I notice that both intermittents timeout while waiting for service workers to unregister after calling `worker.terminate()`. Andrew, I guess this needs more investigation in [WorkerDebuggerManager.cpp](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/dom/workers/WorkerDebuggerManager.cpp), but from what you know about workers, is there anything that might be different with QuantumRender enabled? (If no one has time to investigate the issue in WorkerDebuggerManager.cpp, the best option here and in Bug 1244409 will be to skip the tests on QR platforms)
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I notice that both intermittents timeout while waiting for workers to unregister after calling `worker.terminate()`. Andrew, I guess this needs more investigation in [WorkerDebuggerManager.cpp](https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/dom/workers/WorkerDebuggerManager.cpp), but from what you know about workers, is there anything that might be different with QuantumRender enabled? (If no one has time to investigate the issue in WorkerDebuggerManager.cpp, the best option here and in Bug 1244409 will be to skip the tests on QR platforms)