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Bug 146259 Comment 15 Edit History
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I addressed the issue of the composition window about 2 months ago. Basically, my concern was not about making the product look like Outlook (why would you want to do that; among other things outlook makes it difficult to send a "bcc" email and thus novice users can't find the "bcc" option). The bug I reported is here: Font for Entering Email Addresses is Too Small bug 214766 To sum up, my email focuses on some accessibility concerns; and also a "power user" concern. The work that I do involves teaching nonprofits how to send out email to large lists, and the Thunderbird user interface now uses too much screen real estate with the separate "reply-to" address, and is kind of cumbersome if you want to put in large numbers of email addresses in the "cc" or "bcc" line. Perhaps the two bugs should be merged and the title should be renamed "Mail Compose Window Needs a Facelift" or something like that. -rich