In Bug 1525505, we fixed the issue of calling JSScript::Create with a bogus SSO. I believe that now that this is done, the best fix for this recordreplay bug is to simply move the |TrackRecordReplayProgress| flag to be a MutableFlag. The JSScript::Create function will compute the flag based on the SSO each time, and it will not be unnecessarily copied by XDR. I'd like to maintain that ImmutableFlags are flags that are XDR-safe and be part of the input of an eventual pure parsing function. In Bug 1525924, I've reworked the XDRScript code. In Bug 1528964, I've reworked the CopyScript code. Brain, with Bug 1525502, does simply changing TrackRecordReplayProgress to MutableFlags fix the bug?
Bug 1528320 Comment 8 Edit History
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In Bug 1525505, we fixed the issue of calling JSScript::Create with a bogus SSO. I believe that now that this is done, the best fix for this recordreplay bug is to simply move the |TrackRecordReplayProgress| flag to be a MutableFlag. The JSScript::Create function will compute the flag based on the SSO each time, and it will not be unnecessarily copied by XDR. I'd like to maintain that ImmutableFlags are flags that are XDR-safe and be part of the input of an eventual pure parsing function. In Bug 1525924, I've reworked the XDRScript code. In Bug 1528964, I've reworked the CopyScript code.