the form identifying yourself. If you wish, you
can just use 'Arun' on all the fields, entering '' for the
e-mail address.
5. Now you are prompted to enter your first password.  This password is for
logging in.  This password is *523nts
6. On 2001041104, you may get an error page.  Click back and resubmit the form.
7. Now you're in a search page.  Select some category to search, e.g. select
'MA' in the top most box to search for magazines.
8. Now you'll be prompted for your search password.  This is *nts523
9. Expected Result: You get a page displaying search results.
   Actual Result: You get an error because there's a problem submitting the
second password.
NOTES: A detailed breakdown of behavior on other browsers soon to follow.
Breakdown of other behaviors:
1. Communicator 4.76: The behavior is that after you submit the first password,
then go on to the 'Search' page, and submit the 'Search' page form, you get an
"Authorization Failed.  Retry?" dialog box.  Clicking OK lets you enter the
second password and then things work normally.
2. IE 5.0: You submit the first form to log in, and then in order to search need
to submit a valid search password (the second password).  This is IMHO correct
behavior unless there's a violation of HTTP/1.1 taking place here.
3. Netscape 6 -- After submitting the first password, Netscape 6 attempts to
re-submit the first password again, resulting in an error page.  Note that this
is distinct from the behavior of 2001041104.

I'd like to see this for 0.9, since you can see that the above URL doesn't carry
a welcoming message for Mozilla based browsers.
OS: other → All
Eric, I am not sure if this is yours or not
Assignee: rods → pollmann
This looks like an http authentication problem, handing to http gurus.
Sounds like a dup of bug 44536..
Assignee: pollmann → darin
Component: Form Submission → Networking: HTTP
Keywords: mozilla0.9
i'm marking this as a dependency of bug 76866... i am reworking http auth on that
branch, and so i suspect that this bug will get resolved when that branch lands.
Depends on: 76866
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.1
most of this bug was solved when the http branch landed.  the only remaining
issue is covered by bug 44536.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 44536 ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
verifying per developer's coments
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