Note that font inflation is disabled by default (since bug 1127441) because it's not clear it's a net win, as described in that bug. So, unless that changes, this is probably pretty low-priority. If this is blocking you from proceeding with the `patch_add_display_inline_block.txt` approach on some other bug, I'd suggest doing the following 2 things: (1) Annotating input-text-1-noheight.html as failing, with a mention of this bug number in a comment alongside it (2) Creating a copy of that test (maybe named e.g. `input-text-1-inline-noheight.html`) with an additional **explicit** `display:inline` on the input element. This version presumably would still pass, and would continue to serve the regression-testing purpose that the testcase currently serves.
Bug 1540176 Comment 2 Edit History
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Note that font inflation is disabled by default (since bug 1127441) because it's not clear it's a net win, as described in that bug. So, unless that changes, this is probably pretty low-priority. If this is blocking you from proceeding with the `patch_add_display_inline_block.txt` approach on some other bug, I'd suggest doing the following 2 things: (1) Annotating `input-text-1-noheight.html` as failing in reftest.list, with a mention of this bug number in a comment alongside the annotation. (2) Creating a copy of that test (maybe named e.g. `input-text-1-inline-noheight.html`) with an additional **explicit** `display:inline` on the input element. This version presumably would still pass, and would continue to serve the regression-testing purpose that the testcase currently serves.