Bug 1536867 Comment 0 Edit History

Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.

With both of these issues an exception is thrown when the selector is clicked for editing. The error message is fixed by bug 1536819.

I suspect that these are both the same issue so I am logging them both in one bug.

### Issue 1 STR

1. Open https://google.co.uk
2. Right-click and inspect the logo.
3. In the rule view click on the `body` selector and change it to something like `booody`.
4. Click somewhere to blur the editor.

A phantom background property appears inside the rule (it doesn't matter what you change the selector to).

### Issue 2 STR

1. Open https://google.co.uk
2. Right-click and inspect the logo.
3. In the rule view click on the `body, html` selector and change it to something like `booody, html`.
4. Click somewhere to blur the editor.
5. Now change the selector back to `body, html`.

The rule becomes dimmed as if it doesn't match anything.
### STR

1. Open https://google.co.uk
2. Right-click and inspect the logo.
3. In the rule view click on the `body` selector and change it to something like `booody`.
4. Click somewhere to blur the editor.

A phantom background property appears inside the rule (it doesn't matter what you change the selector to).

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