If that happens, that means the website doesn't set `mozPreservesPitch`, or it only set `preservesPitch`. There is an attribute used to control the pitch when changing the playback rate, which historically has different prefix, `mozPreservesPitch` and `webkitPreservesPitch`. That attirbute was recently unified by `preservesPitch` and Firefox hasn't changed that. Unprefix `mozPreservesPitch` would be done in bug 1652950. The easiest way to fix it by youself is to set `video.mozPreservesPitch = true` on the video you're watching if the website doesn't do that. Considering this is a website issue, and now Youtube did set `mozPreservesPitch` correctly. I will close this bug. For unprefix issue, please follow bug 1652950.
Bug 1383363 Comment 40 Edit History
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If that happens, that means the website doesn't set `mozPreservesPitch`, or it only set `preservesPitch`. There is an attribute on `HTMLMediaElement` used to control the pitch when changing the playback rate, which historically has different prefix, `mozPreservesPitch` and `webkitPreservesPitch`. That attirbute was recently unified by `preservesPitch` and Firefox hasn't changed that yet. Unprefix `mozPreservesPitch` would be done in bug 1652950. The easiest way to fix it by youself is to set `video.mozPreservesPitch = true` on the video you're watching if the website doesn't do that. Considering this is a website issue, and now Youtube did set `mozPreservesPitch` correctly. I will close this bug. For unprefix issue, please follow bug 1652950.
If that happens, that means the website doesn't set `mozPreservesPitch`, or it only set `preservesPitch`. There is an attribute on `HTMLMediaElement` used to control the pitch when changing the playback rate, which historically has different prefix, `mozPreservesPitch` and `webkitPreservesPitch`. That attirbute was recently unified by `preservesPitch` and Firefox hasn't changed that yet. Unprefix `mozPreservesPitch` will be done in bug 1652950. The easiest way to fix it by youself is to set `video.mozPreservesPitch = true` on the video you're watching if the website doesn't do that. Considering this is a website issue, and now Youtube did set `mozPreservesPitch` correctly. I will close this bug. For unprefix issue, please follow bug 1652950.