(In reply to Wolasi from comment #4) > Once all stories have been dismissed a message should be displayed telling the user to check again later for new stories. > > **Spec** > https://www.figma.com/file/0xZkmT86rSXbGRB4eIvrn0ts/New-Tab-Spec-for-Fx-v68?node-id=91%3A12 what happens if there are no stories to show under multiple components e.g. Health and Witness in attached spec, do we show message for each component?
Bug 1529983 Comment 5 Edit History
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(In reply to Wolasi from comment #4) > Once all stories have been dismissed a message should be displayed telling the user to check again later for new stories. > > **Spec** > https://www.figma.com/file/0xZkmT86rSXbGRB4eIvrn0ts/New-Tab-Spec-for-Fx-v68?node-id=91%3A12 what happens if there are no stories to show under multiple components e.g. Health and Fitness in attached spec, do we show message for each component?