QA steps: 1) about:config and reset `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.rec.impressions` so it's `{}` (from a clean profile, the default `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.config` with basic is fine) 2) open a new tab and note what's the first 2 stories shown 3) check that the pref from step 1 is no longer just `{}` and is probably something like `{"31647":1550280066605,"33861":1550280066607,"33863":1550280066606}` 4) change clock to be 2 hours later 5) restart firefox 6) initial home page probably is still showing the same stories 7) refresh the page and at least 2 new stories should be shown 8) similar to checking the pref in step 3 but there's more entries Might be good to copy/paste the values from step 3 and 8 to report back
Bug 1527702 Comment 3 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
QA steps: 1) about:config and reset `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.rec.impressions` so it's `{}` (from a clean profile, the default `browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.discoverystream.config` with basic is fine) 2) open a new tab and note what's the first 2 stories shown 3) check that the pref from step 1 is no longer just `{}` and is probably something like `{"31647":1550280066605,"33861":1550280066607,"33863":1550280066606}` 4) change clock to be 2 hours later 5) restart firefox 6) initial home page probably is still showing the same stories (as it'll show cached stories while fetching the new ones) 7) refresh the page and at least 2 new stories should be shown 8) similar to checking the pref in step 3 but there's more entries Might be good to copy/paste the values from step 3 and 8 to report back