Right now XrayWaiver (note: _not_ XrayWaiverWrapper) wrappers are same-compartment and same-realm with their target. The latter is relied on to have them act with the target's principals. In the multiple-realms-per-compartment world, we could make them same-realm with the target, but that involves a bit of nasty work on FixWaiverAfterTransplant and probably some extra GC integration complexity. Or we can just allow them to be same-compartment but not same-realm (due to transplants), and enter the target's realm before calling on to it. Bobby prefers the latter option.
Bug 1526624 Comment 0 Edit History
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Right now XrayWaiver (note: _not_ XrayWaiverWrapper) wrappers are same-compartment and same-realm with their target. The latter is relied on to have them act with the target's principals. In the multiple-realms-per-compartment world, we could make them same-realm with the target, but that involves a bit of nasty work on FixWaiverAfterTransplant. Or we can just allow them to be same-compartment but not same-realm (due to transplants), and enter the target's realm before calling on to it. Bobby prefers the latter option.